[iippo]'s diary

1147940  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-02-21
Written: (4610 days ago)
Next in thread: 1147942
1147939  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-02-21
Written: (4610 days ago)
Next in thread: 1147945

I love reading about psychological experiments, especially ones performed on kids http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/20/how-to-get-the-rich-to-share-the-marbles

Long story time again (though this one might explain why all my stories are long):
I was listening to This American Life, last week's episode about playing roles, and they did a story about a man with Asberger's and how he is learning to behave more normal because he loves his wife and doesn't want to stress her out all the time what with being... well, Aspie. And the story starts with that they didn't know he had Asberger's for a really long time (and she works in the field of psychology). And she came across a quiz online about Asberger's, so she didn't tell him what it was, just asked the questions, and then before pressing submit she told him what it was and if he was ready. And the quiz indicated "yeah, Aspie" and so they went to a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and hey presto, Asberger's. What caught my ear in the story was when she was talking she mentioned one of the questions and said "I thought it had a typo or something, the question says 'do you ever fantasise about making traps?'" and he said "yes, all the time :O" And I thought, what a strange question, I want to see all of these questions, sounds fascinating.

So they link to the quiz on the ThisAmLife website, so I went to look, and I filled it out - not thinking "amg, what if I'm an Aspie?" but more like... "hmm, I wonder what I would say if someone asked me this question?" And of course with online quizzes there's always the "none of the answers reflects my response right" problem, so did this but not a lot because when you have a question of "do you ever" or "have you done" or "do you often" and the answers are ? 0 1 and 2 (don't know, no, sometimes, yes) it's not that hard to find a balance, plus some I just left in ? mode.

So overall it's seems to be a very well thought-out quiz, it doesn't look fancy so that suggests it was done by proper scientists (:P) and the results it gives are astonishingly detailed, it gives like a 14-page PDF where it analyses every question, gives a neat graph where the traits of Aspies and Neurotypicals (aka people off the Autistic spectrum) are juxtaposed etc... So it was fascinating to go through your answers to the questions and compare them to what Aspies and NTs would reply to the same stuff.

The thing that made this a very strange experience was that with a lot of the questions my reaction upon reading it was "uhh, doesn't everybody?" Like "do you need to do things yourself in order to remember them?" or "do you need lists and schedules in order to get things done?"

I must admit that I have a bit of a problem with Asberger's as a disorder. Because it seems to me that it just makes you kind of strange and awkward, it doesn't mean you need to take some kind of pills to fix yourself, it doesn't mean you can't function - it just means you're "different" from "normal". Maybe it's not the person's fault that they have a hard time in society, maybe it's society's fault when we're all so quick to judge others. The whole diagnosis of Asberger's is basically comparing against some kind of "normalcy" and saying "whoops, you deviate from this standard of normal, therefore you must have a disorder." My other problem with Asberger's is that it's... kind of easy (sorry I know this is a horrible thing to say, please forgive me if you have Asberger's and really struggle because of it, I'm just an ignorant tit, what do I know!? But let's face it, being an Idiot Savant or having some stronger form of autism would be much harder). And the reason I resent the easiness of Asberger's while it is still a diagnosed disorder is Lars. >_> You don't need to know much about him, but he hid behind his Asberger's and refused to do something with himself and his life "because of my Asberger's y'know, I can't..." I had a lot of faith in him that he could, but either he used his Asberger's as an excuse, or (even worse) he himself was disabled by the diagnosis: I have a disorder, therefore I can't because somebody somewhere says I can't. Or he really actually couldn't. I'll never know. But it broke my heart. Anyway. That's all TMI... But maybe I'm an Aspie and can't help saying and typing awkward things. Yeah, my quiz result said "you are very likely an Aspie" and if I was living in an English-speaking country, I'd go see someone to get diagnosed. As it is, I can't for the life of me be bothered to try to have this kind of a communication with anyone in Finnish, it would just take far too much effort, trying to translate what I think and feel into a language I just can't use to express myself. Must admit, it would explain a lot of things if I was, so in that sense it'd be nice to know...

So if you survived this far, here's the quiz http://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php Pretend that here I give you all manner of disclaimers, like "buyer beware" or "here be monsters" or whatever.

1147901  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-02-20
Written: (4611 days ago)

Cool sci-fi short story http://mormonartist.net/2012/02/day-five-sandra-tayler/

Also on the table today: spring cleaning http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/19/science/space/for-space-mess-scientists-seek-celestial-broom.html (I have to do some cleaning myself today...)

