[iippo]'s diary

1153872  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-09-26
Written: (4384 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153875, 1153880

more free wifi, this time courtecy of the Greyhound company. I have an overflow of love and some fig newtons in my bag so I feel prepared for the 8 hours of sitting-on-the-bus ahead of me. Sounds like a Paul Simon song in the making...

One item on my 'todo in America' is complete: I got a fortune cookie. I am going to proceed to put undue empasis on it. It said 'you are a bundle of energy, always on the go' and it's true (put 'in bed' before the comma).

Next stop, Dalton, Georgia. The South.

1153793  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2012-09-23
Written: (4387 days ago)

it is almost 3 am and i'm on the Helsinki airport stealing free wifi (yes you can still steal if it's free, if you are very tired and having a very annoyingly hard time accessing et on your stuppid phone (i can't read my et messages on this thing, the browser crashes when I try, so the person who sent the message that seems to have the word theatre or theater in the beginning of the sentence, i'm sorry, i can't read the message right now and i can't even see who it's from before the browser crashes) in the middle of the night).

I'm on this airport because i'm coming and going. I've just come from England (leaving that country always leaves my heart in shreds ;_; ) and I'm about to begin the arduous trek towards the States. With mince pies in my bag :/ what are customs going to say about that?

In addition to not being able to read my messages, i also won't bother reading the forum, because it would be such a hassle to always have to check the previous posting in order to know what it was a reply to, and i just don't have the patience.

Despite leaving England being sad, I do have large amounts of happy that i got from there. Those people just love me so much and it is utter craziness that i live in a country that just doesn't love me as much. Operation moving back to coventry is go.

1153696  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-09-18
Written: (4393 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153701, 1153702, 1153721, 1153736, 1153771

Can a language indicate Utopia?

Suppose you had a language that had no future tense, because people lived in the now, and no one was anxiously worrying about the future.
Suppose you had a language that did not have a word like "have" indicating ownership, because all things were shared equally among all.
Suppose you had a language that used the same word for "he" and "she", because there was no difference between men and women and equality was a given.

This Utopia may (or it may not) be found in Finland.

I have painted a wall. I painted it off-white (with an ever-so-slight tint to green). I really ought to be a person-who-paints-walls-for-a-living because the feeling of accomplishment you get from doing that and the way your body feels achy after such physical work are a very good feeling.

I have barely began to pack for the upcoming travel event, which begins tomorrow at high noon and will end in the evening of the 14th of October. Srsl, what do you pack when you are going away for a month? X_x This is rather difficult. The plans however are more or less in place.

1153637  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-09-14
Written: (4397 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153639

There was a post on my Facebook feed that said "where were you when you heard the news of Osama Bin Laden's death?"
And uhh, I have no idea, I can't remember. It didn't seem very momentous to me at the time: Americans have killed a person in Afghanistan or somewhere. That happens every day, doesn't it? Now if the news had been "Americans have arrested Osama Bin Laden and he is to be tried for the atrocious crimes he orchestrated in 2001" I would have sat up and listened carefully and followed the news closely. Same with Gadaffi: I can't remember where I was or what I was doing when the news of his death came. If it had been news of his arrest I would have danced on table tops or something and I would remember. I don't dance at the news of anyone's death. :/

Some days ago someone on Facebook said something like "yeah Kony, does anyone even remember him?" And I commented saying "we'll all remember him plenty when they drag his bee-hind from the jungle to the Hague" and a lot of people I don't know clicked like on that. But if instead of that we hear the distant news that Joseph Kony has been gunned down in some jungle shoot-out, we won't remember that moment. And it won't be a triumph for justice. Death isn't justice, since everyone is going to die sooner or later anyway. Dying because you have killed someone - even a lot of someone's - is not justice. If that were justice God could take care of that himself: "oh you just killed someone, well oops you just had a heart attack".

I must admit, it's possible we wouldn't remember the moment when Bin Laden was arrested either. It feels a little... offensive almost to ask the question. I was sitting here thinking of the different things that are usually the "do you remember where you were when..." questions: Kennedy's assassination, 9/11, the events at Norway... We don't remember the perpetrators, we remember the victims. I don't remember the moment when Breivik was apprehended, but I do remember the news of the attacks.

1153600  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-09-12
Written: (4399 days ago)

One thing that I think Amazon needs to figure out how to fix is the way it remembers everything you looked at, regardless of whether you expressed interest or preference to that thing. Not everything I view on Amazon is interesting to me, and for their system to assume that is pretty bad practice. It discourages browsing - especially browsing for gifts.

1153599  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-09-12
Written: (4399 days ago)
1153566  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-09-11
Written: (4400 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153586
1153540  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-09-10
Written: (4401 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153543

I had a curious experience at work today. I had to bike between a building and a parked lorry. And as I was getting closer I saw that I will fit just fine through the gap between the two, as long as the driver doesn't suddenly open the door. And I kept looking at the driver's door, knowing that he would open it, and ready to break if/when he did. And he did and I hit the breaks and stopped. The driver was startled and he said "hui" (means something like eek) and closed the door. I didn't say anything and just went past.

