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godofthunder (HEY WHATS UP!!!!)

Member #81959 created: 2004-09-02 17:41:15Simple URL:   

Name: Ryan B


Drawing missing.

Elftown titles and orders

hey whats up names Ryan im 17 and attend Eastpeoria high i play football baseball and i box and kick box im in pretty good shape if u couldnt tell by my pic i love to talk to people so hey write me, oh and im in a kick ass rock band RADIO TAKEOVER i play the Electric Guitar
1. give me ur number?
2. Have sex with me?
3. Let me kiss you?
4. Watch a movie with me?
5. Let me take you out to dinner?
6. Drive me somewhere/anywhere?
7. Take a shower with me?
8. Be my bf/gf?
9. Have a fling with me?
10. Buy me a drink if i didnt have money?
11. Take me home for the night?
12. Would you let me sleep in your bed?
13. Sing car kareoke w/ me?
14. Re-post this for me to answer your questions?
15. Do you think im attractive, sexy, or hot?
16. Do you like my style?
17. Do you think im funny?
18. Do you care about me?
19. Would you dance with me?
20. Would you sing happy birthday to me?
random new friend whose awsome
(Image deleted by the guards)
A Man like this is no man he deserves to be shot and any rapeist i ever meet will die at my hands!!!!
(Copied text removed by the guards)

(Image deleted by the guards)
(Image deleted by the guards)
(Image deleted by the guards)
(Image deleted by the guards)

Age: 21Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 6

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Dwarf
Elftownworldmap 39°49.206'N 92°21.372'W

Place of living: USA-Washington

Town: with lyndsey get over it

Known languages

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
chatmusicweb design

heavy metalrock

Other interests
beerchasing the preferred sexcrime stories
travellingwatching sportwhisky

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: muscular

Height: 183

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