This last one is a little slow on the start, but the second page is fascinating reading (it's about the connections between distraction and creativity) http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/19/opinion/sunday/the-art-of-distraction.html

There. I have nothing more to give you. I have worked hard this morning (we got another foot of snow >.< ) and I started a drawing yesterday that might turn into something, even though it's nothing in particular, but it would be nice to finish it since it's been a long time since I last finished anything :/ So I shall go have breakfast now, take the dog for a walk, and then come back and draw and listen to stuff.

1147849  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-02-18
Written: (4613 days ago)
Next in thread: 1147851

Humm, I just made a diary entry this morning and now it is gone :O I hope it comes back... I wonder if I deleted it by accident or something :/

It had a link to http://thomasczarnecki.com/from-enchantment-to-down.html

But I also want to link to this now http://thisisnthappiness.com/post/17770241707/how-do-you-decide-who-to-marry-more

1147810  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-02-17
Written: (4614 days ago)
Next in thread: 1147813, 1147818, 1147850

[Avaz] said something very interesting in <forum:Junk> today: [738690]

"The world could more iippos."

In other news, winter has reached the point that I like to call the Narnia point. It's the point of eternal winter. The point where Christmas is so long gone that you've forgotten all about it, you have also forgotten all the time before winter, and spring is still such a distant thing that it really doesn't even exist. You have not seen ground or grass in a really long time, and you are used to the idea that the mass beneath your feet that you must walk upon cannot be trusted and falling over is imminent all the time. You have forgotten what it's like to not be cold, and really, you can see no possible way of ever being warm again. Warm and cold have thus lost their meanings. If the sun is out and you turn your face towards it and you feel no warmth.
And in two weeks or so I shall be walking in England's green and pleasant land :)

1147789  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-02-16
Written: (4615 days ago)
Next in thread: 1147792

You know how I rave about This American Life and no one else does? Well, I'm turning another leaf in all things NPR: Planet Money! :O How awesome is their podcast?! Thanks to the Planet Money zen, I now understand a lot more about the European Debt Crisis. Heck, I even know what it indicates when they mention the interest on France's or Italy's ten year government bonds. I now understand the importance of rice to not only to the human beings living in Asia but also to all the economies of the Asian countries. I now understand what the heck is going on in The Dark Knight when Bruce Wayne tells Harvey Dent that he will throw him a fundraiser and what it implies and why Harvey would be a little bit nervous about that like he is (and then why he would be all-out afraid at the event itself).

And then they tell me about awesome things like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0nERTFo-Sk :P
*edit* Round 2! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTQnarzmTOc&feature=fvwrel

NPR (and PRI) has now officially entered my list of acronyms that mean cool and important public broadcasting work along with BBC and YLE.

1147752  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-02-15
Written: (4616 days ago)

In case you love movies more than Valentine's Day: http://vimeo.com/36685192

1147676  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-02-14
Written: (4617 days ago)

In honour of Valentine's Day, here's a lesson on what love is:

I am such a kid, but I love Sesame Street so much <3

1147652  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-02-13
Written: (4618 days ago)

So I've recently got into Brad Paisley (I know, it's pretty outrageous: the iippo officially likes country music now o.O ) but this one song "Online" is not one of my favourites (even though it has a really awesome moment using the Mac start up noise, it's win :P) but it's an serious earworm so I've actually been thinking about it a lot.

It's a pretty simple "hey aren't people ridiculous when they pretend to be something else on the internet" song, with a pretty catchy thing going with "I'm so much cooler online". The sad fact is of course that I think I'm so much cooler online, but not in the way that is implied in the song (aka I pretend to be cooler than I really am), but in the sense that I'm not as shy and reserved, and I communicate better in text than in speech, and I actually have a peer group online that is actually more like me and lets me relax and be myself (growing up in a small town and being a little bit... peculiar is no treat: you either conform and pretend to be something you're not, or you stick out like a sore thumb).

Something I've noticed with this rising interest in country that I have developed is that country music videos are way literal o.O It drove me crazy at first with Taylor Swift, but now I'm kind of liking the added dimension when the song and the video are actually about the same thing. And the strong points of the "Online" video are when you see Brad himself (instead of the geek playing the main role in the video) being the person who is cooler online. If they had not had the short, plump nerd in the main role there but the singer himself all the way through, the whole thing would have been so much cooler. 'Cause, y'know, Brad Paisley is cool, but even he is cooler online. At least it would have steered the video away from the social stigma of "this is what geeks look like and everyone on the internet is in reality a sad ugly person". Also he's written a number of songs that are a gentle mockery/social critique ("Celebrity" and "Alcohol") where he himself takes some of the stings along with the rest of us. Self irony is cool.

