[iippo]'s diary

1083987  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-24
Written: (5583 days ago)
Next in thread: 1084029, 1084065

Blessings And Cursings of Having a Computer at Home, issue 1.

Welcome to the first issue of Blessings And Cursings of Having a Computer at Home.

The first blessing is http://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=1486
The cursing that goes with this first blessing is that I now have all the win things of the world at my fingertips (lolcats, xkcd etc...) and as such, they don't update quite frequently enough for my newly-found speed. Before days, maybe even weeks would pass between my visits to these win things, and therefore on my spar moments when I did visit them, I could really indulge and immerse myself. But no such luck when you check them every five minutes. So you need options. And one option is randoming. So I randomed in xkcd and came across his parody of the Dinosaur Comic, and there and then I remembered that the dinosaur comic is awesomely cool, and went to read that instead. But of course I haven't read much of it, so hours were easily spent reading it (backwards, too, so the arching storylines don't make much sense). But then I came across the strip linked above. Which is seriously webcomic netart. The coolest thing ever seen in the webcomic genre, I swear. It's groundbreaking (unless someone else has done it before, in which case... well it's still groundbreaking for me, since I'm seeing it for the first time).

The second blessing is <URL:stuff/toomuchmontypython.jpg> which I made for the Comic Workshop. The cursing that goes with that one is that I haven't done much actual PS-drawing in ages and my hands are freezing (because my house is always freezing) and therefore the drawing itself isn't particularly good. But I thought it was a funny idea.

Well, I'll see you in next issue (if it happens, probably won't).

1083912  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-23
Written: (5583 days ago)

Today is a special day. I have internet. At my house. :O :D

A friend of mine gifted me with an old G4 Mac tower, and other old, temperamental bits to go with it, together to compile what we commonly call a computer. Well, gift isn't exactly the most accurate of terms, loan is more like it, seeing as I will only need/use it til September ayway, and then will give it back to him. But that does mean that this summer there will be an iippo. No excuses. So much rejoicing took place.

Another friend gifted me with a Nintendo DS, which also means that much time shall be wasted on Pokemans :D So if said iippo seems distracted and then bursts into swearing violently, it might be because her pokeman failed (or it's the tourette's flaring up).

To be fair, the computer is mainly to help me work on the project I'm doing for the friend who gave it me, so how much anything will happen there, who knows. But it does also mean that the BBC iPlayer is now a serious attention grabber in my life, possibly. Especially if I figure out how to get it to show me fast cars (yes, Formula 1 has conned me into thinking that seeing impossible little vehicles going around in a circle is exciting. Plus it'd make talking to A. a little easier, having actually seen what I'm pretending to know what I'm talking about :P).

And yes, the gifting friend loaded it with all sorts of delightful programmes, like Flash and Photoshop et al. :3 I have lost all reason to go outside my house, bar library and printing. Please send foods.

In other updates, not much going with mission preparation, and on Saturday I'm going to dress up as Jessica Rabbit and sing on stage. Yes, it will be videoed. And, err... you might see that, might not. >_>

1081364  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-06-04
Written: (5603 days ago)

I'm still waiting for that feeling to come.

I did a 'Which Tom Waits Are You' -quiz on Facebook:
You are the Ambitious Traveling Pirate/Internationally Misunderstood Genius Tom Waits! You have a craving for radical storytelling and worldly instrumentation! You're in the blooming moment of your prime. Everyone might not understand you currently, but everything you touch will be considered gold in the future. You really can do whatever you want right now: grunt about pirates or dwarfs, sell songs to Rod Stewart, or write a concept album and play about a down-on-his-luck accordion player! Your albums are "Swordfishtrombones", "Rain Dogs", "Frank's Wild Years", and "Big Time".

Well, in other news, I may have started an art collection. A very specific one. I collect a very specific size (I haven't measured yet, roughly the size of an LP sleeve) artist prints - y'know, etchings, aquatints, woodcuts etc... Old-fashioned printing techniques. I have two (three if you count the scrap paper I stole from the typography room and cut to the correct shape - it has to test-prints of the text 'support our turbines' and some mess). One is an image of a lock and key (I bought that at the art school auction last year), and the other I bought yesterday at the degree show, it has this kind of grid with trees (every other tree has leaves, every other one doesn't) and in the last square of the grid there is a couple. :3 So pretty.