It just felt really weird, like in a play that you have rehearsed many times and you just know what is going to happen, what you will do then and what happens after that.

1153502  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-09-07
Written: (4404 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153521

There is a long and very unsteep hill on which is a building with four different stairwells, A B C and D. It is one of my very unfavourite parts in my work route, they are just so monotonous and dull stairwells. When I got to the first one tomorning I noticed that there was a van parked at the last one. It's lights were very bright and I was rather cross at it for just standing there idling with its lights shining really badly in my eyes. I worked my way down over to it and upon approaching realised that it was an ambulance. The door to the last stairwell was left open, lights were on in the passage. I went in careful, ready to duck to the side if some busy-looking paramedics were going to come rushing down the stairs. The lights were on only up to the middle floor, on the top floor I could hear a person-noise, like crying or screaming, but not very loud. I went out and continued on my way. Upon looking back on the other side of the building I saw lights on in one of the apartments of the middle floor, a figure of a man taking a seat. I realised he probably saw me staring, so I went on my way, but my next stop was directly opposite so I could still see the windows and hear the crying, which I now realised was a child crying. I saw more movement in the window, looked away, and the next time I looked up the curtains had been drawn.

It was a very strange experience of passive-aggressive rejection. I wanted to explain to them: it's not that I'm morbidly curious, I'm concerned. I do realise it's none of my business and that timing is definitely wrong to start saying anything but... I wanted to reach out, to connect, somehow, somewhy.

1153486  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-09-06
Written: (4404 days ago)


Hello to Jason Isaacs!

1153460  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-09-05
Written: (4406 days ago)
1153454  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-09-05
Written: (4406 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153462

There was an email in my spambox with the subject "looking for my john cusack". This makes me sad. Someone out there has misplaced John Cusack :/ I hope they find him soon and put him in some good movie.

1153323  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-08-28
Written: (4414 days ago)
1153299  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-08-27
Written: (4414 days ago)

For Oliver.

Behold the creative process! From a simple request to finding appropriate raw material to the development of the aesthetic decisions from just trying stuff out.
And for once, all the elements are all mine (the original photo, the clouds, the space, everything that went into these pictures. Nothing was filched from the Internets :D )

Took one afternoon of on-off working.
Proves that I can still do stuff that isn't solely focused on my own projects :3

1153258  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-08-25
Written: (4417 days ago)

I had a lucid dream this morning.

Some days ago I listened to an episode of RadioLab that talked a bit about lucid dreaming, and one thing they gave as an example for how to "rehearse" for a lucid dream is by often during the day just stop to think "is this a dream?" Sometimes I remember that episode and that idea of checking if you are awake or in a dream, and if I remember to, I'll do that. The idea is that if that thought occurs to you in your dream, you will become aware that you are dreaming (Inception, basically :P) and if you come to realise "hey, this is a dream I'm having" you can take control of your dream and have fun with it :P

I think I was pretty far along in the dream before all of a sudden I just went "is this a dream?" and then for a while all I could do was keep saying "this is a dream." In my dream I was at work, sort of, I was supposed to deliver papers to a building that I deliver papers to in my waking-life job too. But it was not dark, and there were other people around. And someone else had gone before me and but big rocks in everyone's door mailslot things. She couldn't get them all the way through, so it was incredibly annoying to have to move the rocks before being able to put the newspaper through. I met her in the corridor where she was trying to figure out if she could get the rocks in by turning them at different angles (in fact, she could :P) and she explained to me that she was doing this because she was celebrating... something. Like a holiday of some sort. When I came out of there, on the yard I realised that I should go back. And I was really annoyed that I would have to do that. And I wanted to convince myself that I didn't have to go back and do the papers again. There was also some other women talking to me in the yard. And that's when it hit me: this is a dream. And I told the women that this is a dream, but they didn't say anything to that. So I realised that since this is a dream, I don't have to go back to the building.

Not particularly exciting, I know :P But my dreams are often really stressful and compulsive, like there is something I have to do, I'm supposed to do something, and usually it's something really small and pointless or uncomfortable. More often than not it's work-related. So it was so nice to be able to say "...wait, this is a dream, I don't have to do that!"

1153195  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-08-21
Written: (4421 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153204

The Feltron Annual Report:
http://feltron.com/ar06_01.html (this is for 2006)

Learnt about through 99% Invisible, of which I learnt about through RadioLab (of course)

1153168  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-08-20
Written: (4422 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153170, 1153200

I got an email from Terry Gilliam XD

South Quay Plaza
183 Marsh Wall
E14 9SR

I am Terry Gilliam, British citizen and Principal assurance manager for the HSBC in London. I have an urgent business proposal for your consideration and acceptance that I wish to discuss with you.. Should you be of interested in this business, please kindly contact me via my personal email to enable me furnish you with more information and modalities of this business. My Contact Email: tgilliam231@cap-skirring.com

If we can be of one accord, we should plan a meeting, soon.

I await your response.


