[Veltzeh]'s diary

1077086  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-04-30
Written: (5524 days ago)

I bought Dragonforce's newest album a few days ago. [Levoton] apparently dislikes them a lot, and I started wondering what I like in music.
My musical background is that I suck at it. Music theory in senior secondary was the first exam ever that I failed. I've read there's some kind of connection between musical and mathematical talent, but I'm only competent in math. I suppose it could just be a hearing and attitude issue, though. (I have actual trouble understanding speech.) I'm fairly tone deaf, though I could most likely learn to play an instrument if I wanted to. I'm afraid to try since I might like it and I don't even have time for my current hobbies right now.

As for musical genres, I like video game music, techno, trance, industrial, electronica, pop and rock and metal. Pop and rock is kind of questionable since they're very vague. I suppose I mostly like the catchy tunes in them, mostly. As for metal, there are a lot of subgenres and I suppose I mostly like speed, melodic, symphonic and power metal. I just checked last.fm's tags and saw "nintendo metal", which sounds awesome. (Also, why is Dragonforce tagged "Finnish"? They're from UK as far as I can tell...) Mmm, SID metal.

Let's see. What I like about video game music is that 8-bit and midi are awesome. They have simple sounds that even my ears can understand. I suppose that when the amount of sounds is limited, the melody/rhythm/tune is better constructed to compensate or something.

I'll lump techno, electronica, trance and industrial in one since I guess I mostly like similar things in them. No singing is a definite plus in them, as is the strong rhythm. Then again, I absolutely hate it when in some trance/etc. songs there are some voices moaning, aaahhh-ing or yeah-ing. Why do they have to ruin the music with those? I like the so-called futuristic/synthetic/sci-fi-ish sounds. Fancy sounds for the win.

Pop and rock... well... catchy tunes. That's my main reason for liking them when I do like them.

Metal. Techno tends to have a very simple but powerful drumming sequence, and while I like that, I also like it when it's more complex but still powerful. But it needs to be not TOO complex! I also like it when the whole song is full of sound, which is generally what metal songs are. It does depend, though. I still want a melody in them; mere sound is just an earsore. As for speed, I can't honestly say why I like it more when the music is fast. I just do.
I like progressive metal too, but I suppose most of it is too difficult for me to understand.

For me, lyrics/singing is the one thing that usually completely ruins the song for me.
Singing voice is a rather important factor. I hate the growling/grunting "singing" (örinä) in many metal songs. It works when used scarcingly to represent a monster or something, but even that stretches it. I like high voices on men and low voices on women. I also hate it when some woman sings in a sort of "pink barbie voice" or "brat voice". I don't even know how to explain those. An example would be best, but of course I've forgotten all those kind of songs. Maybe Aqua's Barbie Girl is a good example of "pink barbie voice". Men can have equally annoying voices, but I haven't been able to categorize them yet. Machinae Supremacy's singer's voice is very annoying, but for some reason I can handle it on their best songs. Voiceless voices like Nordmän are also an earsore of sorts. I don't mind screaming as singing as long as it works well. I think Dragonforce does it well. I like it when the voice is clear.

Lyrics. Hoo whoa. First of all, I'm really sick of songs about (lost/forbidden/eternal/denied/nonexistent) love. It could be because I don't know a thing about love as those songwriters do. Therefore, any topic of love is usually an automatic ruination for a song. Also other everyday topics and artist life in general are usually turn-downs. Songs about nothing but human nature... no thanks, I think about that way too much without any music.
There are exceptions, of course.
As with poetry, I like it if the song tells a story. Specifically, a fictional story. Even better if the story is fantasy or sci-fi. I also really like hearing certain words in the lyrics. Some of these words are: universe, desolation, silent, wasteland, winter, thunder, storm, far away, so far, parallax, forever, endless, path, ice, field, shadow, planet, metal, sky, desert, forest, understand, steel, collide, gate. I wonder why I like hearing them. When I was younger, I only liked non-Finnish songs because I couldn't understand the words. Then I started understanding English and nowadays I can even enjoy the fact that I understand thwe lyrics. However, I still miss a lot of the words and especially meanings. I just hear a word here and there. I think I've gotten better at understanding the words, though.