And now I will tell you of the other things I saw in the degree show. It was pretty good.
So there was this series of etchings by a Fine Art+Illustration students about love life (one of which I bought). Very delicate and beautiful (I should take a photo of it and show you). There was a lot of cut paper -art, one of which was sort of layered to make this very map-like structures. They were placed on plinths (so you looked at them from above) and some were lit from below (I preferred the ones that weren't). -> http://www.stephaniehesketh.co.uk/ One was this installation, very surrealism inspired. The space was done like a room, with wall paper and floor painted different. There were these chairs with really long slender legs (think Salvador Dali's long-legged elephants) and teacups with hair placed all over everywhere, and drawings and glass prints pinned to the walls (not at normal exhibition height, but at various heights). http://www.joanne-baker.co.uk/ One had these prints with text sort of burnt to the paper, and also text burnt/printed to feathers. One guy had done these paintings that were sort of one image but different areas of it were done in different imaging ways (so a picture of a person with half done in X-ray mode, half done in infra-red/heatcam, square areas of the image here and there done in normal viewing, with words nd information about the subject written on the paintings. Were much win, but I really liked the couple smaller ones he'd done of objects: a clock, a lava-lamp and something else that had a motor of some sorts. And those canvasses had little perspex boxes attached to the sides that had a part of the object in question in the box. I really wanted to buy one of those little ones, but they were like £100 each, and I just can't afford stuff like that. Maybe it if was closer to £50 I would have forked it over, but as it is, hundred pounds for student work - nah. And then probably my favourite was this typographical work, which was taking at its base the phrase 'the despairing self is constantly building nothing...' (Kierkegaard quote) And there were letters that had been laser-cut from some black stuff, piled on the floor to make an incoherent phrase, and these prints, iterations, in the back, where every letter of the whole text/quote was printed on top of each other, so the first print had the letters from the first word, the second print had the letters of the first two words, third first three etc... I thought it was absolutely brilliant. And there was one media arts-y piece with strobe lights flashing behind a screen on which was projected films, and there was music... It was to do with this artist who had a degrading eye sight, and apparently constantly sees everything with flashing lights in his peripheral vision. So I thought that was quite impressive, literally sharing with the audience how he sees the world. Obviously it was very much instant epilepsy -type of thing, and you couldn't stay for very long. But it was good. I also did go through the graphic design and illustration exhibitions too. GD was really good, lots of really creative, smart adverts etc... They had a really good year. Illustration didn't have anything I particularly loved, and I didn't go to any of the other floors (I didn't go to basement because I was afraid of running into someone I don't want to run into - which is a shame because the basement is the sculpture exhibition).

1081024  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-06-01
Written: (5606 days ago)
Next in thread: 1081049

I am back.

Friday was my last day of work. That means that from now til September my days are filled with 'preparing' for the mission (read: sweet idleness and arty indulgence of every kind). So a return to Elftown and all things internetty and geeky (including the last season of Battlestar Galactica out on DVD today, which I will buy for my ginger friend and watch it with him). Speaking of my ginger friend, he's moving into my house in July! :D I'll have him as a housemate for two months! Perfection <3 <3 The French Occupation will come to an end!

So yas, my last day, let me show you it. I got the mission call on thursday night, so on Friday morning I burst into the office, floating three feet above ground and went around announcing it to everyone. The entire day was filled with buzzing, they'd got me cake and the coolest ever farewell-card in the universe. They also gave me a gift-card for Bhs to buy missionary garb with (the guidelines how missionaries should dress are really... just really. Conservative is the most descriptive word I can think of right now. And while I have a really old-fashioned taste, it's old-fashioned in a slightly different sense :P) And they presented me the cards with everybody gathered around and made me do a little talk and stuff. And someone stole a little desk-flag of Sweden from upstairs and put it up on my desk (he put it at half-mast, and this other woman kept walking past and putting it up, and so it went back and forth :P) And I just felt so loved and missed there. It's brilliant to know that I have a lot of friends in that office.

I also had an exit interview with the head of HR, which was really nice and basically said "when you come back, and if the hiring freeze is over, you should come back." And I'm actually considering it as a serious alternative. For, as much as I dream of working for university and being a lecturer, a university as an employer is a very different beast to the academic institution of university. And the church office work is wonderful in the sense that you are helping build the kingdom of God, which is what I want to do more than anything else. But obviously I can't stop doing art. That drive is inside me and needs to be channeled to creative oustings otherwise something else might happen that wouldn't be so good. But at the same time I'm not interested in pursuing a career in art, because I don't want it to become a job. And on the other other hand if I'd be able to somehow merge the creative talent and church employment, that would be a dream come true (there is nothing I want more than to be involved in the building of temples. Somehow, anyhow). <insert a minor head'splosion here> I'mma gonna stop thinking about all that now. I have 18 months of not-thinking-about-that ahead of me.

So anyway. When the last day ended I had decided a long time ago that I would walk back home from work. Now the office is in a different town, about 20 miles away, and the roads are country lanes, some going though villages, and then the A45 dual carriage way (but that has a small path on the side, so it's not too bad). The scariest bit was in the country lanes when there was literally no ledge. At that point I was so afraid that I'd get ran over (the speed limits on country lanes are really low, but people don't keep to them because it's fun to go fast on them - but you can't see far ahead because the road is curvy...) that I ran. Almost peed myself, I must admit, I was that afraid. But the rest of it went well, really monotonous, lot of time to think and come to conclusions (most of which I've forgotten by now I'm afraid). It took me six hours in total, so I was home at 10pm. I'm glad I did it, but I don't think I'll want to do an uber-walk like that anytime in the future again. It's better when you wonder around (and do the majority of walking in the daytime) and don't have a set goal. This walk ended up being more about the destination than the journey, and in the general grand scheme of things, 6 hours is a rather short walk for me (admittedly I was totally nackered by the end of it, but I had been at work all day, so it wasn't all walk-tired).


