[iippo]'s diary

1143628  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-10-30
Written: (4724 days ago)
Next in thread: 1143633, 1143634

Today during Primary time in Church I was with the Nursery kids (3 and under) just kind of child-minding. Which was nice, I was so pooped that I just wanted to be able to chill, so the request to be in Nursery was a Godsend (you get to just sit on the floor with your shoes off in there). And it went fine, except that the little one-year-old girl had a little event. She kind of sat stupid on her chair, and ended up stuck in the back of it. I very gently eased her out of the chair (by basically making her stand and lifting the chair through her - this sounds strange but it was the most sensible way to get her out) and she was of course screaming her head off all the time, because she was scared by the strange turn of events. But then she wouldn't stop shouting. >.< She went into this giant hour long epic tantrum, where she stood and waved her arms and stomped her feet, when I asked what she wanted she pointed up at the wall, and I had really no idea what it was or what she wanted (at this point nothing would have helped anyway). She sat and screamed, she stood and screamed, I helped her back on her chair and she screamed against the table. Eventually she slid under the table to scream there and there she stayed until time was up and her mum came back down. She wouldn't have any kind of consoling from me (holding or hugging or talking or anything), so eventually I just gave up and tried to think of the other two children there. Sometimes she took breaks and was quiet for a long time, and then started again seemingly out of nowhere and for no reason.

Ah well. When her mother came to get her after class, we seemed to have a mutual understanding of what was going on: when she starts screaming there is nothing you can do to stop her, this is a phase and it will pass, she needs to learn to be down here without her mum coming running when she screams (that must have been hard for the mother, because you can hear it upstairs - heck, you can hear her in the moon, probably :P) and we were both sort of "c'est la vie, hope no one gets traumatised" :P So it went surprisingly well, all things considered.

Much appreciated the extra hour received today, thank you Daylight Saving Time for having kept that one in reserve there. Did you know that Russia has decided "we hate changing clocks! We are staying in summer time forever!" and they are not changing their clocks back. Strange stuff that made a mess of train timetables (Finland-Russia ones). I think it is really rather cool that you can get a train from here to Russia. I should do that sometime, just roll into St. Petersburg. One day I will. Maybe when they make the border visa-free.

1143591  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-10-29
Written: (4725 days ago)
Next in thread: 1143592


"Faith is as trumpet." ~Mishearing Shakespear.

I haven't had a day off work in almost two weeks. I'm pretty sure you are supposed to ever so often. Because it shows. I can't do my round in four hours anymore, today was a perfectly regular day (as in, no ads or crap to put in every door, like it will be tomorrow >.< but today no reason to be slow) and I was still fifteen minutes overtime. I feel bad for the people who live at the end of the round, they're the ones who always get shafted. Perhaps tomorrow I will do them before the shops, so that they won't have to wait 'til half seven for their morning paper :/ Unless there is someone to help me, somehow (the boss-fellow said something about Mia being there as a helper, but I don't understand how... she will help, exactly. >_> Would she take part of my round, or would she go with me, or what?) But the boss-fellow apparently has his night off (it's alright for some >.< ) tomorrow, so I don't actually know who to bring this up with or how. Or how bout I just do my round late again? It won't be that much overtime. On Sundays you have 'til seven. And by golly this better be my last Sunday of work or... I will work on Sunday and feel miserable about it again >.<

When I come back home in the dark after work, I like to not have my bike light on. The light is one of those "pedal-and-light-turns-on things that creates its own electricity from the bike wheel, so it's harder to pedal when the light is on. Also in town the street lights are on by this time (yes, they are off in some parts in the middler part of the night, it's pretty ridiculous) but then when I get to my road, the pitch black part where lights don't even exist, I still like to leave the bike light off. It is amazing what darkness looks like when your eyes get adjusted. I spook myself over imaginary things quite often on these dark rides, when something looks exactly like something ("was there a man behind that tree? If it was it's gone now...") And then when a car comes I go absolutely blind and can hardly stay on the road :P But it's so nice, darkness is kind of rare these days.

