[Clairey]'s diary

828740  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-23
Written: (6523 days ago)

YEY!! What an awsome night! Tired now though. Its going to be an awsome week in general. Tomorrow, Cinema, Tuesday, Hazels and Wednesday is Salsa again.

Speaking of salsa, Alex made me go when i was feeling a bit down and it really cheered me up, its sooo much fun i can't wait for the next one!

Anyways, back to last night. I wore a dress, and got my hair cut. In fact, everyone dressed up...even Hazel! Then we danced to a variety of songs. We were well practiced in the macarana and satuday night due to all the park dancing XD.

Then Nikki slept over in the tent. It rained but we remained dry! We talked a lot, now she's on an undisclosed mission which if i told you, i would have to kill you.

Now i'm going to tidy up and then see where i last saved my game of .//hack as someone turned it off and i don't think they will of saved it. I HATE virus core hunting.


824912  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-15
Written: (6530 days ago)
Next in thread: 825666

Today was so awsome. I met the real life Kyo!!! And, dare i say it, he's so much cooler in real life. His name is Joel.

First we went to the Chinese, twas good, i think i freaked him out a lot while i was there. But then we went to get some stuff from the shops and then went to Avenham. There was copious ammounts of tackling here, but it was only because he wouldn't wear the ribbon i bought him. Twas orange. He wore it eventually.

Then we went to Jess' house. We ate pizza and fought some more. I stroked the cow patch. OO speaking of patches i got my Ed patch and put it on one of my t-shirts. I wore it, it looked super cool.

Anyways, i'm talking to Joel with my new webcam. Tis super cool.


822177  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-10
Written: (6536 days ago)

I really don't see a point in trying to go to school in the morning. Usually, i love school, but since the exams it has been awful. Lessons have been boring, repetitive, useless and sometimes, quite painful.

Take my Geography class of 3...or 1, plus 2 sacks of vegtables. They might as well be. They don't do homework, they won't have discussions and trying to get them to answer a question takes half a lesson (it really does). We've gone over the same thing 3 times. I love the subject but it's going to slow. I'm beginning to dislike it a lot. I wish i was in a bigger...more intelligent class.

Also, ICT. Last lesson only 4 people decided to turn up. We did some really hard access things with our practical teacher, who knows what he's doing. However, today, most people turned up to the theory lesson. But instead of doing something useful, we did the work again, with a teacher who didn't know how to do it! I ended up playing around all lesson (but i did find out that school has photoshop, which i am quite excited about)

Biology is good but we never seem to be in that lesson for one reason or another and the rest of my time is spent sitting around doing nothing. I don't even have anyone to talk too, which is getting REALLY boring now. I'm sick of not being anyone's person who they sit with all the time. No one will walk with me into Kirkham, even though they'll be off 10 mins later with someone else after i ask them. It's really starting to piss me off.


819533  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-05
Written: (6541 days ago)
Next in thread: 823352

i took a walk...i feel a bit better. Taking Back Sunday are singing what i fell...all the time. I really like them, i think i'll listen more later while outlining a picture i did at school. Then i'll decide its crap and throw it away, as has been the custom for some nights now.

I had to get food, as my dad is doing the shopping tomorrow night and i have nothing for lunch tomorrow, well now i have a muffin and a packet of crisps (i ate the starburst while on my walk).

I'm going for a bath now, then picturing, then i'll read as i'm reading this ace book by Malcome Rose. I really like his books. Clone was better though, then i'm going to read the Plague, after Transplant.


Check out my new pencil case - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7224093366&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&;rd=1

819472  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-05
Written: (6541 days ago)
Next in thread: 823354

What a crappy day. Its too hot, i'm sooo tired, and i've had to endure more than the usual ammount of teasing from the boys today. They defaced my pencil case so i'll have to get a new one. Cheers guys.

It better thunder or something soon or i'll be forced to use my awsome weather powers, which i don't like to do, being God tells me off and stuff.

I'm so tired, i can't write anymore...


819082  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-04
Written: (6542 days ago)

Sorry i've not been writing as much as i used to. It's big brother, its taking over my nights! That and .//Hack.

