[Clairey]'s diary

809354  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-16
Written: (6678 days ago)

Got back from Edingburgh today. It was a very informative trip. I now know that i don't want to go there. Although it is cheap and good at what it does, i didn't feel like i could live there. The city was a mess and i want to live on a campus uni, i think tha is what is in my head of what i want.

Still fun though. We got IDd some many times, in the end, we settled for battered mars bars. I got a chibi Ed badge and Alex got a chibi Al badge from Forbidden Planet. I also got an anime magazine and it had an article about the FMA movie...but it had a HUGE spoiler in the first paragraph. I felt like wirting to them to complain!

Anyways. Neson tomorrow. I'm really tired


808646  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-15
Written: (6680 days ago)
Next in thread: 808739

I won't be on now untill Friday night because we're staying overnight in student accommodation. It takes 5 hours to get there!! 5 HOURS WITH 3 SMELLY BOYS!! I'll have to make a CD with Coheed and Cambria and some other stuff.

I'm gutted i failed my test. Another one is booked for the 13th July (its not a friday, i checked). And i'm back to having no money even though my Dad paid for my new test.

I have to pay £20 for the room tonight and any expenses while there (lunch etc) and then we're going to Nelson which will cost money but i'll get paid so it won't be that bad. I won't have to pay for driving lessons either. Jeff said i could drive well enough but i just need to be more careful.

School is fun. I have 2 frees when i would be in Chemistry. Feels so good not to have to do it. I have double geography this afternoon and a council meeting at lunch so i'm going to eat now. Later


p.s 10.10 Saturday at the train station.

808287  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-14
Written: (6680 days ago)

Yep, that's right. I failed my driving test. I didn't park inside the box when i reversed. It was right at the end of the test and i can do them in my lessons. They were the one thing i knew i could do, i just didn't wind my window down.

Going on a trip to Edinburgh university tomorrow with Alex. we're staying in student accomodation tomorrow night and then go to the open day.

I have to go pack now. I'll write more tomorrow.


807259  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-06-12
Written: (6682 days ago)

I'm starting to stress out about my driving test now. I really really don't have the money to do another so if i don't pass i won't know what to do. My lesson today didn't go well. I couldn't park, i hit a cerb and i stopped at a roundabout when i wasn't supposed to...the guy behind beeped at me! Dad's taking me out tomorrow for some last min practice.

Today was the first day bck at 6th form. It was good i guess. We went on a trip to UCLAN. It was such a shit uiversity. No one wanted to go there. The only good thing about it was that the accommodation was better than i expected. But they don't do any environmental or even geography courses.

There was a blind guy giving us talks. His guide dog was sat in the lecture theatre as well. Alex was trying to hide his mp3 player under his shirt untill i pointed out that there was no point as the guy couldn't see...what a goober. We listened to FMA themes all the way through the talk on personal statements.

Tomorrow i have a key skills exam in the morning and then i get a day off as i'm not going on the trip to lancaster as i go pretty much every week and its my 6th choice so i don't really need to know much more about it.


806708  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-11
Written: (6683 days ago)
Next in thread: 807344

Finished my stretch of shifts. Man alive i'm tired, but somewhat rich next week :b. Good job as well as we're going to Nelson.

I thought my prayers to the rain godess had been answered this morning as the clouds started to drift over, but then they burnt off pretty quickly and i had to serve people outside.

I've entered a new competition. I have to draw [Zab] for a council art gallery. I might start now. I'm all clean and ready for bed, i just need something to do between now and 9.00 when big brother starts.

I had a bit of a panic just now. I thought i'd lost Nikki's .//hack game but it turned out i was never given it.

Loads of new people have started to join pure dragons. We just need acorna back. (Acorna is my new penfriend as we were allowed to swap adresses.

School tomorrow. I'm ready to get back into my routine. Its gonna be ace now. No more chem, loads of trips and drawing in lessons! SCORE!