Drag Me To Hell review
Went to see it Saturday. It was an actual proper date (which are rare in this country/culture where people really suck at dating) with a guy from work, and it was a lot of win :3 And then on Sunday I got a wedding-date invite, which is even much more of win ^_^

1080724  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-05-29
Written: (5609 days ago)
Next in thread: 1080731, 1080845, 1081149, 1083165

Mission call arrived yesterday: I'm going to the Stockholm Sweden Mission, in 4th of September. :D :D :D *insert every kind of emotion and a little tiny implosion here*

1079668  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-05-20
Written: (5618 days ago)

Today is another day off work (they made me use up all my annual leave before I finish, even though I didn't really want to as I felt kinda guilty over taking so much time off at Christmas time to go see my family and spend my last Christmas before my mission with them, even though I hadn't at the time yet earned that annual leave which I used, since you only earn like 1.75 days per month, and I hadn't even been there for a whole month at the time) so I'm at uni. My lecturer said he would e-mail his current students to let them know I'd come to uni today, that I'd be available to help with Experimental Practice presentation (which take place tomorrow) but nobody has come for that purpose (some people have been around but not for that) and it seems very much that that e-mail was never sent. So I am alone in the lab, working on my project (which I do need to tell you guys about, since I'm slowly getting a little bit excited about it) and listening to TED-talks on YouTube (the project I'm working on is done in Flash, and Flash can be a very mind-numbing programme to use). So I'm link-hopping on YouTube. I wanted to listen to inspiring academic lectures, and have at the end of every video just clicked on an interesting-sounding related video, and that has got me to this:
It's a sort of a stand-up comedy about aliens, but also a touching tale of human relationships told through anecdotes ("close encounters"). I really enjoyed it, and thought I'd share. Now I move on to the next related video.

Except that I'll tell you about this project. The university is building a big multi-layer carpark behind the library. Car parks tend to be uninteresting architectural elements even at the best of times, so they have decided to stick a giant low-res LED screen on it. It's a pretty cool thingie actually, and the screen is controlled by a software that can be downloaded from the internet. You slap some media (pictures or video) into this software, and it translates it as closely as possible into LED light display. I've been involved in this for some reason (the reason being: I love my lecturer so much that I would do anything for him) even though my interest in LED is very limited (I'm a tungsten kinda gal). But all along I've been involved saying "some very interesting things could be done with this" and "if something was made specifically for this screen, it might potentially be very interesting". I've been saying this stuff to the point that my teacher said "make something specifically to the screen". So that's what I'm doing.

Now, I live in Coventry, UK. It's not a particularly remarkable place, it was bombed flat in WWII and as a result is in some circles a symbol for reconciliation alongside with Dresden; Lady Godiva is from Coventry, as is Saint George; it's been famous in different times in history for the colour blue (nobody else knew how to dye cloth blue like some monks in Coventry did - and now that knowledge is lost and that colour of blue cannot be achieved anymore and it is lost forever), for watchmakers, weavers, for car industry, for bicycles, for aeroplanes, etc... Coventry Cathedral was destroyed in the war, and they built a new one next to the ruins, which is sort of a tribute to modernism of the time (40s-50s etc). And it has this tapestry, Christ in Glory, instead of a stained-glass window. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Graham_Sutherland_Tapestry_-Coventry_Cathedral.jpg So as this LED screen is oblong and unlike a normal screen, it made me think of a tapestry, and the connection came. So I'm making this LEDed version of the Christ in Glory tapestry, that will be animated to be woven and unwoven on this LED screen.

1079532  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-05-19
Written: (5619 days ago)
Next in thread: 1079536, 1079570, 1079601, 1079831

Yesterday I was going home from work. I left the office and went to the bus stop and waited around. It was raining. Usually my boss (not the one who I fancy, a different one :P) catches the same bus, but he wasn't there yet. The bus was a little late. When it came around the roundabout, I hailed it, and as it stopped I saw my boss on the other side of the road. I saw him see the bus, and start running. So as I stepped onto the bus I asked the bus driver to wait for that man (who was quickly crossing the dual carriage way) as he wanted the bus also. Now this is a bus that comes every half an hour, and the journey to where we want to go (the airport/train station) is 20 minutes long. When I expressed my request, the bus driver said 'no, we're already late'. I was so taken aback by the idea that he thought standing still for about 30 seconds for my boss to get on the bus was unreasonable. Amusingly enough, I was so taken aback that I literally took a step back - obstructing the doors of the bus, and I took hold of the handle of the door. So I stammered something along the lines of 'but he's right there' - all the while my boss is bolting across the dual carriage way to the bus stop. My unintentional stalling tactics did the trick and my boss got on the bus and I moved on inside the bus (as the bus driver said something along the lines of the 'step away from the door' and 'could get shot'). I went to stand stupidly in the middle of this jam packed bus, shaking, trying to figure out what had just happened, while my boss bolted to the upstairs of the double-decker to find a seat. I came to enough to realise that I might be able to sit down upstairs (and also hide away from the busdriver - for some reason the whole episode had made me terrified of something), so I went up too. I was shaking and trembling all the journey long.

