[Sobori]'s diary

881971  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-02
Written: (6400 days ago)

I hate McDonalds so yeah , I`m boycotting it.
And until this very moment , I was boycotting by myself BUT I`ve gained a new member!
Unfortunatly its just Yeb that prefers Subway over the Mac.
Oh Buggors <img:img/mood/44166_1164145262.gif>

And I wished that EGL clothes weren`t that bloody expensive . If they weren`t I would totally change my gatherobe and only wear harajuku or EGL wearings.
Just because , they are that cool.
I wouldn`t wear the skirts or dresses though...(I`m already way too clumbsy now , not even mentioning when I`m wearing high heals and a skirt or a dress)
But those Japanese clothes are just so...bloody hell they rule.thats it :P

I also hope I did well on my test (that and that my pws will magically finish itself , that would be nice thank you ^^)
But I know that I fucked up buseness and manegement. >.<
Course today really sucked , I have this course every Saturday morning so I can see if art school is something fitting for me (okey..I already know that it is but my mom forced me to and I kind of want to know if I`m talented enough)
It contains that we have to paint stuff...yeah..stuff in abstract stuff. Well this time , we had to fuck up someone else`s work. Or atleast it felt that way for me. It was our assignment to skribble and paint and do stuff (make it even MORE beautiful teacher said) but anyway..I really had the feeling I fucked the poor boy`s hard work up.
We had to paint a comment to the others last painting (are you still getting it?)
and when we were finished we had to combine the painting (thats where the raping of someone elses work starts)
It was also very painful to see someone raping MY work. (auch auch...)
And then...we had to give our sketchbook to someone else from the group so that person can skribble in it.
Heres the problem : I had two perfect drawings in that sketchbook and I`m not trusting my coursemate enough to think that she won`t touch it and paint on a blank paige.
I feel like I`ve scored an A on my test but then someone took it and messed up the answers so I got a F and to make it worse , they also took my sketchbook :(
So I`m kind of feeling sad right now , and after course I had to shop with my mom (which made me even MORE pissed)
And after I went home Josry totally forgot that I was supposed to come hanging out with him after course and that we were going to the movies .
auch yeah :P
But thats okey , I wasn`t in a going out mood anyway and after I pretended like I was angry with him he called me and said he was sorry and misunderstood , and if I wanted to watch a horribly romantic movie with him tonight at my place (HUH? okey the boyfriend I know from the previous relations never , ever said he was sorry and also didn`t want to watch movies with me.)
So I was happy , and surprised ....and realised we had nothing edable in house exept for macaroni >.<
So ...he made something macaroni..ishes and I ate all of it . It was kind of good (but to be honest , I even would`ve ate it and said it was good if it was burn`t and disgusting)
Wow...first time I wrote something serious about Jos here ,hehe well I guess I should...considering I`ve known and dated the guy like..forever. Just not all the time :P

879250  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-26
Written: (6406 days ago)

55 Things nobody gives a shit about... XD

1. Is your second toe bigger than your first?
No it is not

2. Do you have a favorite type of pen?
Black inker

3. Look at your planner for November 9, what were you doing?
Don`t have a planner , can`t remember.

4. What color are your toenails usually?
Natural pink , I find painting my toenails a bit gross for I have the ugliest feet in the world XD

5. What is the last thing you highlighted?
Things I have to remember for MO

7. What color are the seats in your car?
I don't have a car...but my dad`s car has blue seats

8. Have you ever had a black and white cat?
Yes I still have one , he`s called Poeke

9. What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
On a postcard I forgot to send...oops

10. Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?
No...where the fuck is Wyoming >.<

where's 11???
I accidentaly stepped on it

12. Who is the last baby that you held?
Gaby , the newborn of my mother`s best friend.

13. Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
...No XD

14. Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
I don`t really hate it but I like mint better.