I suppose I could make a list of some of my all-time favorite songs, you know, the kind I could listen to for a whole day. Maybe even a week, like Gerudo Valley (yes, I did that). No, these aren't really in order, even thought it might seem like so.
Video game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Gerudo Valley
Video game: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: Deku Palace
Dragonforce: Soldiers of the Wasteland
Dragonforce: Disciples of Babylon
Dragonforce: Revelations
Dragonforce: Valley of the Damned
CMX: Parvatin tietäjä
CMX: Punainen komentaja
Altaria: Enemy
Blind Guardian: Battlefield
Blind Guardian: Fly
Blind Guardian: Somewhere far beyond
Ensiferum: Lai lai hei
Finntroll: Vätteanda (maybe some other Finntroll songs...)
Folkemon: Think back and Lie of England
Genesis: Land of Confusion
Heavy Metal Perse: Kohti kolossien maata
Heavy Metal Perse: Aamunkoiton huilumies
Iced Earth: Ten thousand strong
Iron Maiden: Nomad
Joan Baez: Sweet Sir Galahad
Kamelot: The Spell
Korpiklaani: Kädet siipinä
Luca Turilli: War of the Universe
Mike Oldfield: Guilty
Mike Oldfield: Moonlight Shadow
Nightwish: Moondance
Nightwish: Crownless
Nightwish: The Riddler
Pet Shop Boys: It's a sin
Rhapsody: Elnor's Magic Valley (uh... it's hard to pick just one Rhapsody song)
Robert Miles: Fable
Scooter: (...something here...)
Sonata Arctica: World in my eyes
Sonata Arctica: My land
Sonata Arctica: It won't fade
Stratovarius: (something here too)
Therion: Gothic Kabbalah
Thy Majest(y/ie/ic): The Scream of Taillefer
Uriah Heep: Lady in Black
Video game: Metroid: Full of life (Relics of the Chozo)
Video game: Metroid Prime: Magmoor Caverns
X-perience: Magic Fields
Video game: Ufouria: ice cave music

I also have single songs from several artists, but it's even harder to pick from those.

(I also didn't spend 5 hours writing this. My posting was delayed by last.fm and others (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOpdyytB3OY).)

1074102  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-04-10
Written: (5543 days ago)

I went to watch "Laputa – linna taivaalla" (Tenku no shiro Rapyuta) on Thursday. It was a good movie, but the main character was kind of annoying but quite tolerable anyway. The other characters were cool, however, as were the backgrounds and other things. The pirate captain was especially awesome. She was an old action granny!

1073267  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-04-03
Written: (5550 days ago)

I've been reading yet another webcomic. This time, it's "Once Upon A Table" (http://onatable.comicgenesis.com/). There's a scene about a monster that begins here: http://onatable.comicgenesis.com/d/20041227.html and when I got to this part: http://onatable.comicgenesis.com/d/20050131.html I totally wasn't expecting it and proceeded to lol. A lot. I think it requires that build-up and the fact that I just didn't see it coming. Otherwise I think it's kind of cheap, maybe. Of course, it could be that I'm just tired.
I've also read and reread way too much Order of the Stick comics lately, as if that had anything to do with anything.

1069508  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-03-07
Written: (5578 days ago)

I went to see Watchmen ...yesterday. Yes. It was quite awesome. Some critic on the newspaper said it was too true to the original comic, but I didn't find that a problem. It had also been just long enough a time since I had read the comic, so I didn't remember all of the plot. Also, the movie plot was easier to follow and I kind of feel that I missed something while reading the comic because I couldn't read it on one go. Nevertheless, yay!

1066819  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-02-16
Written: (5597 days ago)

I went to practice some parkour with [Levoton] yesterday. It was fun, though I think I like the indoors practice more than going out. Surprise. Anyway, I was already hurting when we left there, and it only got worse later. I couldn't sleep (much) at night—every time I felt like I might fall asleep, I just startled and was wide awake again.
Now my legs are totally shot and my arms aren't in much better condition. Again next Sunday!

1064214  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-01-24
Written: (5619 days ago)

I finally finished reading the Wraeththu trilogy today. A kind of review follows, even though I don't remember that much of the two first books. I didn't even write it down, like I did for the third.

I liked the story well enough, but it could've been better as well. The lack of plot was disorienting, but then again, there was a plot, but because the stories were told from the point of view of a single character per book, it was very murky until the end. I usually like to have more clarity.
The characters really seemed like characters, though the dialogue took funny turns at some points, and everyone seemed to have three or less ways of speaking (colloquial, sarcastic and overly formal). Maybe knowing Finnish and its dialects makes me strangely aware of the different ways in which people can speak. Then again, I'm not sure if I can achieve that in my own writing, so...
The world was ...a world! I appreciate it when in towns, strangers are treated with hospitality instead of hostility. It did seem a little surreal at places, but well. Weirder was that when a town would have greeted strangers (the protagonist) with hostility, they had a contact who got them through it.
I don't think I've ever been very fond of descriptions, but in Wraeththu, they really worked for me, save for some choice of words (and I accuse the language barrier for that). Not too verbose, but long enough to make it all seem real and different.

Speaking of language, I read the last 19 chapters (174 pages) in a few hours, which I think is a record for me reading unfamiliar English. It still feels like my level of comprehension is much lower with English if I'm not very familiar with the subject. Sigh, language.

