Now, you can see my first new Artwork in my House, as a WIP!
The inking is ready, now the coloring can start!!!
HAH, Doing MUCH much better now! Thanx [Dark Side of the Moon] You're a real friend!
Urmando is Back in business with 2 Art pieces, I'm making now. Soon to be seen in my house!!!!!!!!!
Most of the Time I feel great, being busy with my Art...
But now, I'm feeling kinda sad as well....
My Art is doing well, I have everything that can support my urge to make differend kinds of Art.
My Kung Fu and Tai Chi training is also ok, Making progress, lately, YES!
But my personal life? less good:
I'm not looking for a woman right now because of my USA wish. But it's kinda lonely also....
I'm not looking for a job, have a lot of time now for my webpage design course and my Art.
But I have still a big house that I could afford with a Airforce salary in 2000.
With a monthly benefit, it's expensive, It's for sale btw!
I know for sure, things will be better for me, those day's will come.... But it's not in the here and now......yet!
I'm going to bed now, I'll see/feel how I'm doing tomorrow.
Yes I'm pretty aware, that I have to change the way I think, that I have to take action, focus on my goals...
But not today.......
Overhere in Elfwood, I totaly can NOT understand that some people/youth are bored.....
Hey, you can make in Elftown a lot of friends, and when you are here also as a (up coming) Artist you can particitate in one of the Art contests, or make your own Art, put it in your house and respond to others about your Art......
Wow, you can even develop your own style, there is enough to learn here at Elftown AND Elfwood (F.A.R.P.)
So much free tutorials on the net for drawing, Photoshop, 3D Artwork. So much amazing Artist website's for inspiration.
So.... It is a complete mystery to me.....
Last wednesday, I bought this 3D program Zbrush 2.0!
Wohohoow! What a program!!!!!!!
Here are some (a lot) example's:
I want to learn this program as quick as possible.
Because now, I can make my own fantasy characters of Urmando's world, very soon.
And, at Gnomon, they will teach this program as well, so now I can train myself in advance...
Me Urmando, Me very Happy
My trip to Los Angeles is getting closer!
For quit a while is my house for sale, and I'm also selling my superfluous stuff on the internet, to save as much money as possible... YES! Starting the certificate 3D animation program At Gnomon (school of Visual Effects) Is now my bigges WISH behind my wishes...
Now I'm very determined to finish my 3D Character Ijau the green wood, Elf (btw Ijau is the indonesian word for green)
With 3D studio max!
Ok, I'm also busy with some other Art as well, but when I'm busy with several pieces of art, I'm at my best!
(More difersity!)