1143546  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-10-28
Written: (4726 days ago)
Next in thread: 1143550, 1143560, 1143566

Yesterday I tried to take my dog for a walk, and my neighbouress (a sour, quiet woman) came to talk to me as I was going down the driveway (my dog is fat and goes slowly, okay). And she said she wanted to be friends with my dog, because he always barks (he can see her on her yard from our yard, and, well, he's a dog, he will bark when he sees things). So she held out her hand and the dog smelled and then did that stupid thing that my dog does, being all antisocial and overall horrible, and, well, he didn't bite her but it was that kind of a motion and sound (sudden growlbark with bared teeth and forward motion) and she yanked her hand away. I felt awful, as I always do when my dog behaves that way, and we walked. And being old and fat, my dog doesn't always want to go very far. So we went a bit down the road and then came back. And she was still there. And we stopped to watch her from our side, to help the dog feel more normal about the situation, and she fetched a bite of something for him, and we talked for a long time. Mostly her talking, being a little incoherent and slow of finishing her sentences, and smelling of alcohol somewhat >_> It was a very strange "I don't know what to do, so I will do nothing" situation, so I just stood there, listening to my drunk neighbour (who hardly even says hello) go on - like how they were afraid of our previous dog, and how much she loved her cat - and be kind of emotional and stuff. And bare-footed. o.O She was raking leaves, then she went inside to fetch that something for the dog, and she came out without any shoes on, and we stood there and I was getting a bit cold, and she... didn't have any shoes on.

I feel like my mission prepared me very well for these kinds of encounters :P I didn't flinch, I didn't even blink at anything that she said or did. Just listened and nodded along. Hooray for neighbourly relations spurred on by alcohol! :D

I'm fixing the gaping hole in my education when it comes to all things Shakespeare by listening to his plays read out loud on iTunes Uni while drawing :) Not that I don't have a kazillion podasts to listen to already, but since I'm on the whole Rosercrantz and Guildernstern Are Dead -roll, I might as well do it now. Heaven knows I have no time to read any such stuff. I wish I could read it and listen to it at the same time, but I just don't have that kind of time on my hands. Especially when art is so much fun :) *has been drawing a diamond-and-pearl studded crown* Oh the detail <3 Don't know if colourfuller studded items should be in it too or not. But it is a pretty effect so far :3

1143500  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-10-27
Written: (4727 days ago)
Next in thread: 1143502, 1143505

Me again, because Silvie is at work.

So today I was delivering papers in the middle of the night (which is what I do and I'm pretty good at it) and my bike broke down. You see, it looks like this (when it's not broken):

(disclaimer: this is not my bike, there is no snow here yet, this is a random picture from the internets)

And the leg, that metal tube that goes across under the front wheel that makes it stand while I'm inside the building, it broke in half. Just, by itself. It was really strange. When I stopped to inspect it, it broke even worse with one half of it falling off. I wasn't exactly sure what to do then, so I called the boss in the office. And he just said "okay, I'll come there now with a new bike." So he did, I swapped bikes and I was off again like nothing had happened. When I got back at the end of my route, I saw the bike in the garage (barage? is it called a garage even if it's not for cars but for bikes?) The broken bit was on the front shelf-thingie and a note saying "there seems to be something wrong with the leg of this bike..." :P

He's growing on me. Y'know what I've noticed is actually helping a lot? That we serve each other. I ask him for help with something and he helps, when he has no one to do the route on Sunday and he calls me as the last resort I don't give him a hard time over it and just do it as a favour to him, we do small acts of kindness that, y'know, people do...

Yesterday I watched Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. I love it muchly. I think I shall watch it again today (it has no subtitles in any language so I could hardly understand what anyone was saying, never mind understand when they are having their amazing lingual gymnastics all the way through the movie).

1143471  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-10-26
Written: (4728 days ago)
Next in thread: 1143481

Today in the newspaper there was an article about the water footprint, which is like the carbon footprint, except more important because without water there is no life, so if we rich fat white people waste all clean water, everybody dies, not just the environment. Great -_-

The article gave a lot of interesting information: everything we buy is drenched with hidden water. So it's not just about not letting the tap run while doing dishes, but it's about how much water goes into growing one tomato, or into making a pound of beef and all this. So you can become very aware of water and prefer products that will use less of it.