Last night i completed .//hack mutation! GO ME! I can't believe i could'nt defeat that final boss last time i played it. It was so easy. I did it first time. But it ebded on one hell of a cliff hanger! I then proceeded to raise the perfect grunty. But it kept asking for Piney Apples which are hard to find so i gave up, i'll do more tonight.

My mum is also making me drive all the time, which sucks because i hate it and its too hot to be in a car.

I also am looking for a new job as my old one is poo as i can only have 1 shift a week and its not enough. I like working there, the people are nice but i need more to live on than that.

Cinema on Friday, and then swimming on saturday, if i don't have to stay home and construct mum's album. I think i might just send Katie to get the book.

Its my new driving test on the 13th (less than 2 weeks!) if i fail again, i feel i may have to die...

It's too HOT to be in school! I've had a ggod day, even though geography first was PAINFUL! We didn't do anything new. The teacher was just trying to make the other two girls to answer questions all lesson. She knew i was annoyed. There was much sighing and tapping of the pencil.

Anyways, i have quite a lot of work to do. Laters


817316  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-30
Written: (6546 days ago)
Next in thread: 817561, 818367, 820035

A little less pissed off today, even though my sister is being a little biatch.

I'm going to work tonight so i'll write now.

Today i went into Preston, i was going alone but then i met Emma on the way, who was meeting James there, so i ended up trailing them around my shopping route. I got some pictures developed for acorna and my Mum's album which i will have to start constructing soon. Then we went to the new Primark. Twas very uninspiring. There were no jeans! All were skinny legged which i HATE! No bootcuts! But i bought a white t-shirt for work and a belt for the large sum of £3.

Then i went to Claire's. I want a new necklace as i only have 2 but intstead, i managed to find some earings with feathers. I was so impressed. They're awsome! I've wanted some for a while.

OOh, i managed to get those photos on to CD. The computer must have sensd my anger and decided to behave.

So here i am, outlining acorna's picture with my new outliner. It won't be sent off till Monday hun, due to Alex's incompetence :b .


816688  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-29
Written: (6547 days ago)
Next in thread: 816689, 816824, 816882, 817987

I’m having one of those days where EVERYTHING pisses me off.

I’ve been trying to put 17 pictures on a disk so I can take them into town tomorrow to have them developed. First my camera wouldn’t work, then it ran out of battery so the transfer stopped half way through. Then I deleted them all after sorting them, then I tried to burn them to CD but it wouldn’t let me. So I went through all the files trying to find the pictures I wanted (because Kodak easyshare is too COOL for cut and paste) then after an hour of searching, I tried to do it through my computer directly to the disk, and it wouldn’t let me, so I threw the CD at a wall.

And, it annoys me when I tell my mum to NOT let my guinea pig loose in the garden because it takes me an age to catch, but she does it anyway. Well it can get lost. I’ve tried to catch it once, it can stay out until it goes back in its hutch.

And, she kept nagging me to ring my Granddad for pictures for her birthday present (this is in three weeks but I HAD to do it tonight, even though my sister is off for the whole 3 weeks).

AND! My Dad told me he wanted a bike lock so I was going out to get him one tomorrow, but he’s gone out and bought one and says he can’t think of anything else apart from wine…which I cannot buy.

AND AND AND!! It pisses me off that my sister has way more friends than I ever have. They were all round here before they went to the leaver’s do. Do you know how many people came round to mine? 0. They all went in either a Roles-Royce or a fire engine…both of witch, I was not included in. But that’s old, I’m not going to bring all that up again.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND! There was no one at school for me to talk to today. Alex, Rob and Caroline were all at the biology quiz (I wasn’t smart enough) so I was pretty bored all day.

AAAAAAND AAAAAAAND! I now have no time to play on .//hack.

And I have work tomorrow.

And I have to spend money on stuff that’s not for me.

And I need some new jeans but I have no way of getting them.

I’m really pissed off.