So. Why was I so taken aback? Why was I so scared afterwards?

First one, I think is much to do with the way I assume that everything I think is obvious. I don't think I have unusual thoughts, I don't think that anything that I understand is complicated for anybody to understand (if I could figure it out, surely anybody can?) - I think that everything is obvious. And not once does it fail to make me utterly baffled when it turns out that it's not like that. I think that everybody wants the world to be a better place. And because I want the world to be a better place, I want to help other people as much as I can, because the world itself is too big to be helped so focusing on helping individuals is a more attainable and rewarding activity. So I think that everybody else wants to help other people too. So when the bus driver - a person employed to serve the public - says he thinks it more important to drive on as quickly as possible, leaving somebody waiting for the next bus that isn't due for another half an hour, than waiting a split moment for someone who is running for the bus -- well, that leaves me flabbergasted.

Second one, I'm not so much baffled by the fact that I was scared - I'm scared most of the time, by things that excite me and interest me, by people I know and love and adore and respect, and by situations that are familiar and comfortable. Fear just kind of works for me, it makes me do things, it stops me from doing other things, it motivates (though sometimes it cripples)... I operate with constant fear, and that's fine. But why was it so delayed? Maybe I'm really slow on my reactions, that is possible, and it was just my regular fear kicking in with a delay. But this fear was different. It wasn't like my usual fear. So I am baffled here also.

How something so small and insignificant can cause such a tumultuous brain-process over such a long time... I'm sure there's a defective (observe the use of one of my new favourite words, courtecy of Meatloaf and Life Is a Lemon and I Want My Money Back) chip inside my brain there somewhere... How much is lobotomy these days?

Still no mission call. Been on edge all day. I'm going straight home from work today to wash laundry, and to receive a visit from my home teachers later tonight - if the call isn't there waiting for me when I get home, look out in tomorrow's headlines for: "Housemate finds woman dead in living room. Detectives suspect spontaneous head'splosion."

1079123  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-05-15
Written: (5623 days ago)

Still no mission call.

I know my diaries have recently been very 'amg I'm going on a mission' -focused, and I came across this page that explains pretty clearly what exactly that is. So for your benefit, while you wait for me to get back get on with your lives while I get on with mine, here's a link to a thing:


In art news, I've been to uni a couple times, and it's exactly the way I left it, and I love it and miss it so much. And I'm doing a project for my teacher, that might become a public art -type of commission thingie. :3 Exciting.

1077517  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-05-04
Written: (5634 days ago)
Next in thread: 1077525, 1077610

I was thinking about the last Sunday before I go on my mission. I know how all this run-up-to-the-mission -thing works, so I know I'll have to give a talk in church on my last Sunday, and that I'll be asked to pick a hymn or I'll get to ask the choir sing for my farewell, etc... So I was thinking what would I pick. The very first one I ever thought I'd pick was 219 'Because I Have Been Given Much' - which is Marc's favourite hymn - but we sing it all the time, and Ray is pretty fed up with it. It does have a really appropriate sentiment "because I have given much I too must give" the sort of idea that you get blessings and you in turn bless others, which is what the mission is about. But because we do sing it all the time, it makes it lose meaning. So I've been thinking of alternatives.
There's a bunch of really missionary-themed hymns, but I'm strangely averse to them - like "Called to Serve" is the missionary hymn. And I don't like it very much. There does seem to be a huge tendency to sing the bigger number hymns in the book more often, like around the 200s. I prefer the little numbers. So I was flicking through the hymnbook yesterday because I was bored, and a couple stood out to me as interesting: 8 "Awake and Arise", 9 "Come, Rejoice" and 28 "Saint, Behold How Great Jehovah". They're all restoration hymns rather than strictly speaking missionary/service ones. I haven't heard 8 or 28 before. The words to Awake and Arise are really nice though, and it's sung 'Brightly' and one of the scripture references is Doctrine and Covenants 133:7-10 which is win, not only because it's leet :P Come, Rejoice is a lovely, bright tune. We don't sing it very often, but when I was picking it out on the uke, I did recognise it. The last line of every verse has my favourite word 'hosanna' on it. :D Also it references Doctrine and Covenants 29:4 'Ye are chosen out of the world to declare my gospel with the sound of rejoicing, as with the voice of a trump' which is very missionary-appropriate. 28, 'Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah' I also haven't heard before, but as I played it on the uke it's really a lovely little tune, about restoration and gathering, which is what missionaries talk about. It too references D&C 133, verses 37-38. (I'm liking that chapter of D&C at the moment).

There's a whole bunch of other hymns that would be appropriate too, but I think I'm leaning towards 9 Come Rejoice. It's the hosannas that do it for me :) I might even call it my favourite hymn from now on.

