Page name: 7-9-06 [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2006-07-10 04:55:42
Last author: Sebhar
Owner: Sebhar
# of watchers: 1
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July Ninth of 2006

An orange lily of some kind.

...more of the orange lily-thing.

Senturi unabashedly gazing longingly at the moon, waiting for Erador's return...

Something purplish and somewhat conical.

Hosta, part 1

The red pot by the bistro set.

It's green, it's leafy, it's...SOMETHING IN MY YARD!

The hosta, revisited.

Diminished Resplendence Goes Pink

Hosta, back full-force!

Wing of Senturi (^_^)

Bricks invaded by flora.

The sundial, aimed suspiciously at the side porch door.

"...I-I-I love yellow flowers, they make me feel so good..."

Back to [Sebhar]'s abode.

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2006-07-10 [Citrine]: *snerk* Love the altered lyrics deary... and I like the hosta pictures tres beaucoup.

2006-07-10 [Sebhar]: O.o I took more pictures on a walkabout...

2006-07-14 [Draymond]: You have a unique sense of humor that totally disarms me my dear. Love the pictures...^_^

2006-07-14 [Sebhar]: Thanks again, dear one. And we can't have any armed Eradors running loose, can we? :D

2006-07-16 [Draymond]: Oh theres more than one? *slight panic*...well, he might be emotionally disarmed, but he has quite a large arsenal at his powerful command.

2006-07-16 [Sebhar]: Isn't he afraid it might go off suddenly? (have you seen Naked Gun?)

2006-07-17 [Draymond]: Not afraid at all, not at all...unless its in public in plain view...but probably wouldn't care anyways...I'd just be offended by all the people bawking in disbelief at my...brobdingnagian...*winks and a coy smile*

2006-07-17 [Sebhar]: *chuckles* Aah, the male ego is a wondrous thing...

2006-07-17 [Draymond]: ^_^

2006-07-17 [Sebhar]: Which reminds me, I'll be needing to prepare for work in about twenty minutes.. now nineteen...

2006-07-17 [Draymond]: Shucks...

2006-07-17 [Sebhar]: You're telling me >.<

2006-07-28 [Draymond]: ...*twiddles thumbs*...SO, whats happening in here? Not much? No more conversations or quotes from the movie; The Naked *goes to another wiki*

2006-07-28 [Sebhar]: "And the rockets red glare, lots of bombs in the air, gave proof through the night that we still had a flag..." <-- Naked Gun

2006-07-28 [Draymond]: lol...

2006-07-29 [Sebhar]: "Breaking and entering, arson, sexual assault with a concrete dildo.. what the hell were you doing?"

2006-08-24 [Draymond]: Lol, I'm glad that I've watched the naked gun now...your last quote left me in shock. lol, just kidding ^_^

2006-08-24 [Sebhar]: I love that movie! So dirty and yet... so flipping hilarious!

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