AND NOW THE FOOKIN INTERNET WON’T WORK!!!! (I’m doing this on word)

815502  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-28
Written: (6548 days ago)

FMA was awsome last night, but it always is. Also, i started to play .//hack and i'm already towards the end i think. Its mostly videos! And that Moonknight person sucks ass. He wants me to go and kill some shit but he sucks! I i'm not training him up. I'll stick with Elk and Blackrose untill i have to do that mission.

Eddie is such a woman! Everything is a MAJOR CRISIS! He should calm down. Geeze, so clingy. You must be really patient Nikki, i couldn't manage! 2 times he rung me on my mobile and then talked to me on msn. Maybe i just don't understand these things :p

I got my Furuba journal. It's ace. It has plain pages on one side and lined on the other. I might use it for drawing rp characters and writing their bios and stuff.

Anime club today. Its the last one untill next year but i have to design a logo for then.

Tried to watch the rest of Sukisyo last night but its been taken off youtube! Gah, nevermind. We watched the rest of Jyu Oh Sei and started Ouran High School. Which is cool.

Just read volume 2 of black cat. It was good. I kinda like Eve. She's rockin, but not as much as Train.

Anyways, i've got to do some geography work.


814505  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-06-26
Written: (6550 days ago)
Next in thread: 814615, 814616

Ah...i'm back after my expidition to the lakes with my biology class. It was awsome. I'll tell you all about it.

On the first day we got there and walked up a hill. We counted moss and lichen on trees and then climbed the hill some more right to the top. We saw some awsome limestone pavement that i went crazy at...people called me a nerd...and rock girl.

On the second day we went to the best beach in the world. I loved it and i will go there all the time when i can drive. It had a perfect psamosereal succession...textbook even. Again...i was called a nerd. Mr Johnstone fell over the electric fence...it was funny.

On the third day (this was the best day) we went river dipping. We caught different stuff from the river and counted it. Then we came back and watched football and then we did the rope course in two teams. I was a team captain and i picked my team and we won. It was ace. Then i pushed over Mr Johnstone and he got water tipped opn him...as did Mr Sanderson.

On the last day we climbed a big mountain. It was good and the river and waterfalls were really pretty. Mr Johnstone fell over again...but this time he just fell...for no reason. We laughed.

Then we came home and i'm here. I didn't want to leave i had so much fun. I want to be an ecologist soooo much.

Mike's party was also fun. I think i did well. Hazel and me cooked an amazing cake from scratch...it was so impressive. And Mike liked it too, which was the main thing.

I'm really tired now so i'm going to have a bath and play on .//hack till 9.

G'Night. XxX

811124  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-20
Written: (6556 days ago)

Sorry i haven't wrote (or is it written?) in a while. I've not been able to get on at night much as my sister's finished her exams and has friends round on the computer all the time. Also, big brother stops me getting on after 9.00.

Anyways, school has officially started again and i'm glad, it was getting to the point where i was just wasting my time. I don't like it when i don't do anything with a day, its just wasted otherwise. I like school...geeze i'm such a nerd.

Yesterday was the RE conference. I thought it was going to be a load of bible bashing, but it wasn't. It was all about genetic engineering and science ethics. Very cool. God was only mentioned once...and in passing.

Biology trip nearly, on Friday. Can't wait. It's going to be so much fun.

My parents are going away tonight so i'm having Hazel and Alex round to watch anime and stuff. Then they're away again on Thursday and as i'm not going to be about on Mike's birthday...i'm throwing him a party (being DVDs, a cake and spagetti). So i need to get some stuff. Nikki, Eddie, Alex, Hazel and Ste are all coming round.

Anyways, i feel i should be doing work...but i won't. Anyways


809708  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-06-17
Written: (6559 days ago)
Next in thread: 812074

Sorry Hazel...not like you didn't get your own back. You're coming over on Tuesday anyway.

Today's tournament sucked. So many kids. I did sell some cards for £5. The rest are going on ebay because no one else wants them round here. On the way back we saw a load of Chavs after make-up shopping. They were handing round some kind of stick, shouting that they'd paid £8 for it. I pointed out that £8 could buy a volume of manga and have change for another misillanious piece of anime merchandise. That's how not like a girl i am!