Anyhoo, I was thinking of the other last Sunday stuff too. Like what I'd say in my talk... Mention having watched David and Chris, Claire, Pun, Guy, Joe, Alex etc... all go ahead to their missions and leaving me behind, striving to follow their example. How observing them has made me familiar with the leaving-side of the mission, what it's like to those who stay, what it's like on the build-up to the departure (the preparation, filling the papers, the farewell, the last Sunday, the setting apart, the begging for letters... :P) So I've been able to think of all that and plan all that (because I don't have family in the church who'd plan that for me, I have to take care of it myself). And all that has kept my mind busy enough to not start thinking about what's beyond what I've seen my friends do: the actual leaving, going away, not knowing where and with who, not seeing the people I love for a really long time... I'm a natural born worryer, and most things in life make me scared - even good things. So all this run up to the going on mission has let me not-focus on the scary bits, has let me look at the process step at a time: get the papers, get the medical sorted, get the interviews done, get the call, prepare to go, get my stuff sorted, get my family sorted etc... It's all to stop me from going "holy crap, this is scary and I don't want to do it" - because I do want to do it.

Of course I wouldn't say it like that, and the example of friends would be a very small part of the whole talk. But I'd like to mention it.

1077259  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-05-01
Written: (5636 days ago)
Next in thread: 1077269, 1077277


Why didn't I think of this? :D WIN!

1076182  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-04-25
Written: (5643 days ago)
Next in thread: 1076197, 1076241


I wish I replied to blogs.

Chez Silvie this weekend. :3 Win.

PopTart experiments went well and the French are leaving in a month :D Sweet. I am expanding the field of experiments in terms of flavours (chocolate you say?) and subjects (Silvie and co).

I had an idea last night after I'd gone to sleep (fortunately I remember what it is now afterwards, because I couldn't get up to find a pen and paper). It's a writing commission opportunity thing for collaborative work. I need short (or long) pieces of text for an internet art piece about men. So I need texts about
-father / dad
-sibling's godfather
-cousin's husband
-male teacher in primary school (y'know, when you were a kid under 12)
-guy you had a crush on in primary school
-punk you had a crush on (secondary school or later)
-guy you were in love with but nothing even happened
-guy you knew in high school who has died since
-a poetic guy you had a crush on
-a metal head/rocker guy you had a crush on
-chinese/Japanese guy you had a crush on
-first boyfriend
-first proper boyfriend (ie. lasted a long time)
-your boyfriend's best mate
-boyfriend you broke up with in such a mess that you couldn't be friends afterwards
-gay friend
-friend from university
-artist friend
-guy both you and your friend fancied at the same time
-Welsh friend
-Norwegian friend
-Iranian friend
-designer friend
-commie friend
-lecturer in university
-one of the other male members of staff in university
-your best friend's boyfriend
-your depressed friend
-your geek friend
-a male friend who is younger than you
-male friend who is older than you
-the guy you made a pact with that if neither of you were married by a certain age, you'd marry each other
-dear friend from the opposite continent (so if you live in Europe, a friend from Americas andvice versa)
-friend you met on the internet
-husband of a dear friend of yours
-the guy you thought you'd marry
-the guy you want to marry
-music geek friend
-sporty friend
-guy you fancied who has since married
-your boss
-guy you worked with who has since retired
-eccentric friend
-movie buff friend
-actor/singer friend
-Geordie friend :P
-Scottish friend
-Brummie friend
-guy who fancies your friend

-or anything else. As long as there is an element of love (in the broadest possible sense of the word). So yeah, please note that these texts can't be slanderous or negative (a blib about an abusive father won't work for this project).

I can't write all the blibs because then it becomes... too real. People become recognisable, and it's not about persons, it's about relations and feelings. I need to be able to mix it so that no one knows who is being talked about as a person, and you get past the label of "individual" and into the idea of "seen by someone". There are some blibs that I need for the project that only I can write, so I need as many as possible so that I can hide mine amongst the other ones, to protect individuals.

And you don't have to be a girl to help :P I know some of them are gender-specific, for the obvious reason, but I don't mind if it's fiction, or written from a man's point of view.

1075476  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-04-20
Written: (5647 days ago)
Next in thread: 1075477, 1075527, 1075811

Well, in a desperate attempt to be more like the Gilmore Girls I bought some Pop-Tarts today. My intention is to have a Pop-Tart related accident (the intention was to have that accident at lunch time with lots of my colleagues witnessing it, but I ran out of time because technically my lunch hour started at 12 when I went to talk to my stake president {who conveniently enough works at the same office I do} to sort out the mission papers). So if you hear in the news something along the lines of "Pop-Tart stuck in Frenchman's eye socket - physicians bamboozled" (holy crud, I can't believe my spellchecker agrees with me that 'bamboozled' is a word! It thinks 'Gilmore' is not a word but 'bamboozled' is? Well that's left me positively bamboozled), then that's me causing grievous bodily harm to the people who live in my house. Maybe the unexpected blessing in such an event would be the French de-occupying my house. One can dream.