Addition: There's one thing I need to complain about: the names. They don't make linguistic sense. So many new words and so many of them capitalized. The names are memorable enough, but I just found them linguistically ugly somehow. Maybe the fault is in me, though. I think Japanese/Chinese/Korean names are nice, but I can never properly remember them, unless they resemble a Western name. Funny, isn't it?

1063294  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-01-18
Written: (5625 days ago)
Next in thread: 1063356

Nanowrimo meet is over! We didn't really do anything nanowrimoish, but we played games and watched movies. I played three new games:
– Monty Python and Zombie Fluxx (yes, we did mix them and didn't suffer any (visible) brain damage)
– Battlestar Galactica boardgame (it was pretty cool)
– Arkham Horror (damn long game, but interesting and I really like that the players play it cooperatively against the gameboard)
– Shoot 'Em Up (art with shooting guns, and I'm amazed they didn't have a gunfight underwater (yes, I'm aware of the silliness)) (third K-18 movie I ever saw (after Mad Max and Kill Bill 1))
– UHF 62 (it was called a "bad" comedy")
– The Black Hole (perfect robots (yeah right)!)
– 13. warrior (it was Buliwyf's story from the point of view of some Arab guy, and I thought it was pretty cool and more watchable than the new Beowulf)
– Conan the Barbarian (it had swords)
– Excalibur (it was kind of like Merlin, but shorter and less detailed, and Merlin still had the same personality!)
– Dungeons & Dragons (I wasn't traumatized, heck, I didn't even think it sucked)
– Highlander (if there was racket about this movie somewhere, I didn't get why)
– Flesh & Blood (every freaking character there is a total effing despicable asshole, and yet the movie was sort of okay) (fourth K-18 movie)

1057584  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-12-05
Written: (5670 days ago)
Next in thread: 1057586

I spent over 6 hours programming a smallish coursework assignment. After I was done with it and debugged it who knows how many times, I sent it to be assessed and the automatic tester gave me full points for it. Whee. Now, when doing brainwork, I get ridiculously hungry. It's obvious, though. Then, for some reason, I thought this was insanely funny:
[2008-12-05_21:26:02] <Veltzeh> also, brainwork really makes me hungry >_>
[2008-12-05_21:27:00] * Veltzeh eats brain
[2008-12-05_21:27:15] <Veltzeh> haha! take that, brain! try to consume all my sugars now!

1056790  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-11-30
Written: (5675 days ago)
Next in thread: 1056808, 1056813

Yay, yet another post about my deficient social skills...

I can't handle intensive emotions. Whenever I'm thoroughly (or what seems thoroughly to me) disappointed or insulted, the feeling stays and only goes away with time, apparently, because I can't properly rationalize it. The more I do and the more time passes, the better it gets, but drawing up that memory is an instant depressant. And drawing up old, moldy and depressing memories is something I apparently can't help doing no matter how much I think I'd want to. And stars help me if someone is friendly to me, acknowledges and appreciates my opinions or is grateful to me... I have no idea how to respond. I think my main reactions are either to be quiet and look confused, belittle whatever it is that I did or then say "thanks" with a monotonous and horribly forced voice. How can properly I express that I very, very much appreciate being taken into account in a positive manner? And how can I do this to other people?

I've gone to a few parties arranged by fellow role-players. I was always anxious in them. I don't know how to have fun in happenings like them. When the people talk, they mostly talk about things that I really have nothing to contribute to or don't know anything about, and when they talk about things I have a clue about, I'm too shy to say anything because everyone else is speaking and because I've been quiet the whole time anyway.

I go into the party thinking that I shouldn't stress about having fun or having anything to or not daring to speak. And I mostly don't, but many times I also don't do or say much anything. When leaving, I feel bad that I suck this much at socializing, failed yet another social event and hope that I didn't ruin it for anyone else. I probably shouldn't feel that way, since me being quiet probably doesn't have much of an effect. But again, how can I stop feeling that way?

1055767  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-11-20
Written: (5685 days ago)

It's Transgender Day of Remembrance today. http://www.rememberingourdead.org/day/

1054256  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-11-09
Written: (5696 days ago)

I went to see Journey to the Center of the Earth while I was in Joensuu. The 3D version at that. The movie itself was okay, but mostly for preadolescents, I think. The 3D stuff was fairly awesome. It was better than the last 3D-movie I saw about 6 years ago. I suspect that the technology has developed.

1048359  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-04
Written: (5732 days ago)

I went to see Dark Knight yesterday. It was good. Usually the movies show the name of the movie in the beginning, but this time they showed it at the end. Refreshing, sort of. I didn't like Joker, but then, chaos unsettles me and I didn't like the way he spoke.

Today I went to see Nausica of the Valley of the Winds. It was great too.

Some time ago I had a dream where gypsies (?) stole my new bike from me three times on my way home from the bike shop. When I got home, my room was burning (specifically my comic, computer and favorite book), and I did a pretty good job of putting the fire out before I woke up.