805838  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-09
Written: (6685 days ago)

Fun fun fun fun day!! Too bad work sucks. Anyways, i got 2 new pairs of shoes. 1 of them for work. I just wore them and my feet are fine...if not a little sweaty. I also got some more black and white canvas shoes without sides.

Also, i got some orange material for my business adventure, even though it took ages to find material as most was too yellow/red/unfluffy. In thee end i got felt. Nikki didn't seem too annoyed.

The Chinese was nice. Nikki got melon, so she was happy! After much bill paying confusion XD I spent my £20 HMV voucher on a film called The Seven Swords. I've wanted to get it for ages. I also paid for a bit of my sisters Orson album with the voucher change as i was feeling generous.

Then we went back to Nikki's and sat on the grass, listened to music, examined worms and then squished over elk pictures. I then attempted to get the bus..to no avail. I lost my ticket, then lost the bus...i eventually got home.

Tomorrow i have to work again. I don't know what i'm doing. I can either go to the Gala at Penwortham, or practice driving then go to the pub with my Dad and watch the football. I think its going to have to be the driving practice as i've not done much and its only 4 days till my test. But i'll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.


805177  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-08
Written: (6686 days ago)

No more exams!! No more exams!! HAPPINESS!! I'm also very organised. Birthday presents are sorted a head of time, trip money is paid for, money is good. I have also had a good business idea where i buy cat ears for £2, put orange material on them and sell them on as Kyo cosplay. I'll get at least a £5 each i reckon.

Anyway, the ICT exam was very easy, apart from we were in a room at the top of 6th form with a wall of windows making it very very hot. We all sat with are sleves and trousers rolled up. I rolled up my t-shirt so it was a crop top. Even then i kept sticking to my desk and booklet.

Tomorrow i'm going shopping with Nikki. We're going to the chinese for lunch.

I've just realsied, my driving test is on wedneday!! OMG! Scary.

Now i'm going to complete .//hack infection before i go to sleep (there is a chance i won't get to sleep).


804568  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-07
Written: (6687 days ago)
Next in thread: 804581

*is very happy* No more chemistry for me!! So totally done with it. I failed the exam though...badly. But i don't care.

Toni'O ranted at us all afterwards though because we haven't paid for the trips we're going on the first 3 days back. Even though we have been on study leave we still had to get it in before the holidays (we were already off when the letters were sent out). The trips are compulsory as well...so we HAVE to pay. I don't want to go to UCLAN. It sucks. Everyone knows it sucks. No one wants to go.

Anyways, stupid alcoholic. I'm giving my money in tomorrow before i feel his wrath again. (OMG! Wrath! SO CUTE!)

I think i'm gonna draw me and wrath (i'll be giving him a hug of course as he is sooooo cute! Tomorrow i have an ICT exam in the afternoon. Its no big deal. Then i get a free day but i have to work.

I almost completed .//hack but then skeith killed me when he only had 100hp left! I was very pissed off.

Anyways, later.


804061  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-06
Written: (6688 days ago)

Omg *shivers* chem exam tomorrow. I have done exactly no work. None, not even a look. I've done ICT today because that exam is on Thursday. I think i'll just answer Carbon to every question then draw on the extra paper as i will have an hour and a half of sitting looking at questions i don't understand.

Mike's Kimono came today. It's not as long as i would have liked (it doesn't touch the floor) but he'll just have to get some pink/purple trousers to match. Its really nice, i wouldn't mind one. 100% silk, very soft. Nikki, you owe me money.

I washed the conservatory with my Mum. I used the jet spray then got bored so i wrote Poo on the steps in the mold with the jet spray. But then my mum made me do the rest of the step to remove it lol. I am so mature. I tried to write Ass but i did the A too big and ran out of space.

The jet washer said not to wash pets with it. Really...who would be that stupid. i was wondering how far my guinea-pig would fly ifi spryed it. It was a funny image in my head. (of cours i woulnd't really do that, that would be cruel.)

FMA was ace today. I love wrath, he's so cute.


