[iippo]'s diary

1156096  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-12-20
Written: (4195 days ago)

After reading an article in the Independent "Letter to Santa from women" (that quoted men saying things like "as long as I have a face, Jessica Ennis has a place to sit" >.< ) I had the thought that one could apply the logic of the Hawkeye Initiative ( http://thehawkeyeinitiative.com/ aka, if you can draw Hawkeye in the same pose as the hypersexualised "empowered" female characters without looking completely ridiculous then the pose is not sexist) to these types of comments to reveal the blatant sexism. Basically, if the commentor would be comfortable saying something to the same effect to/about a man, then the comment isn't sexist (though there is no guarantee that it's still not a really douchebaggish thing to say, but people are allowed to be douchebags - just not sexist). So if the commentors would be willing to make space for Andy Murray on their faces, they can make the Ennis-comment without fear of being a sexist.

Maybe I will make a tumblr of this.

1155898  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-12-12
Written: (4203 days ago)

I haven't got up close and personal in this diary in a long while. So let's see, things that are going on:

-Still living in Finland, at home, and not liking the situation. -_-; I hate the snow and I don't like not having my own place. I'm too old for this stuff. But. It's fine. I'm glad that I can be here to sort myself out. Which is coming along. I'm working (and sort of like my job, not so much at winter but I don't like anything at winter) and saving up. The plan is to move to England by next September.

-Because I'm getting married and that's where we want to live. Still don't know the exact date since the bishop of Coventry hasn't got back to me about the building being available. Aaand there's some other details that are still rather open. So that takes a lot of time and energy, trying to figure things out. The plan may be that he moves here after getting a visa to the UK that allows him to marry there, spend the spring here, get married in the summer, stay here a bit more then move to England at the start of term, to the place of his new university. There are so many unknowns in that plan: what if he doesn't get the visa, what if he doesn't get into uni, what if something else goes really badly?

-Creative work -wise I'm doing many things. Too many, perhaps, it is difficult to finish anything. Or show anything to anyone.

-Research-wise I'm reading lots of cool things. some of which I share when I come across it, usually on Facebook.

-Church-wise I've been madly busy this month and it's been the thing (besides sleep and work) that has been taking most of my time. Can't wait for Christmas to be over.

-Christmas-wise I'm really lazy this year. It's almost like I'm not really looking forward to Christmas this year that much. It's just hasn't been very fun or exciting. I sort of feel like... Y'know that boring trope about "if you let the spirit of Christmas in your heart, you'll have Christmas all year round"? Well, I kind of feel like I do that, and that in turn means that Christmas right now doesn't mean all that much to me.

-My dog is old and silly. He stays up all night and sleeps during the day. I worry a little bit.

-In ET I mainly trawl through the junk forum.

1155742  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-12-05
Written: (4210 days ago)

A blurb for an article of some sort I saw read "It's the beginning of the "plus one" event season. Even when surrounded by family, it is hard to be single at the holidays. And no one wants to be coupled off with the family dog." I find this weird because I am gladly coupled off with our dog, I have a great time in his company, usually... Maybe other people don't have very interesting dogs?

1155679  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-12-03
Written: (4212 days ago)
Next in thread: 1155681


This is like my America trip experience! (Except [Viking] didn't call me a bitch...)

1155485  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-11-26
Written: (4219 days ago)
Next in thread: 1155499, 1155502

Can vvin be spelt with two v's?

1155348  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-11-20
Written: (4225 days ago)
Next in thread: 1155353
1155302  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-11-19
Written: (4226 days ago)

Good TED talk there, about introverts and extroverts.
Learnt a new word there, ambivert (someone who is right in the middle, not an introvert nor an extrovert).

1155215  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-11-16
Written: (4229 days ago)
Next in thread: 1155217, 1155223

Some more things to hear:

Dumb Ways to Die
(I have to cross post with Facebook because some [Viking]s and [Avaz]s aren't on Facebook)

1155211  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-11-16
Written: (4229 days ago)

I'm a little late on all things news, but this was lol :D


If you want some more #MuslimRage, find it all here:
And https://twitter.com/search?q=%23muslimrage

"Nothing better than a full English breakfast buffet... And you can't eat anything. #MuslimRage"
"I lost my cousin in town before but I couldn't scream his name because it was Osama #muslimrage "
"You lose your nephew at the airport but you can't yell his name because it's JIHAD. that is #muslimrage "

1155209  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-11-16
Written: (4229 days ago)
Next in thread: 1155212
1155097  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-11-12
Written: (4233 days ago)
Next in thread: 1155099, 1155100, 1155139

What makes you feel beautiful? (Or handsome. sexy. Attractive in some way.)
I don't mean necessarily what makes you look good, I mean what gives you a boost of confidence, that feeling of being attractive. It can be anything you do or others do, or a particular time or situation, or anything at all.

-Plucking my eyebrows.
-When the wind twirls my skirts and hair.
-I feel pretty when I wake up in the morning (without the alarm), being a mess of hair and sheets in bed, all groggy about what time it is and squinting because I don't have my glasses on.
-Wearing certain shoes.