What I still don't know is why, or maybe how. How will my not using water help those people who don't have clean drinking water? Why does it matter? This country gets a lot of rain, there's tons of lakes and rivers and the underground drinking water is plentiful. We have no shortage of water - is there a way to make our water go over to the place where they don't have enough? I mean other than loading it into big containers and shipping it over to Africa?

The article said that water is spent mostly by a) farming (rice growing being the worst one since the plant needs to be drowned in order for it to grow) b) industry c) regular people. So isn't it just a hilarious stab of irony that the places where it rains alot are losing their industry when all the factories close or move to China, and only have a short growing season so you can only get one harvest per year. -_- It seems that this entire planet was designed to be a huge puzzle. And perhaps the reason we are failing at solving it because it takes the equal effort of everyone working together to solve it.

1143441  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-10-25
Written: (4729 days ago)

10 Days of Photography - Burning/On Fire

Future Tense

In the contest manipulation is not allowed, so I wanted to put the photo with manipulation up here.
My camera didn't capture the red like I wanted it to, so Photoshop had to help >_>

1143440  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-10-25
Written: (4729 days ago)

Hi. Yeah, another diary from me today.

So I'd like some moar feedbacks since it worked so well last time.
There's this web icon design contest that the http://vineyard.lds.org is doing. Basically it's a website for the LDS Church members to help out with stuff when it comes to handling a massive international church. It's a relatively new thing this, where they just invite people to help in many ways. Anyhoo, in the contest they have five sections, General Helping in the Vineyard, Translation, Photography, Image tagging, and Church Technology. I got carried away and did a set.


I must admit, I have no idea what they are looking for. But since I felt inspired and had fun with the concept, then hey ho, let's go.
There's a lot of symbolism that'll be completely obvious to all mormons, so I'll explain that briefly la:
-Three grey triangles at the back: Salt Lake Temple
-Vineyard (of the Lord): the field of labour in building the "kingdom of God", reference from the Bible and the Book of Mormon (so the branch, leaves, flower and grapes are something akin to what a real grape vine looks like)
-Beehive + bees: very common symbol for coöperation and industry. That specific beehive design is yoinked straight from the Salt Lake Temple door handles. Also, deseret means honey bee, and the word deseret is used all over in all kinds of stuff, like company names in Utah and such, so it'll be really familiar.

The size restriction was 225px wide.

My main concern is the way the images look. Placement of the elements (how to make more harmonious design?) Would it be snazzier without colour (or if maybe only the bees had colour)? Anything else that comes to mind?
Also anybody know stuff about vectors-to-raster stuffs? I saved the lineart straight from vector to the 225 width and it looks really pix'ated to me. Would it look just as pix'ated if I saved it big first, then resized in PS or such?

1143439  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-10-25
Written: (4729 days ago)


A beautiful picture gallery. I know it's point is probably to highlight some kind of issues with population, but I just find it a beautiful celebration of humanity. Look how varied we are! People live everywhere! In so many different ways! And sea gypsies, what the heck? That's just so cool "they only go on land to bury their dead".

I love people. <3
Welcome to the world baby #7,000,000,000

1143433  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-10-25
Written: (4729 days ago)

I may have mentioned the DDR army boots before some time. In case I haven't (or you can't remember) here's the deal: I own a pair of used NVA boots. They are cool and amazing. Me and those boots have been through a lot together (I walked 30 miles in them one time, and 15 miles another time), they can be worn to church or to the forest. They aren't sweltering hot but there is space for a woolly sock for cold weather. So pretty perfect, right? Right you are. I had them with me in Sweden, as being the active missionary that I was, the boots were actively used - and thus they passed away in Sweden. Well, right one did. Left one is still kicking. But the sole of the right one cracked all the way across the foot and it shall be no more. I showed it to a number of shoe smiths and they all said "no can do". I tried to glue it together myself, but it's no go, it won't keep. This boot has come to the end.

So when I returned I knew it's time to start scouting for new boots. But I couldn't find an online shop in Finland that would sell such boots. I found one that came pretty close, but they only sell huge man-sizes of these SS boots (which are possibly cooler than NVA boots, but yeah, only men marched in the SS, NVA had lady-soldiers too (if I understood correctly) and therefore have smaller sizes too).
And how long did it take me to realise that I could buy these boots from Germany? Long time. But I did get there eventually. So with the help of applied Swedish and Google Translate, I searched for DDR army boots in German. And found. Oh how I found! :D
Basically the summer fight boots are what I have, but I fell in love with the tall, commanding Officer's paradeboots and I do believe those are the ones that I shall go with. A German-speaking friend of mine (thank you mission experience and Facebook) will help me email the place to ask about paying and posting it to Finland, but having worked in Salpakirja, I'm pretty sure they'll have no gripes sending to other EU countries, and since the currency is all the same, transferring the money will be a piece of kelp.