803585  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-06-05
Written: (6689 days ago)

Mixed feelings about the biology exam. I think i did alright on the core principles but the genetics one may require a retake. I answered one of the biggest questions wrong so i'm not holding out much hope.

I locked myself out again today. I ran back to school to catch my sister before her exam. I did luckily so i was able to chill out this afternoon. I drew a load of crappy pictures. I've completly lost it, i can't draw anything so i coloured the A3 version of Tallon in red and black colours. The original does look better though.

Tomorrow i have a free day. I'm gonna revise some ICT, not chemsitry as i don't care about that. Then m exams will be over, but i have to work Friday Night, Saturday night and Sunday daytime. I also have to prctice driving as i only have a week till my test.

Kirkham club day on Saturday, i'm leaving town. I might go into Preston to spend my vouchers, or i may go on Friday, depends when i'm most bored.

Anyways, i'm off to bed, i can have a possible lie in in the morning, depends on how quiet my familly decides to be.


802980  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-04
Written: (6690 days ago)

I actually won something in the competion. I got £20 worth of HMV vouchers for winning the colouring section of it with the Oki and Misko picture (the one with the pictures on the wood) I was so happy. Its the first time i've ever gotten anything from my art. It feels so cool to be aknowledged. (And i beat the annoying Inuyasha 'fan girl')

Work was booooring as usuall. People are starting to eat outside which is annoying becuae the table numbers are really obscure and people move around a lot.

I thought the computer was broken again this morning, the internet wouldn't work again but my Dad managed to fix it this time.

Now i'm going to eat something, watch big brother and then try to sleep early tonight as i have i biology exam tomorrow morning.


802520  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-06-03
Written: (6691 days ago)

Wow...what a good day ^.^ Did no revision though. I ran out of past papers for biology and i think i lost the will to live so i screwed it all and sat in the garden for he whole day!

My Mum and Siter came and sat with me. We had a good laugh. We played charades, danced to some really lame songs and generally laughed and joked around. I had to catch the rabbit we're looking after when it got out of its run and under the gate. The whole street was out trying to catch it (the residents around here are mostly elderly, was damn funny).

I found out that my legs are a dazzling shade of white, i'm gonna start fake tanning them with my mum's holiday skin stuff as i want to wear skirts without blinding people this summer.

Mum said I should be a model, she was a bit drunk though. I just laughed. I couldn't imagine being around all those superficial people...would creep me out immensly.

Now i'm gonna have a bath so my hair will be nice for the art contest presentation tomorrow. Gonna be ace! I hope i get something out of it, that would totally rock.

Oh, vote on my sisters poll as well (my sister being [Our Lady Of Sorrows]


802039  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-02
Written: (6692 days ago)
Next in thread: 802058

Slightly happier today, even though the internet packed in and i spent half the day running virus scans and uninstalling and reinstalling AOL. Funness. I drew 2 pictures, one was a mech, the other was Eiri. I actually didn't draw them today, i coloured them.

I was up till 2 last night. I couldn't sleep again so i drew then read a really old book that i had about a stables. I was really into horses once. This story is really badly written but sweet none the less.

I tried to revise chemistry today, honest i did, but i don't know anything and i don't see much point in stressing myself out trying to learn and still fail at the end and then failing all my other subjects as well. I don't need chemistry for my university course, even if i did i wouldn't do it next year. I hate it! I'll get a U for sure but my other subjects are all good. I understand a lot. And i have no retakes so its not bad at all.

Now i must go and make myself a new AOL account. From LOTR to Kyo's girl i think. That or something else animeish...maybe something to do with Ed.

Speaking of FMA, we need (we being me and Hazel) someone to tape it on sunday night at 8.00pm. *i'm looking at YOU Nikki* as i prefer the dubbed voice actors.

Anyways, i'll see ya later, not long now till it's all over.