As mentioned in a bracket there, I sorted my mission papers today. I believe the phrase I am looking for is "and they're off!" So yes, after a wait of about 7 weeks (give or take a bit) I will hear back from God who will tell me that I am called to serve him, and he'll tell me where I'm assigned to. That'll be exciting, now won't it?

I wish I had some more news for you from my exciting jet-setting urbanite lifestyle. And I do. (Because let's face it, any news will beat "bought Pop-Tarts" and "am waiting for the next 7 weeks"). Let's see. ... Hmm... I'm sure there was something.

Well, while we wait for that to happen, let's have a look at this upcoming week in brief:
-Monday: make animation LED lightshow for George (but I'd much rather read though the junk-forum!)
-Tuesday: elder Ballard arrives in Coventry, choir sings, will have to go to ASDA to exchange bras.
-Wednesday: complicated plans involving changing the tyres on James' car, going home with him to eat and waste time, buying cinema tickets while he drives off to pick another girl up and then watching Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D. (I have never seen anything in 3D - I reckon I don't even operate 3D vision, I think I see in 2D)
-Thursday: Institute is back, so I'll spend my evening learning about religious things.
-Friday: I can't remember, maybe it's empty. That could be my internet night.
-Saturday: I need to find a place to play croquet in. A park-space. Also I need to buy a croquet set :S Proper ones are really expensive >.<
-Sunday: the day of rest, but I'm going with the missionaries to help them or something.

-Friday: Go round Silvie's
-Saturday: Be round Silvie's
-Sunday: Leave Silvie's and get back to Cov in time for a YSA Fireside.

I wonder if I would be allowed to skip this upcoming week, as I've already lived it out. Could spare me the time while still gaining the experiences... No?

Next time, more about Pop-Tarts.
(PS, does anybody know how long you are supposed to heat them in the toaster? All the package says is "use lowest heat setting")

1074426  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-04-13
Written: (5655 days ago)

The other day I swore to myself that I would never ever sing in choir again, especially not alto, that I'd quit as soon as the Easter concert was over. Well, it's over, it went really well (I botched up only once, when I started one of the hosannas too early, and the lesson learnt there is 'look at Ben, whatever you do, just friggin' look at Ben') and we'll be singing again (not the whole cantata, but the same hymns we did last night and the last number of the cantata If Ye Love Me, which is the second-best song of the whole thing, after Hosanna to the Son of David - btw, hosanna is now my favourite word :3) on the 21st when elder Ballard comes to Coventry to give a talk (wewt, I get to sit next to the apostle, though it's also slightly lame that I have to sit on the stand for choir, and then look at his back while he speaks :/) So yeah, I guess it's fair to say that I'm not quite given up on choral singing yet.

I'm also greatly enjoying reading Finnegan's Wake, as impossible as it is. It's not a novel, it's not even a story. It's not exactly a poem either, though it is poetry, I would say. It just tickles so incredibly much, it's doing to language what surrealists did to realism: twisting and changing it, making it funny, makign you see relations and correlations that you hadn't really seen before and that aren't really there either. :3 It's one of a kind, I don't know anything alike it. I don't recommend it to anybody (except maybe Linderel and Silvie, maybe), but I do encourage people to be aware of it, and maybe someday willing to take up the challenge with an open enough mind to say "I will not understand this when I read it - but I'll read it anyway. All the way through". No, I haven't got through it just yet.

1074166  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-04-11
Written: (5657 days ago)

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland talking about Easter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpFhS0dAduc

I love elder Holland, he has this really evocative, emotional, strong way with his words, it's marvellous (I recall a few months back him talking about Joseph Smith and the time he spent in Liberty Jail (gotta love the irony in that name) and it still is one of the best talks I've seen).

Today's dialogue of the day:
-Boy, do you have any pornography in your bag?
-No sir, we don't even own a pornograph.

Doing this while waiting for something to buffer (yes, I have better things to do, too)

Is there anyone you would like to just appear at your front door right now?
Not right now, because if they were at my front door and I wasn't home and then they later told me that they'd dropped by, I'd be totally gutted that I wasn't at home.

Who was the last person you hugged and why?
...Debbie, at the temple yesterday, because it was a beautiful, spiritual moment and she wanted to congratulate me.

Who was the last person you said 'love you' too?
Humm. I really can't remember. It's been a long time.

What are your views on vegetarianism?
I think people ought to eat meat, but if individuals really don't want to, I don't really care if they don't. But I hate fussy eaters (because I'm not one) so if you can be a vegetarian in a non-fussy way, then that's good.

Are you single/​​taken/​​heartbroken/​​crushing/​​confused?​​
Single by choice.

