[Christopher Andreasen]'s diary

896982  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-01-10
Written: (6364 days ago)

Guess what this one is about:


Isolated from behind your blinding "eye"
Not an artist, nor are you supreme
You preach the words of the Shaman
Hidden outside his Wall.

There is no beautiful people
When they worship you
Attention is achieved too easily
With false thoughts and a plastic body.

896981  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-01-10
Written: (6364 days ago)

I wrote this a while ago, but this is another poem about how much I hate drugs. Enjoy and please criticize.

World of False Beauty

One small needle puts our love into the tomb
I have always wondered if the one
I thought was mine was an
Imposter all of this time.
One small toke can turn a good man to bad
A bad friendship comes between love,
Creating a knife deep in the back.
One small kiss will haunt one for life
Confession builds inside me as
I wonder why you loved me
When I would stay home and worry
About the false trust I had for you.

896980  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-01-10
Written: (6364 days ago)

I hate drugs, here's a little poem describing how much I hate them:

The Mask to Hide Reality

Spoons are for eating, needles for sickness
Dollars for spending and paper for writing.
But you and your longing desire to fake your emotions
And sing yourself to sleep has left you believing
Your problems are over
When you know they have just begun.
Lucy says you're getting better
She says "everything is okay"
When she left you crying
Down at the surface of the sky.

896979  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-01-10
Written: (6364 days ago)

The Pendulum of Nature, Child of the Beast

The Pendulum sways to and fro
Knocking down all that crosses it
Soon the Pendulum will take us all,
Soon there will be nothing more.

A killer slumbers in a dark womb
Destruction sleeps in a white room
Death of the mother
Death of the maid
Death of the father who could have been saved
With the corpse of his supposed "son".

Comment please

771831  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-31
Written: (6648 days ago)

Here's my thoughts on the fucking cowardice ass holes in the world. Tell me what you think.

"Rapist's Return"

The feeling you will witness is familiar to you,
A sort of Deja Vu, you may believe.
The painted black fingers of lust and gloom grip your neck
But, strangely, these fingers soothe you and send you higher.

You have climbed the two hills
It put a rise in your heart
You have tasted the screaming pit of distress
Though the pit's pain becomes your pleasure.

Why did you disturb the pit and the hills?
Innocent beings not harming a thing.
The dark ambience of your sickening mind disgusts me
You have ruined yet another life
And you have come to feel this once more.

Your temporary pleasure gives the pit permanent pain
Your little pet destroys more lives than it holds near
Leave them be, the innocence of the pits
Your melancholy soul belongs elsewhere, get out of the pits.
Do not come here ever, anymore.

 The logged in version 

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