Work tomorrow, then i'm going to watch a film with Mike as we haven't done that in ages with exams and stuff...he doesn't know yet though so i'll just turn up and hope for the best. I hope he had a good first day at work. (was it his first day? i don't know.)

Anyways, i'm gonna ring some people now, and then draw.


809354  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-16
Written: (6559 days ago)

Got back from Edingburgh today. It was a very informative trip. I now know that i don't want to go there. Although it is cheap and good at what it does, i didn't feel like i could live there. The city was a mess and i want to live on a campus uni, i think tha is what is in my head of what i want.

Still fun though. We got IDd some many times, in the end, we settled for battered mars bars. I got a chibi Ed badge and Alex got a chibi Al badge from Forbidden Planet. I also got an anime magazine and it had an article about the FMA movie...but it had a HUGE spoiler in the first paragraph. I felt like wirting to them to complain!

Anyways. Neson tomorrow. I'm really tired


808646  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-15
Written: (6561 days ago)
Next in thread: 808739

I won't be on now untill Friday night because we're staying overnight in student accommodation. It takes 5 hours to get there!! 5 HOURS WITH 3 SMELLY BOYS!! I'll have to make a CD with Coheed and Cambria and some other stuff.

I'm gutted i failed my test. Another one is booked for the 13th July (its not a friday, i checked). And i'm back to having no money even though my Dad paid for my new test.

I have to pay £20 for the room tonight and any expenses while there (lunch etc) and then we're going to Nelson which will cost money but i'll get paid so it won't be that bad. I won't have to pay for driving lessons either. Jeff said i could drive well enough but i just need to be more careful.

School is fun. I have 2 frees when i would be in Chemistry. Feels so good not to have to do it. I have double geography this afternoon and a council meeting at lunch so i'm going to eat now. Later


p.s 10.10 Saturday at the train station.

808287  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-14
Written: (6561 days ago)

Yep, that's right. I failed my driving test. I didn't park inside the box when i reversed. It was right at the end of the test and i can do them in my lessons. They were the one thing i knew i could do, i just didn't wind my window down.

Going on a trip to Edinburgh university tomorrow with Alex. we're staying in student accomodation tomorrow night and then go to the open day.

I have to go pack now. I'll write more tomorrow.


807259  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-06-12
Written: (6563 days ago)

I'm starting to stress out about my driving test now. I really really don't have the money to do another so if i don't pass i won't know what to do. My lesson today didn't go well. I couldn't park, i hit a cerb and i stopped at a roundabout when i wasn't supposed to...the guy behind beeped at me! Dad's taking me out tomorrow for some last min practice.

Today was the first day bck at 6th form. It was good i guess. We went on a trip to UCLAN. It was such a shit uiversity. No one wanted to go there. The only good thing about it was that the accommodation was better than i expected. But they don't do any environmental or even geography courses.

There was a blind guy giving us talks. His guide dog was sat in the lecture theatre as well. Alex was trying to hide his mp3 player under his shirt untill i pointed out that there was no point as the guy couldn't see...what a goober. We listened to FMA themes all the way through the talk on personal statements.

Tomorrow i have a key skills exam in the morning and then i get a day off as i'm not going on the trip to lancaster as i go pretty much every week and its my 6th choice so i don't really need to know much more about it.


806708  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-11
Written: (6565 days ago)
Next in thread: 807344

Finished my stretch of shifts. Man alive i'm tired, but somewhat rich next week :b. Good job as well as we're going to Nelson.

I thought my prayers to the rain godess had been answered this morning as the clouds started to drift over, but then they burnt off pretty quickly and i had to serve people outside.

I've entered a new competition. I have to draw [Zab] for a council art gallery. I might start now. I'm all clean and ready for bed, i just need something to do between now and 9.00 when big brother starts.

I had a bit of a panic just now. I thought i'd lost Nikki's .//hack game but it turned out i was never given it.

Loads of new people have started to join pure dragons. We just need acorna back. (Acorna is my new penfriend as we were allowed to swap adresses.

School tomorrow. I'm ready to get back into my routine. Its gonna be ace now. No more chem, loads of trips and drawing in lessons! SCORE!


