[The Wraith]'s diary

780192  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-04-19
Written: (6618 days ago)


Echoes of the past,
Bring the follies of the future.
Praying for love everlast,
Pain stinging like a suture;

In the arms of nurture,
There is nothing like empathy,
Faint howls like an overture,
Bring the wishes of apathy;

The pain brought by sympathy,
the weight of sorrow,
The hatred with anitpathy,
The fear of the 'morrow;

Too many scars to count,
Too much depression to mount.

779518  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-04-18
Written: (6620 days ago)

Have you ever woken up one day, and realized that you have the one thing you've always wanted? Even though you've had it for three months and counting? Just last night I came to the recognition of such. I can't believe that I didn't figure it out sooner.

778919  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-17
Written: (6621 days ago)

ACT Round 2:

English : 28
Math : 17
Reading : 31
Science : 23
Composite: 25

772862  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-03
Written: (6634 days ago)

Me and You (Rough Draft)

If there ever was a sweeter love,
Let its eyes not behold someone other than my dove;
For there is nothing else in this world that I want;
An entwining of souls like a delicate font;
There is nothing like the elation I feel,
Me in your arms and you in mine, it's almost hard to believe it's real;
There is no end to the delight I feel when I'm with you;
Even when I hear your voice I think it's true,
I've met someone I really want to be with,
Someone that just may be my heart's locksmith.

772670  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-03
Written: (6635 days ago)


The pain is too great,
I need a clean slate.
A chip in a diamond,
A thorn on a rose,
Believe what you will,
Just grant me repose.
I regret what I've done,
Take back what I've said,
Why must I feel,
That my soul should be dead?
Is there someone?
Is there noone?
Must you destroy what left I enjoy?
You whom looks down on me...
Will you ever show mercy?

772669  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-03
Written: (6635 days ago)


Intricacies of forbidden emotions,
Hidden within a shell of torment,
The key to the lock of an enigma,
Rests in the heart of the unexpected.
Only thye whom perform habitual wordings,
Can release the tormented soul from within.
To realy on them, however, could be a deathwish,
As unexpected revelations spark events of shock.
Believing within this entity for confidance,
Wishing for an appropriate interpretation,
He whom is tormented shall break the wall,
the barrier which separates truth from fantasy.

771217  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-30
Written: (6638 days ago)


Ah, pain;
Always precedent,
Horrid and decadent,
Ravishing our hope,
All of our delight,
Taking all things but our plight;
Everything that brings light;
Nothing left;
Nothing but the blight;

770481  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-29
Written: (6639 days ago)


When in doubt, they always say,
"Wait until the time is right,"
But they never gave away,
When the right time is in light.
As I hold your hand in mine,
I hope right now is true;
And that our fates may entwine,
When I do say, "I love you."

770464  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-29
Written: (6639 days ago)

It's been nearly three months now. I don't think I've ever been happier. Perhaps in some twisted way I was meant to come to Oklahoma and to meet these people.


Everything I've ever wanted.

769918  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-28
Written: (6640 days ago)

People wonder how us whom are/have been overwhelmed with depression feel. Well, while helping a fellow comrade with their own feelings, I realized that some things I said can help explain:

"It's a pain that can only be understood once felt. Something that burrows so deep inside your heart and soul that it seems nigh to impossible to even think of a day that you could ever be happy. It came less than an inch to sealing my fate with a sharpened and serrated blade. I really don't know how I escaped. But somehow I did, though there is always that nagging blade just barely piercing my soul, reminding me of the despair that I've felt and the pain that I've been put through."

Even if it's only mildly satisfying... if everyone, just once, could feel the pain that we've felt/feel, maybe they could understand...

751804  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-21
Written: (6675 days ago)

Elation holds no grounds to how I feel right now...May God bless us with happiness...

712687  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-09
Written: (6749 days ago)

Job interview today...I don't know if I actually want to be hired...I can only do my best.