Ah well. The song is dated (MySpace? Pfft) and it shows, and that's okay. But yes, the thought behind all this was when the song was stuck in my head on the bikeride to work and I realised that the reverse is more of a concern in my life: I don't really have to worry about someone I know online to turn out to be something else than they said (being cooler online than in real life), but it's always such a drag to find out that someone you know and like isn't as cool online <_< Like they spell bad or use text-speak, or don't get the internet. And especially now with Facebook when everyone's online with their real name and...

Yeah, someone needs to make a Web 2.0 version of this song :P


The song itself, "Online"

Then a couple of the ones I really enjoy:
-Little Moments (ode to real in relationships) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBErCVNP6rM&feature=BFa&list=TL-flhTnIQexs&amp;lf=artistob
-He Didn't Have to Be (ode to step fathers) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjO1F6oCab8&feature=BFa&list=TL-flhTnIQexs&amp;lf=artistob
-Welcome to the Future http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0Yg9wjctRw&feature=BFa&list=TL-flhTnIQexs&amp;lf=artistob
-Whiskey Lullaby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZbN_nmxAGk&feature=BFa&list=TL-flhTnIQexs&amp;lf=artistob

1147587  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-02-11
Written: (4620 days ago)
Next in thread: 1147588


O___O Aaaaarghh!
Buh! really trippy. I can just about imagine what kind of a head asplosion I would get if I saw that in reality.
Made me realise something very interesting about vision and its importance to me. So... thanks for messing with the universe like this, cool person?

1147514  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-02-09
Written: (4622 days ago)
Next in thread: 1147515, 1147537

What is the difference between secret and private?

1147446  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-02-08
Written: (4623 days ago)

OK Go + a car with pneumatic arms + a couple of thousand of instruments + a lot of space in a desert = incredible music.


1147440  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-02-08
Written: (4623 days ago)


The article says Russia and China take some of the blame for this. But there should be some kind of an international... consequence for their stupid vetoing. How about "you can't veto for the next five times we vote on something, because you vetoed wrong this time"? Or maybe for the first stupid veto you lose the ability for one time, for the second stupid veto you lose it for the next two times etc...?

Hey, why doesn't the word "article" mean some kind of an oblong art? One that possibly develops over a long period of time? Or perhaps an oblong art making tool, like a pencil or a brush? Like, "Cause of death: stabbed with an article."

1147299  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-02-04
Written: (4627 days ago)

Some men just want to see the world burn. And some just want to wear cool socks.

Oh and the part about "girls notice"? Is true :)

1147257  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-02-03
Written: (4628 days ago)
Next in thread: 1147274

Hi guys. So you know how I often rave about This American Life? Yeah, you just tuned out, right? But please come back and I'll tell you an awesome story of what happened at work today and it involves 140 Euros! Anyway, firs the bit about ThisAmLife, and this is not about the radio show, but their blog. Here's the link http://www.thisamericanlife.org/sleepwalk-with-me And in case you don't click without knowing, this is Ira Glass asking for help to get a movie called "Sleepwalk with Me" (that he produced and Mike Birbiglia made) some visible support that it would get distributed in cinemas. There's a little clip of the film, and all you need to do is put your zip code (or country for us non-USAians) to show possible distributors that ThisAmLife listeners would be interested in this film being distributed, that there is an audience out there. And hey, even if you don't want to put anything on the page to indicate your willingness to watch this movie, at least go watch the clip, it's cool :) It really looks like a cool movie. :)

So anyway, this morning at work I was late, it was past 6am in a straiwell, and I found that someone had dropped money in the stairs, two 50€ and two 20€. And in case your currency conversion's not up-to-date, I'll translate for you: that's kind of a lot of monnie. So much in fact that I left it there, hoping that the real owner would come along (hopefully having noticed that they dropped that much money and retracing their steps and discovering their money safely inside their apartment building) before someone more opportunistic did. It was kind of a strange encounter though, to all of a sudden be faced with kind of a lot of monnie like that. It's a strange feeling. Can't really go as far as say that it's an encounter with the sublime, but it's not far off, y'know.

Also discovered that while the Tate art symposia recordings/podcasts are an amazing way to share the research and critical thinking going on in the arts currently, they can't be listened to during paper round, they just aren't good enough quality recordings. I can't crank them loud enough to hear over the sound of walking or biking, part of the time the speaker missed the microphone in someway, etc... They just weren't thinking about being heard when they were speaking. Too bad. Y'see, so far I've tried some old BYU classic speeches -recordings, and those are good but only half an hour each so you end up with 7 or 8 talks in a night and it kind of loses a lot of impact. I also tried this arts and culture radio programme called Utah Now, which worked well despite of shortness (did you know that Richie Ramone has done a collaborative thing with a classical orchestra, where he drums the West Side Story music with the orchestra? It has awesome :3) but because it was so interesting and a lot of it really relevant to my research, I realised that I would need to listen to it again and take notes and all that. Now the Tate ones fail at audio quality whilst otherwise they are perfect (really long, about art and research but not directly relevant to my art and research)... This American Life, again, would be great, but they don't have old episodes on the podcast, only on the website >.< I still have a bunch of other ones to try, and if not, Wittertainment will work just dandy.