801493  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-01
Written: (6693 days ago)

What a CRAP day. Gah, so boring, interupted with spells of CRAPNESS!! Grrr, i just want to curl up and sleep, but i can't AHHHRRGG!! I went to sleep around 2 this morning and then was woken up by my Mum at 7.30. She told me my room smelled, so i had to get up and tidy up.

Then i tried to do some revision, but my sister just wouldn't let me. She kept opening and closing doors and windows, then invited a friend round. Seriously, she does no revision. I revised loads for my GCSEs.

Then something else happened that really made me angry/upset/generally crap about myself but i won't go into that.

My brain is so full of shit that i will never need again. Pisses me off when my head hurts from useless facts.

On top of all that i'm suffering from major artists block. So even when i want to take some time off to draw, i can't.

*sighs* when these exams are over i swear i'm going to go crazy. Revision is the only thing i really have to keep my mind off other things.

Anyways, that's enough for today, i'm done. I think i'm going to go and NOT SLEEP now.


800903  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-31
Written: (6694 days ago)

*is tired* ...again. But i was thinking A LOT last night about something that i shouldn't have been thinking about. It's bad and i'm horrible for thinking about it but no ones going to know so don't bother asking.

Apart from being tired i'm good. A little bored with revision now, its getting to a point where i know everything and i have gone over it twice but i still have to work because otherwise i'll fail (i know what i mean).

Anime club was OK. The two anime's weren't that good. They're all quite disorganised. I got time of work specially for the party next week and they don't even know if its going ahead.

I did a background to my firebird picture. I entered it along with Ribbons and the photo picture in the contest. I hope they do well, i know i won't win but i might get the runner up prize.

OMG! I'm so tired but i won't sleep again tonight, i'm still thinking about the thing...wish i could turn off my brain.


800512  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-30
Written: (6695 days ago)

Wow. A new picture is up. I look like a complete goober but...I AM so there XD.

Today was rockin! I really enjoyed myself. Nikki is awsome! And so is her house. We 'revised' for about 2 hours. I designed my own revision slave called Hatchi and then made some notes in his speach bubble. We found out that we were doing different modules. Nikki didn't even know what board her exam was!! What a goober.

I dressed up in all cosplay items i could find. A naruto headband, cat ears, car colar with bell and my wings. That's what the picture is.

Anyway, the rest of the day we spent looking at AMVs and cosplay slides, guessing who they were dressing up as. We also taught ourselves the Ed dance. It rocks but needs more work.

Then we had curry for tea *yum* with mini popodoms!!

X Men 3 was AWSOME!! OMG we fangirled so much when Angel came up. He was amazing, but should of been in it more. Then we just laughed. I forgot my jacket nd we ran back in after we stood outside for a while but all the lights were off, so we had to get someone. Me an Nikki searched for it but i couldn't find it. Nikki thaught she saw it but i said it was a shadow...turns out it wasn't XD. Glad she was there, otherwise i would have felt a right fool!!

Hope we can do it again after the exams Nikki. I had a blast! Anime club tomorrow as welll WOOOO!!


799724  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-29
Written: (6696 days ago)

I'm so happy! I thought my Kimono wouldn't fit me as last time i wore it, it was a little tight. But i must have lost weight or something because it fits me better now. I'm gonna wear it to my Mum's 40th that, btw Nikki, Alex, Hazel and Micheal are all invited to.

I would take a picture but i've just had my hair cut short and it looks pretty awful so i'm sorry but you're gonna have to wait untill the 22nd of July ^.-

Nikki's house tomorrow! YEY! I'm gonna have a job remembering where it is. I may, ney, WILL get lost.

AQA has screwed my over again. It won't let me get anything. Gah X.x i've not got any biology past papers for unit 2! Maybe i can steal some off Nikki's computer and e-mail them to myself.

Sorry to Eddie. I can't go to his gig tonight as...well...i didn't want to, and i have revision to do and i'm going out tomorrow night (YEY! Caa't wait!) so never mind, he'll survive.

Right, for one and all planning to come with tomorrow, 7.30 the film starts. Be at the cinema (in Preston) by 7.15.