15. What kind of car were you driving a year ago?
I don`t have a licence...yet :P

16. Pick one: Florida State Seminoles, Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators?
The pink ladielas

17. Last time you went to Six Flags?
Yeaaars ago on a school trip.

18. Do you have any wallpaper in your house?

19. Closest thing to you that is yellow:
A yello post-it. Its a grocerie list.

20. Last person to give you a business card?
I have never ever recieved a business card .

21. Who is the last person you wrote a check to?
Better question : Who will be the FIRST person you write a check to?

22. Closest framed picture to you?
One big frame with lots of pictures of me and grytsje.

23. Last time you did homework?
........ 3 years ago ?

24. Have you ever applied for welfare?

25. How many emails do you have?

26. Last time you recieved flowers?
Two years ago after a show

27. Who is the governor of your state?
I don't live in a state

28. Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman?
Oh for fucks sake , off course not. I`m dutch and I grew up with the fact that being gay is in your genes and not in your head! Therefore people that prefer the same sex should get married if they want to , people should really stop whining about that.

29. Where do you get your myspace layouts from?
I don't have a myspace

30. What is the smallest key on your key ring for?
I actually don`t have a keyring

31. Do you have any Willow Tree figurines?
I... don't think so >_>

32. What was your high school's rival mascot?
I`m really starting to like Holland now for not having mascots ^^

33. Last person you spoke to from high school?
Josry , said bye and have a nice dinner.

34. Last time you used hand sanitizer?
few hours ago

35. Have you ever worn camoflauge?
....NO XD

36. What color are the blinds in your living room?
Green , like bright grass like green

37. What is in your inbox at work?
I don`t have a job yet

38. Last thing you read in the newspaper?
Something about high-schoolers

39. What was the last pageant you attended?

40. What is the last place you bought pizza from?
The Jumbo XD

41. Have you ever worn a crown?
yes I sometimes wear a crown to school. Because I`m like that XD

42. What is the last thing you stapled?

43. Did you ever drink Crystal Pepsi?

44. Ever had an ingrown toenail?
No never >.<

45. Last time you saw fireworks?
Last new year`s eve.

46. Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut?
Never had one , and I don`t like doughnuts either.

47. Who is the last person that left you a message & you actually returned their call?
I don't return calls because I hate calling people .

48. Last time you parked under a carport?
Never did , not eighteen yet remember.
49. Do you have a black dog?
No mine is grey ^^

50. Do you have any gourds?

51. Are you an Aunt or Uncle?
My siblings don`t have any children yet , or else it would be pretty fucked up *imagening grytsje with children* HAHAHAHAHAHA XD

52. Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
Josry , big brown dark eyes *.* And those LASHES!! I`m actually jealous lol:P

53. Last time you saw a semi truck?
Pff...no clue

54. Do you remember Ugly Kid Joe?
Never heard of him

55. Do you have a little black dress?
Actually I do , but I never wear it..its too...nice XD

878135  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-23
Written: (6409 days ago)

Yay another lame and totally good for nothing enquete thingie!
Yes you guessed it right...I was bored. <img:img/mood/44166_1164144921.gif>

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters?
No but I do scream.

3. When was the last time you've been sledding?
Pfff aaages ago , I think I must have been....like 5 years old or so?

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
With someone else , if you have once shared your bed with someone else it feels weird when you sleep alone.

5. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes I do

6. Do you consider yourself creative?
Yes but not nearly creative enough.

7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife?
Who the fuck is O.J?

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?
Jolie , at least she can act. Anniston seems like a nicer person though.

9. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics?
I know a bit , but I can`t vote yet so next year I`m going to devote myself to it.

10. Do you know how to play poker?
Not yet..<img:img/mood/44166_1164144907.gif>

11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight.
No , I don`t think it would even be possible for me .
I need my sleep ^^

12. Have you ever cheated on a test?
Once , but the whole class cheated so then its more like a practical joke. Sigh , I guess I`m not sneaky enough to be a good cheater

13. Who was your first crush?
Uuurm....*think think* I think it was a Turkish boy when I was there on vacation, must`ve been 12 or 13

(what happened to 14?)
It got sucked into hammer space.

15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?
Probably yes , but its better if you share a secret with at least one person.