1147206  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-02-02
Written: (4629 days ago)
Next in thread: 1147214

My dog woke me up twice last night (second time at ten to one am, only fifteen minutes before I was supposed to get up! >.<) for no real reason, just because he wasn't sleepy. Suffice to say he's sleepy now. So my plan is to take him for a walk in the afternoon, and then poke him and tease him all evening so he can't sleep again until it's actually night time. Stuppid messed up sleep rhythm -ed dog.

I asked my dad just now how cold it is outside, and he said it's -24. And I said "huh, last night at work it was only -20" and then realised that something is wrong somewhere, when -20 is "only -20". Y'see, -10 or -15 or thereabouts is nosehair freezing cold. -20 makes your eyelashes freeze together. It makes your eyes so cold you get a headache, and there is nothing you can do because there just isn't a scarf or mittens that you can wear on your eyes.

1147174  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-02-01
Written: (4630 days ago)
1147151  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-01-31
Written: (4631 days ago)

First time I'm seeing something like this on the interwebs: http://www.ninjavideo.net/

Anyhoo, you know the Finnish presidential election thingie? We're in second round, with two very competent candidates, and election day is Sunday. And this would be a very incredibly interesting race, since they are both very capable of being a very good president - except that there's this really lame reduction going on with a lot of the discussion going on around them. You might even say that it's kind of gay. Because one of the candidates is gay and has a husband, the other is not gay and has a wife. So a lot of the writing and commenting around the election is "is Finland ready for a gay president" and "imagine what the more conservative countries will say/think if we have a gay president" and the Basic Finns are going "we can't vote for anybody now" (because the last thing they want to vote is for a Kokoomus (Finnish version of Republican/Tory) candidate). So where some Americans voted for Obama because he's black and they wanted to prove that they're not racist, some people in Finland are voting for Haavisto because they want to prove they're not homophobic. And vice versa, the homophobes won't vote for him, just like the racists didn't vote for Obama. Couldn't we just... agh >.< I dunno, have an election where all the candidates have to wear a paper bag on their heads and on said paper bags you can only write political things about yourself, like "will abolish slavery" "will raise taxes" or "will keep us out of NATO"? People's race or sexual orientation shouldn't matter when being elected to public office >.< *will go in the voting booth with a dart*

But life is happy, singing and reading and writing and art!

1147112  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-01-30
Written: (4632 days ago)

Apparently I read the NY Times now.

I like the sensible approach in this

I like the feeling of breaking borders and boundaries in this one (though you do have to read between the lines a bit to see the idealism shine through there). Made in the world! 

1147032  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-01-28
Written: (4634 days ago)
Next in thread: 1147034, 1147087

There's a lot of things that you just don't know if you're not from somewhere. And in this specific episode it is a lot of things I don't know since I'm not from USA. So I'm asking yous.

What is Delta like as an airline? What's its reputation? Is it expensive, low-cost, reliable, struggling, snobbish...? What adjective goes with Delta? Also, am I somehow stupid or is it really the only airline that flies between Indy and SLC and SLC and Atlanta? Like, what the heck? Do you not have real low-cost airlines, or do they just not do those specific airports (or are these search engines tricking me and only searching for the main Indy/SLC/Atlanta airports while there are other smaller ones in the outskirts that low-cost carriers fly to)?

Secondly, do you have top-up/pay-as-you-go/pre-paid mobile phone SIM-cards? Where can one buy them, at like a 7-eleven or WalMart or suchmuch corner-store places? Or do you have to go to a proper phone store? Are there SIM-card vending machines even (don't laugh, I've seen them before)?

1146989  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-01-27
Written: (4635 days ago)

Newspaper delivery is going hitech: they gave us all Nokia C5s to use as a digital delivery list thinger (hurrah for automatic updates!) Y'know what else the C5 has? :3 A music player. So I didn't need to buy an iPod after all, I've just loaded some podcasts into it and am looking forward to work tomorrow night so much, get to try it out :D

Today is NASA's Day of Remembrance for lost astronauts. So here are some pictures from thisisnthappiness, around the theme of "Space is depressing as hell"






It is also Holocaust Memorial Day today, but we'll leave those pictures for another day. :/

 The logged in version 

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