[Sebhar]'s diary

828467  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-22
Written: (6648 days ago)
Next in thread: 828474

[*] Driving today wasn't bad. Just "leap-frog" on the four-lane. I got straight 3+es across the board, when the highest you can get is 4. Woot.
[*] *dance*
[*] I... LOVE PEARL JAM! "...I wish I was the full moon shining off a Camaro's hood..."
[*] "Is this just fantasy?" - Queen
[*] TAKE THE POLL! ...please?
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are, and isn't really difficult to identify.] *raises glass* Here's to you.
[*] ...now, to practice the trombone...muha.

827237  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-20
Written: (6651 days ago)

[*] Driver's ed in mornings continues to suck, man.
[*] *slap!*
[*] I... LOVE GREEN DAY! "...so when the smoke clears, here I am, your reject all-American..."
[*] "Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?" - Queen
[*] ...have you taken my poll yet?
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are, and isn't really difficult to identify.] *is a little sheepish* The temper used to be bad. Now I control it. Life is good.

826820  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-19
Written: (6652 days ago)

[*] Driver's ed in mornings still sucks, man.
[*] *zap!*
[*] I... LOVE SYSTEM OF A DOWN! "...I wanna shimmy shimmy shimmy 'til the break of dawn..."
[*] "Are you ready for this?" - Queen
[*] Seb's Rants New rant up, this time religious in nature.
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are, and isn't really difficult to identify.] *nuzzle times infinity*

826160  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-18
Written: (6653 days ago)
Next in thread: 826276

[-=DAILY BIT=-] a little bit about my day
[*] Driver's ed in mornings sucks, man.
[*] *zound*
[*] I... LOVE BECK! "...I like your bass, your beat is nice..."
[*] "I know I'll never be lonely..." - Queen
[*] Draygun
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are.] *nuzzle times infinity*

825636  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-17
Written: (6654 days ago)
Next in thread: 825637

[*] Drove to Cedar Falls and back. 130 miles, man.
[*] *zoink*
[*] I... LOVE BLUE OCTOBER! "...I'm so yours for the taking..."
[*] "Rain or shine, you've stood by me..." - Queen
[*] Draygun
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are.] *nuzzle*

825377  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-17
Written: (6654 days ago)

[A poem I adore almost as much as I adore the writer.]

As I lay here
Basking beneath ye light
I wonder where ye is
Even though you are plain in front of me

You shine through my darkness
You light my corners
You inspire my soul
You lift my spirit

You control my tides
You rule the night
You the constant companion
As we hurtle undecidedly through the cosmos
You reflect the light
So all that is good may flourish
I may not see you always
But you are always with me

When we are apart, we are always together
My personal moon

824597  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-15
Written: (6656 days ago)

[*] Up in the morning, do homework, Driver's Ed, shower, eat breakfast, nap, drive, eat lunch, go to work, get a ride home from Justin, watch Evolution. Life is good. 
[*] *sneeze*
[*] "Hot one, like a starship over Venus to the sun..." - Shudder to Think
[*] 6-30-06
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are.] Come home soon :(

824142  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-13
Written: (6657 days ago)

[*] Up in the morning, shower, Driver's Ed, brunch, work out, nap (hopefully), homework, work... yay for my life.
[*] *blink*
[*] I... LOVE BARENAKED LADIES! "...have you seen my love?"
[*] "You be my king and I'll be your castle..." - Rent
[*] 6-30-06
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are.] The sky was cloudy last night, so I was forced to gaze at my pictures of the moon...

823255  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-12
Written: (6659 days ago)

[*] Up in the morning, shower, Driver's Ed, brunch, Driver's Ed, homework, work... yay for my life.
[*] *sigh*
[*] I... LOVE BLUE OCTOBER! "...your heart is prosthetic..."
[*] "I'll be your promise keeper, your one believer, as long as I'm alive..." - Breaking Point
[*] 7-9-06
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are.] ...still counting the days 'til you're back...

822649  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-11
Written: (6660 days ago)

[-=DAILY BIT=-] a little bit about my day
[*] Up in the morning, take out recycling, open window, go back to sleep, wake up, eat breakfast, work out, shower, Driver's Ed, parade, fireworks...
[*] Yay for not working on Monday!
[*] I... LOVE OINGO BOINGO! "Who do you want to be today?"
[*] "If you walk away, I won't walk away...I will follow." - U2
[*] 6-30-06
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are.] *sigh* DAMN I miss you.

822172  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-10
Written: (6661 days ago)

[*] Up in the morning, work out, shower, eat breakfast, drink tea, vaccuum the couches...
[*] Yay for not working on Saturday!
[*] I... LOVE THE STORY CHANGES. Show tomorrow @ 2 p.m....anyone know a location?
[*] "What if we could?" - Blue October
[*] Coates Quotes
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are.] The instant you get on, MESSAGE ME with when you'll be home... I feel really bad about last night!

821077  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-08
Written: (6663 days ago)

[-=DAILY BIT=-] a little bit about my day
[*] Eeh!
[*] Work today...two sales, five hours. Ow.
[*] "When we're separated, we're never alone." - Barenaked Ladies
[*] Proud to be a Vegetarian
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are.] Miss you madly!