16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees?
I`m not into sports that include a fabric ball ^^

17. Have you ever been ice skating?
Yes , I`m also pretty good at it.

18. How often do you remember your dreams?
I always remember some parts but I had a few weeks that I couldn`t remember any of it. Now I can remember them again fortunatly ^^

19. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
A few weeks ago when Josry found out at what parts of my body I`m the most ticklish

20. Can you name 4 songs by The Beatles?
a. Help
b. Yellow Submarine
c. All you need is love
d. Yesterday

21. What's the one thing on your mind?
I have thousands of things on my mind.

22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes I do

23. Do you know who Ba-Ba-Booey is?
No but it sounds lame -.-

24. Do you always wear your seatbelt?
Whenever there is a seatbelt I do

25. What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I had an absolute memory , but thats not a talent isn`t it ?
Well...then I`d wish for the talent to sing , it must be great if you have a good voice.

26. Do you like Sushi?
I probably would if I ever got the chance to try it.

27. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident?
I narrowly avoid fatal accidents everyday...XD Usually cars or trucks.

28. What do you wear to sleep?
Nothing....I`m a nude sleeper.

29. Righty or lefty?

30. Full house or Fresh Prince?
Both series are old and I enjoyed both of them but I guess I liked Full House more

31. Do you truly hate anyone?
No...hating costs waaay too much energy. I do dislike persons though

32. Rock or Rap?
Depends on my mood , but most of times rock.

34. Do you know anyone in jail?

35. Have you ever sang in front of the mirror?
When I was smaller I once did.

36. What food do you find disgusting?
Its a dutch dish called snert , it looks like someone just puked on your plate <img:img/mood/44166_1164145068.gif>

38. Do you drive an auto or stick?
Wtf is stick?

40. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?
Yes , when I was younger I immediatly stood up for someone if a person wasn`t treated right. Now I tend to do it less frequently

41. Have you ever been punched in the face?
Yes , also have been bitchslapped in the face.

42. When was the last time you danced?
Today , there isn`t a day without dancing.

43. Do you own any stuffed animals?
Any? Stocks!! But only those without fur, I`m allergic to most stuffed animals.

44. When was the last time you tripped?
Yesterday...damn I do trip alot XD

45. Were you born by a caesarian? (c-section)
No .

46. Do you like anyone?
Yes , infact I have a wonderfull , sweet and intelligent boyfriend whom I do not like , but love.

47. Do you miss someone right now?
Don`t you always miss someone?

877920  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-22
Written: (6410 days ago)

today was an interesting day , because you see I have headaches . Every day. Every hour . Every minute.
Always .
I`ve had them for like a half year now. Sometimes it doesn`t hurt that much and sometimes its so bad that smacking my head against the wall seems a good idea. But its always , always there.
It causes me concentration problems at school so my grades are drasticly dropping , not to mention that its just plain annoying. I read three times slower than I used to , and then I still can`t memorize all that I read .
And therefore I feel...stupid.
You know what its like..feeling stupid? It sucks...it really does because I`ve always considered myself quite a smart person...studying for a test meanth just reading the info for me and then I would pass it.
Not anymore though..And I know that I`m not stupid or dumb ..that its just the headache and the concentration problems but I still feel stupid.
Ive been to the doctor for this problem , he sent me to the hospital and they couldn`t find anything in my blood.
Weeks later I went again for my headache (I also went a few times for my astma)and the man did not take me seriously.. I could actually HEAR him thinking that I was just another teen attention seeker with a bit of a headache.
He thought I was overreacting and did not pay any attention to it , now tell me. Is it normal for someone to have constant headaches for SIX FUCKING MONTHS??<img:img/mood/44166_1164145272.gif>
So we tried the alternative way , someone that uses his hands to cure my headache.
I went there today for the first time..heres a detailed report.

