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Zab (^_^ )

Member #61691 created: 2004-05-17 16:24:10Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share

Name: Zab. (I am a female..since people keep mistaking..)



And they say dogs don't climb trees..

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Town DrunkMaster of Building

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Welcome to my house and please step inside!
It's nothing fancy in here, just the average little house but please make yourself comfortable and if you'd like, there's some drinks in the kitchen and a freshly baked cake in my little storage.
Yes, that would be the small shabby door to the right, you'll feel the cool air when you get closer. Don't mind the rats, most of them are tame.
No, of course I did not bake the cake myself! Are you suicidal, wanting my cooking? Oh, you just wanted to make sure..? Well, now you know, it's safe to eat.
I'll be right back, I'll just go see to the horses. And maybe sleep some. But you just make yourself comfortable, as I said.


If you get bored you could always take a peek in the art room, when I get some time left I paint a little. And don't worry, those red stains are paint, I promise.
Zabs Art 5

I guess that's all for now then, have a really good time!


zab try
Trailriding feb 08 -09

Beautiful Crow in snow
Ridtur -nya rundan

This member is a fan of this wiki-page:
Kura's Color Contest

Age: 37Year of birth: 1987Month of birth: 11Day of birth: 3

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Human
Elftownworldmap 56°0.426'N 13°50.178'E

Place of living: Sweden-Skåne

Town: Imaginary land

Known languages

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
artchatuse communities

Body shape: normal

Height: 160

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