I love you European Union. Please don't collapse simply because greedy people don't know how to work together. ;_;

1143415  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-10-24
Written: (4730 days ago)

So I've been reading a lot about blondeness through the ages, from a book that talks about exactly that. I've read up to the Victorian era, but it's been basically the same information repeated in every chapter: prostitutes would bleach their hair because blonde hair drives men crazy, rich women used all sorts of nasty crap to make hair lighter or would buy wigs, and blonde hair in art would be either 'treacherous, dangerous woman like Eve' or 'innocent and pure like virgin Mary' and context is the only way to tell which one it is. It did mention history's first ever 'dumb blonde' Rosalie Duthé, who was a very wealthy courtesan and she was the subject of a satire 'Les curiosités de la foire' (Market curiosities), where one such wondrous thing was "a machine human, a very strange apparatus that looks like a beautiful woman, and acts like a living being: eats, drinks, dances, sings, and it can strip a man down to his undergarments in a matter of mere seconds. But it cannot produce speech, and they say this problem can never be fixed." Mme Duthé was there when this play opened, and she was outraged. She promised a kiss to any person who would write something that would return her honour, but the task had no takers.

So first blonde hair (and indeed all hair) was all evil and sinful and causing lusting etc etc... then the setting is thrown a little by Virgin Mary appearing blonde as well (and general loosening up in society where having your hair showing didn't automatically mean you were a hooker). The next surprise in the story is fairy tales. All the fairy tale heroines are blonde bar Snow White, and this whole culture of fairy tales had nothing to do with vain rich people doing all they can to be pretty nor with prostitutes (rich nor poor kinds), but with regular people. These were stories told when people sat around doing the kind of work that makes your hands occupied and mouths and minds unoccupied. Stories told to reinforce a value or a virtue (or a taboo). People like H. C. Andersen and the brothers Grimm didn't make their stories up: they listened to these stories when growing up, they went around to the places where such story tellers lived and recorded the stories and published them. And then you move to things like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (the real life Alice wasn't blonde, but the book-Alice is) where blondeness has more to do with youth and the innocence of youth (you lose your blonde hair as you grow up and get older, just like you lose your innocence - I found this to be a very cool symbol, since my hair behaves that way).

Another interesting curve ball was Queen Elizabeth I (not the boat). She had brown hair, but during her long solitary reign (she never married) she created this public image of herself of being this ever-beautiful, blonde queen of amazing and oompf that people could worship and love (in a patriotic way). All the portraits painted of her had to be approved of her, they were all young and beautiful and blonde and probably looked nothing like her :P But her blondeness wasn't about seducing men nor about virginity. It was about... royalty and power and inspiring awe. Being larger-than-life (which the portraits are). So that's cool and relevant.

Then I got to the literature of the 1800s and we're back to seducing and virginity. Stuff to look forward to in the coming pages: aryans, Marilyn Monroe and the conclusion (that is always the most fascinating part of any such book).

This isn't helping much in terms of the work since the pictures are drawn and the hair is coloured and it was decided from the start that they would be blonde. I am having fun though with different shades of blonde and this is something that the book also highlighted. The whole hair = sex is pretty irrelevant to me and it's really boring how the book seems to really dwell on that. So as far as research goes, this was not incredibly seminal or even all the way useful, but it was a good read and enables a wee bit of discussion and referencing. So not all a waste. But who knows, maybe it presents the Hitlerian love of pale and blonde so badly that it'll cause me to reject the whole shebang and go back to machines :P (oh wait, the nazis or communists loved machines too, didn't they? >.< If reductio ad Hitlerum was a valid point, all art would have to be rejected).

Last comment: I did enjoy the fact that I was simultaneously reading about the renaissance ideal female in this book, renaissance culture in another book and about Botticelli (again) and they all talked about Savonarola. I might have to research this guy, he sounds pretty interesting.