820639  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-07
Written: (6664 days ago)

I sit alone in my bedroom
Staring at the walls
I've been up all damn night long
My pulse is speeding
My love is yearning

I hold my breath and close my eyes and i dream about her
Cause she's 2000 light years away
She holds my malakite so tight so...
Never let go
Cause she's 2000 light years away

years away

I sit outside and watch the sunrise
Lookout as far as I can
I can't see her, but in the distance
I hear some laughter,
We laugh together

I hold my breath and close my eyes and dream about her
Cause she's 2000 light years away
She holds my malakite so tight so...
Never let go
Cause she's 2000 light years away

Years away

I sit alone in my bedroom
Staring at the walls
I've been up all damn night long
My pulse is speeding
My love is yearning

I hold my breath and close my eyes and dream about her
Cause she's 2000 light years away
She holds my malakite so tight oh,
Never let go
Cause she's 2000 light years away

Years away

820496  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-07
Written: (6664 days ago)

[*] Life is good. Life is great. Life is unbelievable!
[*] Work yesterday... wasn't that bad.
[*] ...band? At 7 a.m.? Three cheers for Adam picking me up so I have to get out of bed and look at least partly presentable.
[*] "All of the cliches and all of the games and all of the strange emotions..." - Pippin
[*] Sebhar's Cave
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[*] ["Here's looking at you, kid." ~~ Casablanca]
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are.] <3

819937  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-06
Written: (6665 days ago)

[*] Might be on and off sperratically (is that how you spell that? Did I use it right? I think so...) due to a narrative begun last night which is now consuming my time...
[*] I start work today...
[*] First curves circuit at 2. Oh lordy.
[*] "They can't hurt you unless you let them." - Everclear
[*] Dragonhame Quiz
[*] POLL! Pollity poll poll polly poll polllll pooooooooooll! I MADE A REAL POLL! Yay!
[*] ["Here's looking at you, kid." ~~ Casablanca]
[Side Note for...someone who should know who they are.] I might be leaving...but you're still with me.

819813  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-06
Written: (6665 days ago)


So I'm just sitting here, with nothing but his words and his picture to keep me company, and I'm really really...


I mean, guys don't do this to me. I'm emotionally removed from any and all romantic situations, just kind of hovering above and keeping myself in check. I'm not this dithering pile of jelly.

...am I?

I need... I need... well, some indication of how he feels. Just a note: If you've picked up on the fact that someone is attracted to you, give them a straight-up "this is how I feel about you" reply to their feelings.

Especially if they're female.

And it's that time of the month.

819522  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-05
Written: (6666 days ago)


[Happy Dependence on Foreign Countries Day, America!]
...F*** I hate this holiday.
[*] Sebhar's Cave Poke about!
[*] "Gather your wits and hold on fast..."

818869  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-04
Written: (6667 days ago)

[*] Seb's Nicknames. All I'm gonna say on that topic.
[*] GOING TO WISCONSIN TOMORROW! Leaving at 7:30 a.m. sounds fun... maybe I should pack... O.o
[*] I got a job! I am now officially a telemarketer at Greene's. Training is going to make me miss play practice next week... phooey.
[*] Huzzahs in the music department to APC and the Velvet Goldmine soundtrack... and a quadruple huzzah to [Citrine] for burning them for me. Which reminds me, remind me to take a picture for you, deary.

815905  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-28
Written: (6673 days ago)

[6-22-06] -- Take that, o Tormentor of Nicknames! Yes, friends and neighbours, I am once again defeating [Draymond] in the nicknames contest. Poke Seb's Nicknames for a complete list. It's rather entertaining!

Woke up at 6 this morning, fixed my hair, washed my face, dressed... Adam showed up around 6:45 and we went to band, which was amusing as usual since NO ONE can play coherently at the crack of dawn, NO ONE. Trombones had a sectional for afters, in which I mainly counted off the beginnings of songs and whatnot. I love our freshmen! They're adorable! ... anyway. I came home, ate breakfast, woke up my brother, and proceeded to, proverbially, kick Nic's arse.

Also, go see [Draymond]'s new picture. I think he needs a swanky car to drive about in, don't you? (By the way, if you read this, Nic, don't expect to get one from me. I'm flat broke.)

As for my poll...If you take it, please message me saying you've taken it so I don't pester you about it later. Dig? Gracias, te amo!

812429  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-22
Written: (6679 days ago)

[6-21-06] -- Damn! I have to get to sleep! I need to "primp", as Ali so lovelyly put it! Hello, 5:30 a.m.! *groan*

812006  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-21
Written: (6679 days ago)

[6-19-06] -- New Seb's Song of the Week.

"I'm just sitting here, trying to find myself. I get behind myself; I need to rewind myself."

I finished Stephen King's the Gunslinger this morning while listening to David Bowie's album 'Space Oddity'. Winning combination, no?

At the moment, my poor novel is calling me, saying, "Seb! Why haven't you written me in a week?" It doesn't understand the concept of vacation, and I have a political uprising to plot. Ta!

[NEW! UPDATE!] I've got a new poll up. If you take it, please message me saying you've taken it so I don't pester you about it later. Dig? Gracias, te amo!

 The logged in version 

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