[godofthunder]'s diary

485395  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-02-01
Written: (7178 days ago)

im so tired its insaine will i ever rest again just the same way i used to the in this picture frame of a happy world its isaine

482948  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-01-29
Written: (7182 days ago)

Man im so tired of this i dont know what to say i really try not to care any more was this meant to be just a memory i have no feelings i feel gone im so tired yet i can not rest of feel so ........

482532  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-28
Written: (7182 days ago)

today sucks more then any thing im so bored none of my really good budyies are on right now and im tires of sitting aroung doing nothing

482380  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-28
Written: (7182 days ago)


481642  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-01-27
Written: (7183 days ago)

todays gonna suck i can seriously gurentee an injury not sure to what exstent but im going harder then ever before when i max today adding an extra 100 pounds to everything and thats just how its meant to be

481068  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-01-26
Written: (7184 days ago)

you know honestly if someone wanted to see inside my head they could easily just read the part of my profile all i my head

479514  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-01-24
Written: (7186 days ago)

yeasterday was so awsome today really sucks but just another day that i stand confusid i think im totally screwed when i cant use my head i feel totally dead and now i sit here thinking of what ive done what i havnt done and what i should have done 3 codes to the superior mind that i wish i had but traces left unawnserd

478461  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-01-23
Written: (7188 days ago)

Well lets see ive had a hell of a day wanna my good friends lied to me and wanna my other friends betrayed me and well nothing beat running around in snow playing football and the only dude just in shorts lol but i dont care those two people can f**k off im having too much fun WHOOOOEEE GOT TO LOVE THE GAME!!!!!!!

Peace out yall!!!!!

477687  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-21
Written: (7189 days ago)

youch im really sore from yeasterday but im feelin pumped

477675  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-21
Written: (7189 days ago)

my diary is like a sword keeps my head safe i guess keeps me thinking keeps me dreaming and looking further then ever before

476876  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-01-20
Written: (7190 days ago)

wow my days went from bad to good and back to bad in under an hour well it was good while it lasted i guess

476121  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-01-19
Written: (7191 days ago)
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SHIT!!!! this crazy ass lady called my cell phone wondering why ive been talkin to her daugter evil psyco run!!!!! shes crazed i was in school and she was like talkin about havin the cops after me holly hell what am i gonna do

475303  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-18
Written: (7192 days ago)
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ive just realised somthing for the first time i never really cared to notice maybe i didnt want to notice cause it hurts to even think it somtimes ive been in one hell of a mess and everytime i think i found somthing or someone who is going to make everything good it hits me like a smack in the face i was played

465816  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-07
Written: (7203 days ago)

wow yeasterday was so awsome i learned another type of push up and it was so fun i wish some of my friends would mail me sometime cause im really bored at school

464990  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-01-06
Written: (7204 days ago)

ahhh what the hell im so pissed off right now i... ah GRRRRRRR.. thats not possible i can feel it

464332  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-01-05
Written: (7205 days ago)

today is so much better i feel great now and i think i have just begain to understand what i have to do!

462443  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-01-03
Written: (7207 days ago)

im torn apart im so confusid im alone in this world it seems but the questions in my head go unawnserd what do i do shadow of a doubt lost in translation i wonder

461139  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-01-01
Written: (7209 days ago)
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wow yeasterday new years sucked lets see i got my new guitar learned new songs with my friend tj and then i got jumped by three dumn asses who didnt know who they were dealing with i got punched in the jaw so i was mad and made sure i was the only one walking away from that fight they got a well earned sleep lol well at any rate hope every one else had fun

456774  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-12-27
Written: (7214 days ago)

poem in my head: the greatest good nothing left for me every thing youve done for me puts me back in my place this heaven the never ending star the greatest good you bring to me draging me from this place that was tearing me apart, apart i feel so alone sometimes but i pick my self off the floor cause i know that everything will get better eventualy i hope i dream every moment of every day the greatest good

453231  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-23
Written: (7219 days ago)
Next in thread:

awww im so tired right now hey im bored darn no friends are on course its 12:22 in the morning lol but i miss all my friends alot i wish a certain one in particular was on im so counfusid right now hope i can sleep some time tonight i have had werid thoughts that haunt my sleep so i cant puzzled yah

452248  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-22
Written: (7219 days ago)

well to all those who read this lol you know who you are dont worry im ok now i promise

 The logged in version 

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