1143299  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-10-21
Written: (4733 days ago)
Next in thread: 1143300, 1143305, 1143320

Started watching Adam's Apples on YouTube and it's looking pretty win after part I :D


It just really really makes me want cake >_>

Anyway, story about a neo-Nazi who seems to be sent from prison to a church for parole or some such.

1143220  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-10-19
Written: (4735 days ago)

This coming All Hallows' Eve is designated as the Day of 7 Billion.
It is guesstimated that on/by that date, the population of the Earth will be 7 billion. Which will be strange, since I learnt in school that it was 6 billion. Now I have to learn a new number >:| 

Their website is cool though: http://www.7billionactions.org/

Oh hey awesome, they are working with Playing for Change!

If you don't know about PfC, it's really awesome and should perhaps look them up? They are kind of globally uniting buskers and other musicians from around the world to create peace.
Heck, I'll just link you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us-TVg40ExM

1143193  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-10-18
Written: (4736 days ago)

Past couple weeks we've been visited by a fish monger (I almost typoes 'fisited buy') A guy on a bike with fish comes up and says "buy fish". And we have bought fish. From a real live country side fish monger. Heck, I hope a green grocer would start coming too :P But today he saw our dog and left us a couple less-valuable fish and said "boil them and give to the dog, will make his fur shiny." :D So I think my mum's actually going to do that. I think it wouldn't be amiss to add "my life is average" here :P

So I ended up continuing the paper contract indefinitely. This is my first ever real job that doesn't have an end date affixed from the start. Kinda cool. So I am a regular filler-inner now. :P We'll see what becomes of this all when the snow comes, meep. I did tell him that I will be away for a week in December to go to Sweden, and he said that will work in the regular way, no problems. And maybe I'll be able to take time off when a friend comes to visit, or it'll be a bit strange when he's here :P

The future in short: two more possibilities for English groups starting in November; Silvie chided me for not sharing workz on the internets so I'll try to do some kind of a fix for that (the drawings are too big to scan and really annoying to photograph so I've just been too lazy to do it properly), though it may be mostly just research-sharing in diary-form. So if yous all of a sudden start getting iippo-diaries about blonde hair or white clothing in art, you can send your hate-mail to [windowframe] :P

And today, in the paper job I was learning a new district (this and the previous one have been taught by pleasant young fellas - so no complaints there), and now I need to plan tomorrow's English class. I just had an amazingly delicious cup of Rooibos Earl Grey (I heard the Occupy Wall St. people drink Rooibos :P Good taste) and will whisk off to Kouvola in an hour to help the missionaries with something, and will have time on the bus ride to read art magazines and knit.

Things are good.

1143150  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-10-17
Written: (4737 days ago)

But in other other news, I'm planning a Sweden trip with a Swedish Interrail Pass, and this trip would involve the north-south night train all the way from Göteborg to Umeå. 13 hour train ride! This is like a dream of mine. The whole shebang travel-wise (train pass + flights) would come to about 300 euros total, I would be staying with friends, and would only have one light carryon luggage thing with working wheels and a backpack, and have no more than a week of this, because by then I would probably have to get back to work.

These kinds of things make me really happy ^^

1143148  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-10-17
Written: (4737 days ago)

I need someone to tell me what to do about the paper job (they want to continue the contract), and I want someone to tell me to continue the contract. >_> But I also don't want to continue the contract.

This decision would be easier if I had had money come in from this job already (I have, for like the first week, but I mean like a proper salary), so I could look at it and go "mmmmyeeeaaah, not worth it" or "wewt, my very own monies that I owned with my very own works!" Y'know? But it is good to not be on the dole. And I can totally do the English clubs too, even have more groups if I manage, and still have time for arts. It's just the evening stuff like Institute and helping the missionaries that goes out the window. But missionaries can be helped during the day, I will have evenings free sometimes - and even the Sunday thing isn't a big deal, since it doesn't stop me from going to church (it doesn't even feel like Sunday properly, being out there so early at night) and he has been not-giving me Sundays as of late. And I haven't talked to him in weeks either (there has been no real need) so the asshattery hasn't come through too badly. Sooo...