Terry Gilliam

No references to Monty Python or Brazil or even Dr. Parnassus? You're being too modest, Mr. Gilliam. Though I was under the assumption that you were American (or maybe he has finally got British citizenship and that's why he's so keen to emphasize it :P)

1153135  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-08-18
Written: (4424 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1153048 In windowframe's diary

Y'know how there's all those questionnaires doing the rounds on the internet, where you put your own answers on them... Here's the ultimate, most difficult one.

A) What are your ambitions for your life?
I don't really have any as such. o.O The closest answer I can give you is "to be happy" in the situations that I end up in. Things that I would like to see change in my current situation are country of residence (this is really the only big one), and marital status. Aka I want to move away from Finland asap, and I'd like to get married some day (but if not that's fine too). I don't really have a dream job nor any huge achievements I want to do in life... Some little ones: I would like to have a Christmas tree where every decoration is different from all the other ones, I would like to eat ethically grown foie gras (it exists somewhere in Spain), I would like to have a lifelong membership in the Long Now Foundation, I would like to have a tower in my house (with a spiral staircase up it).

B) What are you doing about it?
Right now, in order to be happy, I am: working in a job that suits me for now, paying off my student loan (this will also lead to the change in country eventually), studying and reading books and writing and making art and thinking interesting thoughts, everything I do with my dog, developing an interesting relationship with an interesting person (which might lead to the change in marital status), talking to loved ones and friends, eating chocolate.
I am also gathering Christmas decorations for my tree, but the other small things have to wait in the back of my mind right now, their time is not yet.

Copy and paste with your own answers :3

1153133  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-08-18
Written: (4424 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153137

I listened to an older episode of RadioLab called "Unraveling Bolero". It's an incredibly fascinating story about a woman who had the same thing happen in her brain as Maurice Ravel. She even got obsessed with the Bolero and then made a painting of it - and the researchers reckon she and Ravel had the same deadly disease and that in a way Bolero was a symptom of it. Part of the progress of the disease is that one forgets words.

It was a well-timed episode to make iippo paranoid, because some days ago I had a real struggle remembering words Armenia and Argentina, and all last night I could not for the life of me remember the name of the city of Västerås. I actually didn't remember it at all, I looked it up on the map of Sweden, and... I didn't recognise it. At all. I re-learnt it. Somewhere along the line my brain has decided that the name Västerås is useless information and dropped it. Which makes me sad because it featured quite prominently in my life at that time because our district leader was there when I was in Örebro. I remember the names of all the other cities in Sweden where my district leader was (Visby, Örnsköldsvik, Kungsbacka (though I did have to think really hard to remember the last one, but then again I wasn't that close with the DL who served there...)) plus the names of a whole bunch of other less prominent cities in Sweden. But not Västerås.

I guess the more upsetting part of this is not that I'd forgotten it (I forget stuff all the time), but that it didn't come back with that "Västerås! Of course! :D" Instead, when I looked at the map it was "huh, I would never in a million years have been able to remember that, it doesn't look even vaguely familiar... But it must be true, since it's right there and I do remember people saying that word at times..." It's strangely distressing. Usually I have this happen when my mum says things like "you did this, don't you remember, when you were in high school" and I'm like "I haven't the faintest, it doesn't even sound familiar" - but that's fine since high school is something I'd rather erase from memory all together anyway, so the more bits of it that go missing the better. But the mission is something I want to remember forever, all of it.

Now obviously I don't have progressive aphasia or anything that Ravel and this woman had, just in case you were wondering. It was just very interestingly timed.


Here, have some Bolero: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWcpw3GAAms

1153066  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-08-16
Written: (4426 days ago)
Next in thread: 1153067

My monies came - apparently it was some sort of a bank glitch. *sigh* Electronic funds transfers: providing easy access to heart attacks since #### -_-;

Yesterday I listened to an episode of RadioLab shorts, about Argentine ants. It was quite fascinating - apparently Argentine ants are basically a world-wide super-colony of ants that won't fight each other, because they are racists and don't breed with other colonies, ever (listen to the episode yourself to make sense of this) - but the episode started with them describing the practical way this research is done: they find some ants in the wild and put them in a bowl with an ant from the lab. Usually they smell each other and then leave each other alone (they are from the same super-colony and therefore are friends). But in this description - so this is a person talking on radio, telling what he sees - they were at the warzone, at the edge where two separate Argentine ant colonies meet, and they put an enemy ant in the bowl with the lab ant and they had at each other and ripped each other to shreds. And this kind of curious sounding voice describing these ants murdering each other almost made me cry.

And today, I started listening to another one. I have it paused midway at the moment, because the person - a man who studies crickets (I know right, what's with the bugs, RadioLab?) - just described how he accidentally wounded one of his lab crickets, and the cricket, noticing there was innards, started eating itself >.< Not sure if I want to listen to the end of this episode.

1153028  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-08-15
Written: (4427 days ago)

Where r mai monies?!?!? D: It is the 15th, I am supposed to be paid on the 15th, there are no monies on my account! And I really needed it to come today in order to sort out travel for September >.<

 The logged in version 

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