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Urmando The Elfling
Name: Fonz van der Linden
The Return of Urmando the Elfling!
Impression of the "Dorc the Orc" 3D animation
Elftown titles and orders
Index-pages in the wiki: (
Umi: Ah, I thought I was smelling an Orc, Hello Dorc..
Dorc: "Whaa?"
Photoshop Concept Art coloring of a Sci-Fi gun I like to make in 3D
[latest Urmando news:]
July 2012,
Made my own website without an Web Designer, Yes!!! Check it out!!
1th of October 2011,
I made a little video of my CAT, to exercise my editing skills.
19th of July 2011,
More pictures of "Dorc the Orc" @ Urmando's 3D Art
And scroll down...
30th of June 2011,
Woot, my first 3D animation: "UMI THE LITTLE ELF" Check this out,
17th of May 2010,
Just started a concept Art wiki of TaCesRoh, Umi's Future Ride: TaCesRoh W.I.P.
This means, I belong to the
best of best artists on elftown. One of my art pieces was featured in
Sunny Featured Art And I was a
Featured Member on mainstreet.
Multiple Wiki's I created:
Hello there,
As an Artist, I'm pretty busy with differend kinds of
Drawing: Portraits, female figures,
Airbrush: Portaits, female warriors
Photoshop: coloring my drawings
3D animation: Creating my own fantasy world; "Urmando the Elfling"
And together this is [Art Studio Alphonso]
Well, as you noticed, I can't live without my Art, I'm addicted to it.
Contests I entered:
Colour the Guard Uniform
The Hit List (Artists battle)
EVE Tournament 1 - Round 1
EVE Tournament 1 - Round 2
EVE Tournament 1 - Round 3
All Things Purple
Paranormal Photos, page 3
Promoting Contest
The Painters' Contest
The Graphite Lovers' Contest
Christmas Art Competition2005
ET Photograph Competition2005
Chain Mail Bikini for Newbies Entries
The Painters' Poll BUYAAH, I became First
The HAIR contest! WOOHOO, I became First!
Angels in Waiting WOOT, I became second!
Ink It Up Yee, I became thirth
A long time ago, when I was roaming the forrests of Elfwood,
I discoverd Elftown, found a house, and stayed here, as you can see....
[Katie Staines] A Sweet girl with a Major Art talent!
[Dark Side of the Moon] A sophisticated Lady and good friend
[BinaryPhoenix] what can I say; She's very special to me.
[Wunjo*] A Frisian Beauty, with a mind of her own, so watch out....
[yusuf] Yes, they do excist a smart Turkish guy, who will NOT sent you 3 word messages, like "Whazzup, ur Hot"
He's a GOOD artist, check him out!!!
Wiki's I participated:
Show us your baby picture
elfwood artists united
Critique Board
The Art Store
Lady of Lore's Art Archives
Take Elftown Back
What Is Wrong In Elftown?
common sense llama support
Natural Magick Member Page
we believe Cause there is more then the human eye can "see"
Special website's
AWESOME.., 3D Zbrush Fantasy art at:
Free 2D workshops to improve yourself!!!:
Check the Photosets for figure drawing:
Your name in Elvish:
This member is a fan of this wiki-page: | |
Age: 61 | Year of birth: 1960 | Month of birth: 8 | Day of birth: 15 |
Gender: male
Fantasy race personality: Elf
53°5.610'N 5°33.876'E
Place of living: Netherlands
Town: Stiens (close to Leeuwarden)
Known languages
Dutch | English | German |
Indonesian |
Elfwood artist: Yes
Elfwood writer: No
Elftown crew wannabe: Yes
Favorite drawing objects
dragons | elves | fairies |
funny | landscape | magic |
orcs | sex | warriors |
Computer interests
art | chat | email |
graphics | information seeking | web design |
alternative | goth | house |
new age | techno |
Other interests
art | books | cats |
chasing the preferred sex | dancing | fantasy |
film | LARP | physics |
porn | religion | role playing |
scifi | sewing | sporting |
Civil status: strange
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: fit
Height: 178