I'm going to continue it. >.< But like, when the snow comes, I really want out. Or maybe I won't. Gah! *is too much of a push-over*

In other news, the autumn outside is gorgeous, me and the woof are enjoying outing together. And I want to make some kind of a product line of wooden... something, called Finnish Son of a Birch (Suomalainen Kuusipää). Y'know like Emily Strange or something, this massively popular character of the Son of a Birch. :P

1143078  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-10-15
Written: (4739 days ago)


1143077  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-10-15
Written: (4739 days ago)

I'm starting to record evidence that Christmas is almost here. I have never been so ready for Christmas this early in the year ever before.

-it's snowing (...in Utah and Idaho, but still! And I know people there so it's my business :P)
-a friend on Facebook said he's going to be hanging Christmas lights up already
-Listening to Owl City's 'Peppermint Winter' a lot doesn't feel dumb. Other Christmas songs are also already good to listen to.
-My mum brought up Christmas weekend plans when we were eating, and now those plans are all set.
-Other December plans (friend coming over, me going to Sweden to buy julmust) are also being made.
-There was a photo in the paper today that had two Santas in it (I can't remember what they were doing in the picture, something... charity)

You know, Harpo had his Christmas lights up all year one year because they just didn't want to take them down after Christmas, and they had the amazing Christmas feeling at home all year. So I think I shall simply put my Christmas decorations up already. I definitely need to start burning candles. :3

And today when taking the dog on a walk, I was sensing things in the air, kept imagining "was that a snow flake?" etc... :P

1143004  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-10-13
Written: (4741 days ago)
Next in thread: 1143005

Today I have not much to say.

But I am looking at cool things, and wanted to share this to those of you who struggle to draw hands:

So yesterday I watched that Zeitgeist movie on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9WVZddH9w&feature It's really long. But interesting. My problem is that... I don't know if I trust it. And I wonder, would I trust it if I had seen it on TV? Is my distrust the result of internet cynicism (everything on the internet is a lie or a hoax or some kind of a dangerous cult of predators) and so if a thing's main point is not to simply entertain and be light, therefore I must be wary of it and doubt it. Or perhaps doubting everything at first is simply the healthy way to go about life in these perilous days we live in, it's self-preservation.

But I would rather like to believe the Zeitgeist movie. Maybe I will after giving it some thought. See, this whole "countries in debt and it's a crisis" thing... I don't understand it really, and the movie kind of explained it the way I've thought about it. That basically, it's this big game that we have all made up, right? And now basically all the countries in the world are in debt, in fact in so much debt that there is no money in the world to pay it all of. So, like... why don't we just... rewrite the rules and say "okay now, nobody is in debt anymore"? Just make it disappear. It doesn't really exist in the first place... (I mean the debts that countries have - my personal debt is real and I kind of want to pay it off, because that will feel awesome when I do... But countries' debts don't have that personal thing to them). Meh, I've been meaning to read up a little more to understand economics a bit more. Instead I've been trying to catch up in the junk forum. Which is kind of like a debt on its own. I guess, if I can't press "skip all" in junk forum, that means we can't just cancel all debt that countries have.

Anyway, the movie talked about other things too. And the ending was really cool (I found it even somewhat emotional, and I think that is partly why I find it suspect). So if you can't be bothered to watch almost 3 hours of a YouTube video, let it load all the way to the end and watch just the ending. :P

Okay, so apparently I did have much to say after all. Wordiness is like a plague that I have. I don't think it's contagious, though.

Huh. Strangely related to Zeitgeist:

1142877  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-10-10
Written: (4744 days ago)

I have developed better technique of drawing on my emotionally addictive papers. Annoyingly, I developed it mid-project, and now want to go back and redraw all the images in the project with that technique. Which I won't, I'll just have to learn and deal, and draw some other pictures with the new technique later. Hoping that I will still remember it then.

I am also knitting squares (over 6" in size). If you knit and would like to participate in an awesome art project, please knit squares.

And now I will pull out all of my musical instruments and take photos of them for the reference photo marathon contest (there is no way I'll ever be able to make that into a link, I can never get those words in the right order) *goes to find a white sheet for background purposes*

Creativity is fun! :D And the meaning of life, too (just to drop a little hint there, in case you're looking, to prod you in the right direction).

 The logged in version 

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