1155089  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-11-12
Written: (4233 days ago)
Next in thread: 1155096

Down. | Bromley. | Kent. S.E.
Oct 1st

My dear Lyell

Thank you for the most interesting correspondence. What a wonderful case that of Bedford. I thought the problem sufficiently perplexing before, but now it beats anything I ever heard of. Far from being able to give any hypothesis for any part, I cannot get the facts into my mind.— What a capital observer & reasoner Mr Jamieson is. The only way that I can reconcile my memory of Lochaber with the state of the Welch valleys, is by imagining a great barrier, formed by a terminal moraine, at the mouth of the Spean, which the river had to cut slowly through, as it drained the lowest Lake, after Glacial period.— This would, I can suppose, account for the sloping terraces along the Spean. I further presume that sharp transverse moraines would not be formed under the waters of the Lake, where the glacier came out of L. Treig and abutted against opposite side of valley.— A nice mess I made of Glen Roy! I have no spare copy of my Welch paper; it would do you no good to lend it, I suppose.— I thought that there must have been floating ice on Moel Tryfane.— I think it cannot be disputed that the last event in N. Wales was Land Glaciers.— I could not decide where action of Land Glaciers ceased & marine glacial action commenced at the mouths of the valleys.—

What a wonderful case the Bedford case.— Does not the N. American view of warmer or more equable period after great Glacial period become much more probable in Europe?—

But I am very poorly today & very stupid & hate everybody & everything. One lives only to make blunders.— I am going to write a little Book for Murray on orchids & today I hate them worse than everything so farewell & in a sweet frame of mind, I am | Ever yours | C. Darwin



1154887  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-11-06
Written: (4239 days ago)
Next in thread: 1154889, 1154890, 1154893

Hey English language! I realised that if we are going to get to a future with sentient objects (like robots or something), we're going to need a lot more pronouns.
I, you, he, she, we, you and they all refer to persons, human beings, we only have it that refers to objects. We need a word for first object singular and plural, second object singular and plural and third object plural.

*is writing a novel about robots for NaNoWriMo and the mess with pronouns is driving her crazy*

1154885  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-11-06
Written: (4239 days ago)


I couldn't resist. I love you PhotoShop.

1154883  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-11-06
Written: (4239 days ago)

"There are no Waffle Houses in New York or New Jersey." So that's why those places are constantly in red alert! :O And for a reason: how can they not have a Waffle House? Next you're going to tell me that they don't have Chick-fil-a either.

1154858  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-11-05
Written: (4240 days ago)
Next in thread: 1154861

Hey you guys who like Steampunky things, have you looked at this?

I haven't poked around at the other sections than the fonts, so who knows what all is there.

1154758  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-11-03
Written: (4242 days ago)
Next in thread: 1154761, 1154785

English language, this word you have concocted is useless and you should be ashamed of yourself for creating it.

1. passing aimlessly from one subject to another; digressive; rambling.
2. proceeding by reasoning or argument rather than intuition.

Those definitions are radically different from each other and will change the tone or meaning of the entire sentence! Without much of a cue in context to tell me which one is the correct definition to apply! WTF?

"Post-modern form of critique assumes that the social order is a discursive act." Do you mean it is digressive and rambling, or that it proceeds by reasoning? The context of the text around this paragraph is dense and not immensely helpful in figuring out what the point is exactly, but I've always been under the impression that modern form of critique would suggest that the social order proceeds by reasoning or argument (since modernism was really into all that), so do I then assume that posmodern of the same would be aimless and rambling? But then the next time discursive appears in the text it says "if beauty is a discursive practice, then existing norms/images are always legitimately subject to interpretation and critique." Which kinda suggests they want you to read it the second way...

Note, this is a rant, I don't actually want help trying to figure out this stupid text, I've disagreed with it since the start, and while it's been pretty cool as an incubator of thoughts, I'm really not into it at all. It's some old book on Google Books.

I'd like to point out that usually I love these words that mean its opposite at the same time, like 'cleave'. 'Cleave' is such a wonderful word. :3

1154713  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-11-02
Written: (4243 days ago)
Next in thread: 1154725

So we had one day proper snow like January, next day was like March with stupidly icy and wet roads of death, and now it's all gone and we are back to November. And I had this flash of a vision of a wonderful future: what if that was as much winter as we get this year? :O That it was a fast-forward version of the season and now we are in it for the long haul with rain, wind and glorious miserableness; a true English winter...! If only! I know what I'm praying for now :3

In other news, I had breakfast and forgot that we're about to have dinner in half an hour >.<;; Need to do some Samoan stomach rolls or bust out the old sister missionary "can eat three meals in three hours" moves or something... (Dinner is really important to my mum so it can't be skipped without getting into a massive domestic... :/ )

Feels like time is slipping away from me (in many ways this is a great thing: go go away, year!) but I can't tell what it is that I'm doing with my waking hours.

1154639  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-10-31
Written: (4245 days ago)
Next in thread: 1154641

We are having a white Halloween. What is up with that?? Although I fully realise that this is completely my fault, I haven't been praying that it wouldn't snow. But I didn't realise I would have to start doing that so early o.O It has never snowed before my birthday. So I hereby declare the beginning of Christmas, and all other holidays cancelled.

And yet: finished my route on time like a boss today :B

1154623  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-10-30
Written: (4246 days ago)
Next in thread: 1154624, 1154645
 The logged in version 

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