805838  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-09
Written: (6566 days ago)

Fun fun fun fun day!! Too bad work sucks. Anyways, i got 2 new pairs of shoes. 1 of them for work. I just wore them and my feet are fine...if not a little sweaty. I also got some more black and white canvas shoes without sides.

Also, i got some orange material for my business adventure, even though it took ages to find material as most was too yellow/red/unfluffy. In thee end i got felt. Nikki didn't seem too annoyed.

The Chinese was nice. Nikki got melon, so she was happy! After much bill paying confusion XD I spent my £20 HMV voucher on a film called The Seven Swords. I've wanted to get it for ages. I also paid for a bit of my sisters Orson album with the voucher change as i was feeling generous.

Then we went back to Nikki's and sat on the grass, listened to music, examined worms and then squished over elk pictures. I then attempted to get the bus..to no avail. I lost my ticket, then lost the bus...i eventually got home.

Tomorrow i have to work again. I don't know what i'm doing. I can either go to the Gala at Penwortham, or practice driving then go to the pub with my Dad and watch the football. I think its going to have to be the driving practice as i've not done much and its only 4 days till my test. But i'll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.


805177  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-08
Written: (6567 days ago)

No more exams!! No more exams!! HAPPINESS!! I'm also very organised. Birthday presents are sorted a head of time, trip money is paid for, money is good. I have also had a good business idea where i buy cat ears for £2, put orange material on them and sell them on as Kyo cosplay. I'll get at least a £5 each i reckon.

Anyway, the ICT exam was very easy, apart from we were in a room at the top of 6th form with a wall of windows making it very very hot. We all sat with are sleves and trousers rolled up. I rolled up my t-shirt so it was a crop top. Even then i kept sticking to my desk and booklet.

Tomorrow i'm going shopping with Nikki. We're going to the chinese for lunch.

I've just realsied, my driving test is on wedneday!! OMG! Scary.

Now i'm going to complete .//hack infection before i go to sleep (there is a chance i won't get to sleep).


804568  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-07
Written: (6569 days ago)
Next in thread: 804581

*is very happy* No more chemistry for me!! So totally done with it. I failed the exam though...badly. But i don't care.

Toni'O ranted at us all afterwards though because we haven't paid for the trips we're going on the first 3 days back. Even though we have been on study leave we still had to get it in before the holidays (we were already off when the letters were sent out). The trips are compulsory as well...so we HAVE to pay. I don't want to go to UCLAN. It sucks. Everyone knows it sucks. No one wants to go.

Anyways, stupid alcoholic. I'm giving my money in tomorrow before i feel his wrath again. (OMG! Wrath! SO CUTE!)

I think i'm gonna draw me and wrath (i'll be giving him a hug of course as he is sooooo cute! Tomorrow i have an ICT exam in the afternoon. Its no big deal. Then i get a free day but i have to work.

I almost completed .//hack but then skeith killed me when he only had 100hp left! I was very pissed off.

Anyways, later.


804061  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-06
Written: (6570 days ago)

Omg *shivers* chem exam tomorrow. I have done exactly no work. None, not even a look. I've done ICT today because that exam is on Thursday. I think i'll just answer Carbon to every question then draw on the extra paper as i will have an hour and a half of sitting looking at questions i don't understand.

Mike's Kimono came today. It's not as long as i would have liked (it doesn't touch the floor) but he'll just have to get some pink/purple trousers to match. Its really nice, i wouldn't mind one. 100% silk, very soft. Nikki, you owe me money.

I washed the conservatory with my Mum. I used the jet spray then got bored so i wrote Poo on the steps in the mold with the jet spray. But then my mum made me do the rest of the step to remove it lol. I am so mature. I tried to write Ass but i did the A too big and ran out of space.

The jet washer said not to wash pets with it. Really...who would be that stupid. i was wondering how far my guinea-pig would fly ifi spryed it. It was a funny image in my head. (of cours i woulnd't really do that, that would be cruel.)

FMA was ace today. I love wrath, he's so cute.


 The logged in version 

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