Do you like to take walks?
Very much :)

Last time you laughed really hard?
Thursday afternoon there was this great e-mail fiasco at work: someone sent an email to all users saying "stuff from last quarter is available now" and then someone replied "I shouldn't be receiving these anymore as I'm retiring, make sure So and So and Someone Else receive these." But they accidentally sent Reply to All, so everyone got that. That's fine. But then in the afternoon when Latin America woke up, they all replied to all saying in Spanish "I shouldn't be getting these emails either" and "this isn't for me either" - (there were many titters in the office by now) and then it got really out of hand, when people started replying to all, saying "don't reply to all" (much hilarity in the office) and then the funny-pants started sending random things, like "what's the number of the Samaritans?" and "this is my son's blog" (roaring laughter in the office), then the sour-pusses started, saying "stop, it's not funny" and "guys, I'm trying to work and my Blackberry is going off all the time" (people rolled on the floor), and slowly it died down. It was great, our boss is Spanish so he was translating all the Spanish messages, with tears of laughter etc... XD 
Well, you had to be there, I guess.

How late did you stay up last night?
I went to bed around 9pm. I got back to Cov around 7ish, went home, finished typing that passage from Catch-22 that I'll use for an arts, and then went to bed

Excited for anything?
The Easter concert is tomorrow, the choir I'm in is singing The Saviour of the World -cantata (I kind of suck: the tenors are so loud and right next to me that I can't hear what us altos are singing and then I lose our note - and I can be really loud >_> So singing the right note really loud: good. Singing the wrong note really loud: bad). I'm also excited about Sunday to start the mission application process with bishop. :D And also life in general is pretty exciting.

Last three things you had to drink?
Water. Water. Water. 

What is your current annoyance?
Copyright laws. This morning at home I was thinking in my head that I was having a conversation with my boss (who is one of those people who love to rant) and I started to rant in my head to him about copyright law, telling him that it's the only thing that makes me go into a blind rage, and then half-way down this imaginary conversation I realised that it wasn't even 9am, and I was building myself into a flying rage over copyright - and I had to think about something else to calm down.

Where was your default picture taken?
It's one of the pictures we took for our final exhibition in September, so it's taken inside the gallery we were exhibiting in university.

What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
Err, it's 11:52 right now. So let me just take a look in my crystal ball... ah yes, I was at uni on the computer, editing photos, listening to General Conference talks online, and generally spending time on the internet. 

What would you name your future daughter?
...dammit. I have lots of names in reserve for my future sons (I'll have a Harrison and Oliver at least). But no daughters. I guess I'd name at least one daughter after my mom, Lea.

Do you miss anyone?
Claire-bear, who is on her mission, Tibo who is in Brazil (...dammit, I haven't talked to her in ages... Note to self, email Tibo), Kayne who only writes in Dutch on Facebook and therefore I can't properly stalk him there...

Do you sleep with the door open or closed?
Closed. There is a man-creature who lives in my house. The door is always closed.

You good at hiding your feelings?
I don't think so, but maybe sometimes I am (or some people are really bad at seeing)

Are you wearing socks?

What's on your mind right now?
"Have to finish editing the photos today" "When I lose the note I just have to not sing until I find it again, the other altos can carry it" "I should return Catch-22 to the library" "my fingers are freezing, why is it always so cold in here on Saturdays" and then lots of thoughts about the fellas I fancy

Are there any stressful situations in your life?
Of course sometimes. Sometimes work can get stressful, sometimes ET can get stressful, choir practices have been stressful lately... I have a power to make myself stressed over nothing. It's a pretty crap talent, actually.

Who do you go to when you need to talk about something important?
Bishop, or dad, or Silvie. Depends on the type of importance.

Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?
No, never.

Where did you get the shirt/​​sweatshirt you're wearing?
Not the slightest idea. It's just a plain t-shirt.

Ever stayed up all night on the phone?
No. I hate talking on the phone.

Have you hugged someone within the last week?
Alex on Sunday when he got up, shook my hand and said "well, I'll see you in 24 months after my mission" and I scrambled up and went "no, I want a glomp."

Will this Friday be a good one?
Yesterday was great, absolutely beautiful. The Friday coming... has the ability to be disastrous at lunch time (I'm down for lunch time cover in the reception, and I hate answering the phone!!! But there is a chance that it's not going to happen, which would be fab...) but the evening's set to be good, we're hoping to do dinner with the MA-lot (teachers and some of us students) so it should be good. If they've managed to get D and G on board.

Aargh, the damn thing hasn't buffered at all! *gives up and listens to something else*
1073750  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-04-08
Written: (5659 days ago)
Next in thread: 1073780, 1073787

Amg, where is Silvie? I need my Silvie. Silvie is in French? I mean, France? I need my Silvie ._.

So, with the lack of Silvie and a thing I need to say, I'll encumber you people with it:
Amg, what is going on? People are, like, social to me?! In real life! People talk to me on a bus stop! Some kid on the bus was all smiles and "how you doing" flirty, and and and... I said hi to a totla stranger on the street, thinking she was my housemate *spatzes* Also, the other day, I had Chinese take-out. By myself. I'm frightened by my urbanite habits.

I don't know if I should do updates... But I will: choir needs singing, church needs attending and God needs believing in, photos need editing, work needs... going to and coming back from and doing stuff at and being social with people I like, events need arranging, mission papers need sending, movies and arts need seeing in Birmingham, reviews of movies and events and arts and books attended seen and read in Birmingham and London need writing, art needs making, house probably needs cleaning but I'm not going to so no point in mentioning that...
Meh a lot.