712131  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-08
Written: (6750 days ago)

It's been so long since I've roleplayed...I really want to be Wraith again...It's almost like a drug...But perhaps a good one? The expressing of creativity and the inner personality...

711518  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-12-07
Written: (6751 days ago)


I feel like the butt end of a bad joke. 'Think I caught a cold.

Been reading Tom Clancy's Net Force : Point of Impact recently. It's a good book: Very interesting, has a good plot. I'm thinking about reading the entire collection...Lot of reading to do.

710981  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-12-06
Written: (6752 days ago)

A world of exclusiveness but full of inclusiveness...The line between normal and abnormal, but yet no true classification...Just what we believe. A finicky generation we are. We'll pass one off as unimportant just on a base assumption that they are different because of the way they dress, or the way they look. I really wish to know the reason why we've become so horridly biased. I exclude noone - not even myself - We all do it. And anyone who says they don't and/or haven't, is downright lying. Sometimes it's impulsive...But should it be that way? Does it have to be that way? It's sad, really...

702987  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-22
Written: (6766 days ago)

Christmas spirit...During Thanksgiving weekend. What in the world is America thinking?

Ah, well. What's someone going to do?

All I have to say is: Thank God for Music.

702749  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-22
Written: (6766 days ago)

And here we are again...Just a few days away from the feast. There's been a shift in the intricacies of the soul...It seems rather empty, yet the anguished screams of sorrow have quieted down...It's rather peaceful, really. I'd venture as far as to say that it's one step away from "Nirvana" as the monks would say.

On a darker note...Must there be such incompetence in this world? Truely one would think they are going too far when a person says they'll tear their head off if they touch them and yet, the person insists on trying to hug the other...The tone alone should have been enough to instill limitations upon the fool. And others wonder why the moron is so hated...Much less, why we call the person a moron. Ah, well...It's not my fight...Not yet, anyways...

A lighter note; soon, hopefully, I will be taking lessons on how to play a Bass guitar. I just need to find a cheap acoustic to practice with and then I'll be good to go...

On a more random note: Mudvayne consists of a bunch of psychos. Just watching the music video for "Dig" will prove such.

Well...I've had my rant, my enlightenment, and my randomness...What more is there to say? Maybe the week will hold interesting. Two 22 lb. turkies for only four people...My parents are...odd.

702748  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-22
Written: (6766 days ago)

And here we are again...Just a few days away from the feast. There's been a shift in the intricacies of the soul...It seems rather empty, yet the anguished screams of sorrow have quieted down...It's rather peaceful, really. I'd venture as far as to say that it's one step away from "Nirvana," as the monks would say.

On a darker note...Must there be such incompetence in this world? Truely one would think they are going too far when a person says they'll tear their head off if they touch them and yet, the person insists on trying to hug the other...The tone alone should have been enough to instill limitations upon the fool. And others wonder why the moron is so hated...Much less, why we call the person a moron. Ah, well...It's not my fight...Not yet, anyways...

A lighter note; soon, hopefully, I will be taking lessons on how to play a Bass guitar. I just need to find a cheap acoustic to practice with and then I'll be good to go...

On a more random note: Mudvayne consists of a bunch of psychos. Just watching the music video for "Dig" will prove such...But I still love their music.

Well...I've had my rant, my enlightenment, and my randomness...What more is there to say? Maybe the week will hold interesting. Two 22 lb. turkies for only four people...My parents are...odd.

700627  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-11-18
Written: (6770 days ago)


It's been five years,
I've left you in fear,
Abandoned you,
Even though our love was true.
I can't forgive myself for it,
I've been swallowed by regret.
I miss you alot,
I love you with all my heart.
If I am to be condemned,
It's because I left you in hell.
I wonder how you are,
Everytime I wish upon a star.
Please forgive me,
And my treachery...

- Dedicated to Gemma...

 The logged in version 

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