1047637  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-09-30
Written: (5736 days ago)

On some days, I have lectures starting at 8:15. I don't want to get caught in a traffic jam, so I wake up ridiculously early (5:30) so I can leave home before 7 and avoid the jam. For this, I also try to go to sleep early, but that rarely succeeds. However, if I manage to go to sleep so that I have about 7 hours or more sleeping time (which is approximately the minimum I need), I just CAN'T SLEEP. First, it takes me forever to fall asleep and then I wake up during the night. Today, I woke up two hours before it was time to get up and couldn't fall asleep again, even though I was exhausted and could still get comfortable. And this happens always when I MOST need the sleep. And waking up this early makes my stomach go haywire too. Why must early mornings be so difficult? >:(

1046702  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-09-23
Written: (5743 days ago)

Someone here in Finland made a shooting at a school and apparently killed some people. Sigh. I predict that they'll make guns harder to get in Finland now. Let's see how that goes!

Also, weird. Some random drive-by troll tried to scare me with the dangers of identity theft in an IRC channel today, because I have my date of birth and email listed in many places. It apparently got pissed at me after I called it a spammer after it spewed some inane lines in IRC.

1041614  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-08-16
Written: (5781 days ago)

Becaaaaause I can. This came from [Levoton] and [True, plain and simple].

*Have you ever showered with someone?
When I was a kid.

*Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
Never fell.

*Last movie you saw in theaters, with who?
The Incredible Hulk, with Kii'ia.

*What time is it?

*Where are you right now?
In front of my computer. Surprise.

*What are you doing right now?
Waiting for the library website to load.

*Where do you think your best friend is right now?
I don't have "best" friends...

*Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris?
Paris, I guess. Less of a culture shock.

*Are you listening to music right now?

*Who else is in the room with you?
Maybe some bugs.

*last 2 text messages you got?
I've already deleted them. Or if I haven't, I will whenever I remember to.

*In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?
Jackets. Easier to take off and cool down.

*Do you wish you were somewhere else right now

*How long can you go without your mobile phone?

*Ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person?

*Where did you last sleep other than your house?
At [Linderel]!

*Where were you last night?
At the university.

*If your ex said they hate you, you say?
I'd have nothing to say. I doubt I'll ever have an "ex", though...

*Do you like drama?
It's basically the point of fictional entertainment like movies and comics. IRL, drama sucks.

*What was the last item you bought?
Grocery store stuff... Other than that, a router.

*Are you afraid of roller coasters?

*What would you do if your best friend told you they were moving?
If I did have a "best" friend, I'd probably tell I'd help em move.

*Are you taken?

*At what age do you want to be married?

*What should you be doing?

*have you drifted from someone close lately?
How would I know? What does that even mean, really?

*When was the last time you held someone's hand?
I have no clue. Maybe I held some of my little cousins by hand some years ago.

*Who can you tell everything to?
I doubt anyone would like to hear everything I have to say. I tell my things to lots of different people, depending on their interests.

*Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a G?

*What is the next concert you are going to?
It doesn't exist.

*Can you play guitar hero?
Maybe I could.

*Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Cold. Of course "suitably and conviently warm" is best, but anything hotter than that is torture.

*What are you listening to right now?
Videogame music.

*How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?

*Would you rather watch football or baseball?
Both suck ass, but if I had to, I'd what the one that has a higher chance of people dying.

*Who is your number 5 on your friends list?
What list?

*Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?
Of course there is. How do I get rid of the idiots? Why do I have to think about them?

*Do you speak another language other than English?
Finnish, obviously. And Swedish, maybe some German and French. I suck at speaking, though.

1037634  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-07-17
Written: (5811 days ago)
Next in thread: 1037745

Our internet connection at home is imitating a morse transmission. I suppose it has something to say. Also, this is worktime well spent! Unfortunately I actually do have to work.
Oh yeah, if anybody's been wondering why I feel so damn inactive, it's because I have a job. And in June I was also studying. It's just going to get worse, I fear...

1035277  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-07-05
Written: (5822 days ago)

I went to watch The Incredible Hulk today. Was good. Nice action.

1032658  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-05-30
Written: (5858 days ago)
Next in thread: 1032740

While driving home from a RPG session today, I almost drove over two elks. I was like "Damn huge horses, what the heck are they doing here—oh." Yes, I thought that while I was braking. They'll probably pillage our village this night or something.

1024898  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-19
Written: (5900 days ago)

How to do the "science" bit in science fiction? http://www.projectrho.com/rocket/index.html This site is awesome. :D

1014554  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-02-26
Written: (5952 days ago)

22:44 — This comic is HILARIOUS. http://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic1-022508.php

1008710  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-01-31
Written: (5979 days ago)
Next in thread: 1009153
 The logged in version 

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