*edit* Z0mg, you can strike the mission papers, they're finished! :D :D :D Just had the final bit (chest x-ray) info given me, and it's all doooooooone! :D Now I need to have an interview with the bihop and then the stake president, and then... they'll be off! :D Amg, it's unbelievable! My papers, let me show you tham! (I won't, but let me anyway!!)

1073437  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-04-06
Written: (5661 days ago)
Next in thread: 1073440

...Yet another ET-crash wiped diarying. I really flipping hate that so incredibly much that I... don't know what to do. Maybe I'll just go away from ET and internet for 18 months and add ET-diary-crashes into my list of "things I won't have to worry about on my mission" -_- *is really friggin' unimpressed* You'd think I'd learn and make back-ups or some such of diary entries I want to keep. But I don't (learn, that is). Meh. I can't even remember what diary-entries I lost. The one with the circus review and other random bits, and an invitation for people to watch General Conference last weekend (which was pretty brilliant, by the way, I went to three of the four sessions and loved every minute of it, and I may or may not be linking you at some point to specific talks, if I can pick ones to share).

I'm sure I had something more interesting to share, but I can't remember what, I'm so annoyed now. *sighs and goes to do photo-editing*

1072371  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-03-28
Written: (5671 days ago)
Next in thread: 1072418, 1072461, 1072554, 1072764

This made me go "oh noo! XD

Also, I propose a new game based on http://xkcd.com/561/
What is the uncomfortable truth the well would tell you? (Feel free to take your time, I'll need to think of this for myself for a while).

Also, the recentest Order of the Stick (Varsuuvius' story line) made me cry ;_;

1071545  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-03-22
Written: (5677 days ago)
1071429  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-03-21
Written: (5678 days ago)
Next in thread: 1071500

After a recent link in [Viking]'s diary to a Jeffrey Tucker article about Intellectual Property in LewRockwell.com (I really need to learn to read that place), I got interested in this guy Tucker and started to look at his archive, and in this http://www.lewrockwell.com/tucker/tucker135.html there is a great paragraph:

All market failure arguments have the appearance of plausibility about them. Let's say you have a poorly managed apartment unit with a porchlight that is out. Everyone would benefit from having the bulb changed. But if one person benefits, so does everyone. All dwellers enjoy the light and only one pays. That's not going to work, is it? No one would act. Except that at some point, someone comes along and befuddles the failure theorists by changing the lightbulb.

I just wanted to share that because it's been a while since I've been looking into IP-stuff, which is one of the rare things (alongside drivers that don't indicate when they turn) that drives me to an indignant rage and therefore would be something that I would be interested in being actively involved in professionally, in regards to policy-making and intellectual public debate (by this I mean that I would consider IP-stuff a career - though I'm not sure if I'd ever consider a non-indicating-drivers -related career, but I sure would bash their heads in if given the chance).

I have recently been more actively researching mormonism and art, and did indeed find huge amount of incredibly useful things that really help me understand how my newly-adopted religious background affects my work (because it has to have some effect and therefore I need to know what this effect is). I will share some of the results with you at some point, because not all of it is only applicable to me (some of it is, of course, because out of the people who see this text I think I'm the only one who is freaked out by the fact that one of the apostles said that if you don't use your artistic ability in a way that the Lord would have you use it, you might not have that ability in the Kingdom - this worries me, because an eternity without being arty? no thanks. But I doubt anyone else cares about that :P). But I've discovered some absolutely wonderful texts about photography, poetry, art as a tool for improving families and individuals, there's a lot of talk about beauty, and a lot of condemnation of this romantic artist-as-God/cult of fame notion that is around a lot - that last thing made me particularly joyful because I've been anti-that for a long time. But yes, that is to come in drips and drabs in the future.

I still also need to write some reviews about/from the Flatpack Festival. I've had this strange nagging idea, that if I attend or witness something temporal (an event), I should write and publish about it for the benefit of all those people who didn't have the same opportunity. It's like it's my duty to do that, so that things that are done but tied in time will not be forgotten. It also grieves me to think of all the marvelous things in the past that are tied in time and lost. I think this kind of ties to the IP thing, because copyright causes destruction of creations, when all they would need to continue living is a copy.

1071002  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-03-17
Written: (5681 days ago)
Next in thread: 1071003, 1071048

Amg amg amg so very full of WIN!



1070405  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-03-12
Written: (5686 days ago)

Sorry for cross-posting Facebook-friends, but...
Why Do Mormons Build Temples:

I'd just like people who know/like me to watch that because you'll get a small insight into what is important to me: the temple of the Lord. Also it helps to explain why I go "amgsquee!^_^!!" at times after having been to the temple (I'm going on Good Friday to do baptisms, and on 23 May hopefully to go properly <3)

*runs off to exiting art happenings* See you Monday or something :P

 The logged in version 

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