798953  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-05-27
Written: (6698 days ago)

*yawns* i'm so tired! And i have work tomorrow. I've just completed a compilation of all my favourite Freya quotes. They can be viewed at Freya's art. I've spent the last hour looking through the whole role play. Its so good and she is an amazing character. I'm so glad i have her.

Today i went to anime club at uni with Hazel. It was lots of fun. We watched Tenchi, which i haven't seen in ages. Martian Successor Nadeisco and Azu Manga Daiho, which was really funny. Then we watched amvs, all of which were cool. I introduced Cloud's Dream and a gravitation one to the mix.

I drew a picture but i've just looked at it and it has so many faults. It's leaning, for one and the legs are way to short for the body. I might change it, i might not.

Anyways, i hope everyone else had a good saturday. Love you all.


797769  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-24
Written: (6701 days ago)

Wow...that was a good trip out. I really enjoyed that anime club...despite not watching any anime. We're going again on Saturday and then next Sunday there's going to be a big party with food and cosplay and stuff. Can't wait ^.^

I think i might have to try on my kimono again and see if it still fits. i hope it does as it is really nice, i like it a lot.

I drew a new picture today after being inspired by [raynesprite], who i have dubbed my new mentor. Please comment, i like it when i get constructive comments, it helps me improve, which i'm hellbent on doing.

I've done some serious revision today and i only have 1 day left of geography revision EEP! But i'm going to do an all day session tomorrow to make sure i know my stuff.

X-Men 3 trip on Tuesday peoples. One and all are invited. Times to come soon. Its the day i'm going to Nikki's so we'll have a fun day. I'm wearing my wings so don't be scared to dress up!


796956  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-23
Written: (6702 days ago)

Darn geography teacher. She told me revision class would be on today, but i got there and found that -

1. Mrs.Wright was out on a trip and wasn't going to be in today.
2. Everyone else (other 2 people) in my class was told.

So i just asked for some past papers and left. I couldn't be bothered grappling with AQA today.

I actually did some revision today i found that it is nigh on impossible for me to get below a C on a geography paper, they're just so easy. The 1 i did i missed 12 question out, got 1 question completly wrong and generally did bad and i got a very high C (as it stood that year, they've lowered the boundries since then). So i'm happy. I made notes on all my mistakes, that being 'Claire's Pattented Revision Technique'. That, and Coheed and Cambria and i'm set for learning ^.^ .

I bought some Angel feathered wings for when the collective group and I are going to see X-men. I love Angel, i want everyone to know it. But they need a cheque which i will post tomorrow. I hope they get here soon. I don't know when we are going, what day does it come out again? They took all the bus posters down telling me at the top of my hill.

Tomorrow i will be revising more, then going to Anime Club. I wanted to see the semi-final of countdown as my favourite guy is on but then i realised i'd become an old person and slapped myself to go out.

I watched some Sukisyo in my break from revision. Episode 3 is sooooo cute! I like the bit where Nao-Kun and Mitsuri-chan keep saying "and the time after that..." made me laugh. I really like Sunao, he's cute.

Damn youtube took away all the gravitation episodes and AMVs. Poor [Shitarou] was very upset.


796437  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-22
Written: (6703 days ago)

Hehe, got 4 conversations going at once here. I'm so popular!

Today has been boring. I slept in, went to school, did a boring exam came home. Driving lesson, tea and here i am. I'm going to finish that picture today!!

The exam was hard. But it was multiple choice so i'll have got 1/4 right...hopefully. It was one of those exams where you sit around for half an hour at the end, wondering if you've done enough.

Thankies Nikki for my splendiferous demon. She's very cute!

Tomorrow i must do some serious geogaphy revision, or perish. I have a geog revision class P5, but that's still no excuse.

I want to see Nikki's new hair. i might turn up at her house at 3 tomorrow morning and demand to see it ^.^

Nothing much else to report.


 The logged in version 

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