My Sinatra-radio is trying to fool me: it thinks it can pass Aretha Franklin as Sinatra. Pfft.
Also, I have heard "Unforgettable
I think I get high from these diary-notes. But blame ally.
[Crazy Crazy Cat]
I like his second no-message rule, although I am guilty of doing it. :(
“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.”
-C. S. Lewis
Sorry for the all-the-time-a
Also, I have to say: "when the moon catches your eye like a big pizza pie that's amore!" XD I also <3 Dean Martin now.
I can't countdown from 10 in English. o_O Pathetic.
My Y!-messe seems retarded - it didn't tell me I had an email (quite an important one at that, too). If I didn't access my radio via my email, I would have missed the email. :(
(I speak too much about my Yahoo-radio, don't I? I just love Sinatra so damn much :3 I nearly listen to the Sinatra-radio more than my own :P)
Yesterday was interesting: around 10 am I heard a car come, then people go to the back of the house (where the upstairs-peopl
I realise that I was very close to free SKY. Feel free to pat me on the back for my amazing moral fibre.
Barenaked Ladies: If I had $1000000
I'll marry the first person to serenade this song to me :P
Especially if they really mean the part where they promise to buy me a llama or an emu.
It's always a bit funny to find wikis in ET saying stuff like "join this wiki if you are unique/special
All unique, all the same. :3
I <3 Yahoo-radio.
I found 'Cirque Du Soleil' -fan-station in Yahoo-radio.
I <3 Cirque Du Soleil.
Oh and Yahoo-radio <3s Silvie. :P My station is constantly bombarded with Silvie-music. And Sinatra.
I <3 Sinatra so much. :)
Found an amazing photo by accident:
I love Google, and Google loves me. :3
Joseph Grigely.
I want to make an artist reference in ET about the artists who I find remember-worth
If I had two more relations, I'd have the meaning of life. o.O Hmm, maybe that's what it means: meaning of life is to have 42 relations.
I just random-membere
GPS - for talking about Graphics programs. :3
And don't forget
Order of the Stick
*sigh* Another contest won by the shemale art of the buttfucker-lov
[Azuri] told me that she thinks she's seen my Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes in DA (which I am a member of, yes, but I haven't put Diamonds on show there).
If anyone comes across it, and it really is mine, please link me so I can whip that art thief's arse. :3
Oh my Ford (hopefully a De Soto *wink*)! I'm out of comic!
Is the last strip!! *dies*
Oh and I'd also like to say this:
I'm a member of the cuntsil XD XD XD XD XD
Check out the brain graph in panel 7!
I love you deus. :3
Finally a word for those puketastic females with their puketastic fixation in gay-porn.