When I stepped out of the car with my mom (yes my mom was with me , it was during schooltime and it was kind of far away so she had to drive me)I saw it was just at a regular house (surprise number one) I also thought that the man would be middle-aged...normal sized and quite introvert. Instead of that I was welcomed by a sixty-five year old man , kind of fat but not really and he talked quite alot and quite loud to.
And at that same moment ,that instant I immediatly knew that this was a good person and that he really could help me.And after I knew that all my nervousness faded away and I introduced myself.
I was said to take place on the chair before him , my mother could watch from a small distance in another chair.
The room itself looked like a normal study room..except for the big massage table. You didn`t get that uncomfortable doctor feeling.
He asked me what the problem was , and then felt my shoulders. "Like brick they are" he said. "Your shoulder muscles are stuck , you`re so tense..and thats why you have those headaches."
That wasn`t the weird part. From the moment he touched my shoulders and began to rub them to get the tension out of them. He started telling all kinds of stuff about me to me and my mother. Things he could not have known, for he had never seen or spoken any of us before.
He told me that I carry my problems too long with me , because I think I can solve them by myself.
He knew I`m a easy learner
He knew that I drink too little.
He knew that I don`t say important things out of myself.
Just by merely looking at me and touching my shoulders.
And then I realised..he is like me. But in a far more advanced stadium.<img:img/mood/44166_1164145253.gif>
It was not scary though..I`m kind of used to the alternative healing arts because my dad also practises them when I have a headache.
I also noticed that my hands were getting warm and at some moments I almost had to cry...for no reason at all.
That was really...really weird , but then again not scary. Not at all.
After a half hour or so my shoulders became more relaxed and he was overjoyed because I was making so much progress in so little time "It always works immediatly with kids" he said. He also layed a paper towel on my head and then softly massaged my head , "without the paper towel it would hurt both of us" he explained.
After an hour I already felt much better , I was tired but my headaches seemed less. I also got some tips . I have to practice walking straight (so my energy can flow through my body normally) and I have to stretch my shoulders three times per day.
I also have to go to the healer (magnetiseur in dutch) two more times , but not for a whole hour anymore . Maybe an half hour or so.
I still have headaches , they are even worse now but the man warned me that it might become worse at first and a day after I would be rid of my headaches. Or they would be easier to handle. He also asked me (well kind of obligated me) to open up a bit more to my surroundings , to tell persons when I have something thats on my mind.
I guess I`m really a loner when it comes to sharing problems , but I honestly will try. At least to Josry and Grytsje , I can talk to them about anything ^^


870015  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-01
Written: (6431 days ago)

okey note : I fucking hate being sick.
Yes..I am sick , again. This time my bronchien (or however they are called in english) decided to get all fucked up and maybe I have also astma creeping in on me. That sucks because when you get astma at my age , you`ll never grow over it.
But anyway , I can`t stop coughing (I even bruised a few ribs because of it) my head still hurts , I have zero fatigue and I can`t even lift a chair. Oh.. I`m also on antibiotics so I`m supposed to get better soon
I`ve been sick for almost a week now ><

867629  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-10-26
Written: (6437 days ago)

My elf name is Morwen Ancalimë , or so this site says http://www.chriswetherell.com/elf/

Nessa Ancalimë it is when I type in my full name ^^
Ain`t telling you what it is though , because I`m MEAN like that

865778  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-10-21
Written: (6442 days ago)

Ik aan mijzelf       

Aan mijn verleden zelf :       

Ach lief meisje wat dachten wij toch 
wijs te zijn weer ieder jaar.     
Minachtend keken wij neer
op de domoor die wij vroeger waren.
Weet je dan niet dat
wijsheid niet met jaren komt
maar met woorden en met daden ?
Waarschijnlijk hadden wij
in de peutertijd onze wijze periode
En kunnen we daar zelfs 
nu nog wat van leren.
Was ik nog maar net zo zeker als jij
dan had ik geen schild nodig.
En kon ik met recht zeggen
een echt mens te zijn.

Aan mijn toekomstige zelf :

Weet dat het nooit erg kan zijn
eens goed gekwetst te worden.
Wij weten immers allang 
dat al het leven lijden is.
Zeker als het om liefde gaat
we horen niet anders.
Maar laat dat je vooral niet weerhouden
toch lief te hebben.
Dat is namelijk het enige 
wat er echt toe doet.
Wordt alsjeblieft nooit zoals anderen
wat zal betekenen dat je nooit helemaal
volwassen zult worden.
Wat echter niet erg is want
wij hadden allang door dat
alle harten die van kinderen zijn.

Aan mezelf :

Wees zoals je bent
iets anders kunnen we toch niet wezen.
We hebben onzelf immers
al veel te lang gespeeld .
En we moeten toch echt eens leren leven
zonder angst en zonder banden.
Of nee , toch liever met angst want
een leven zonder zorgen
zien we nu ook alweer niet zitten.
En zit niet steeds zo te piekeren
over het leven enzo want
daar zijn wij nog veel te jong voor.
Of doe toch maar wel want weet je nog ?
Wijsheid komt niet met de jaren.

Me to myself

To my past self :

Ah dear girl do you remember when
we thought we were wise every year again.
And how we pitied the fool
we used to be the year before.
Do you not know that
wisdom does not come with age
but with the words we say
and the deeds we do?
We probably had our wisest time
during our infant years.
And I think that we still are
able to learn from that right now.
I wish I still was as certain as you
that way I would not have need for a shield.
And I would really be able to say
that I am a true human being.

To my future self:

Please know that it can never be a bad thing
to get hurt real good once in your life.
Because we have always known
that living also means suffering.
Certainly when it comes to love
we hear that all the time.
But still , please don`t refrain from 
loving someone yourself.
Because that is the only thing
that really matters in this life.
Never become exactly like
all the other persons in this world.
Which also means that you will
never entirely grow up.
But thats not really a bad thing because
you and I both have known for a long time
that all hearts are those of children.

To my present self :

Always be whom you are
we both know that we cannot be anyting else.
We have played ourselves now
for a far too long of a time.
And now we really have to learn how to live
without fear and leashes.
Or no , rather with fear because
we would not like a life without worries.
And stop sulking about life and stuff because
we both know you are much too young for that.
Or wait , rather do so because do you remember?
Wisdom doesn`t come with age .

Written by me , october the 20th . You are allowed to use it and put it on your house , your site or whatever if you think this poem says what you think about life yourself.
But please , always say that I wrote it , that those are my thoughts . Because they are ^^

864063  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-10-16
Written: (6447 days ago)

For all the people that think the Netherlands is such a great country :P You have to know Dutch to understand it though.
If you can`t , just ask and I`ll be happy to translate it for you ^^

Hans Teeuwen Nederland

Nederland, Nederland, politiek correct en tolerant
Nederland, Nederland, Nederland oladiejee

We krijgen een hele domme koning met een dikke kop
Daar kan ie niks aan doen, maar het valt wel op
'T komt.. 'T komt omdat hij niet denkt, maar lekker eet
Net als dat Argentijnse mokkel met die dikke reet

Nederland, Nederland, politiek correct en tolerant
Nederland, Nederland, Nederland oladiejee

Aan het einde van de oorlog, het verzet in allemaal
En met de spullen van de weggevoerde joden aan de haal
Geen land waar in de oorlog zoveel Joden zijn verdwenen,
Want de lafheid zit diep geworteld in de genen in

Nederland, Nederland, politiek correct en tolerant
Nederland, Nederland, Nederland oladiejee

Weinig landen hebben zoveel, slaven gedreven
Tis hier 'n traditie om de buren aan te geven
We hebben ook nog heel veel Indonesiers vermoord
En apartheid is ook niet voor niks een Nederlands woord.

Nederland, Nederland, politiek correct en tolerant
Nederland, Nederland, Nederland oladiejee

Dit is een heerlijk lied, 'n (-h)eerlijk lied
En wie het tegendeel beweert die is hypocriet
Ik ben slim en jullie zijn dom, mensen zoals jullie daar lach ik om
Want ik kom uit..

Nederland, Nederland, politiek correct en tolerant
Nederland, Nederland, Nederland oladiejee

Ik heb schijt aan arme landen, ik ben gelukkig en gezond
Ik voel nog meer dan passie (dan passie->compassie(=medelijden)) voor een in de steek gelaten hond.
Echte risico's of offers daar ben ik niet aan gewend
Ik zing een moralistisch liedje en dat heet engagement

Nederland, Nederland, politiek correct en tolerant
Nederland, Nederland, Nederland oladiejee

862912  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-10-12
Written: (6451 days ago)

I have a house key!!
Now I can feed my cat again! ^^

Also. My beloved sister is BACK!!!!
*Happy happy happy dance ,happy happy happy dance*

862510  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-10-11
Written: (6452 days ago)

Out of boredom I did some personality tests on internet today and these are the results :

results from Stupid and vague colour test : Your Existing Situation
Easily affected by her environment and readily moved by the emotions of others. Seeks congenial relationships and an occupation which will promote them.

Result from a doctor phil test : Your total score is 43

Interpretation of Results
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

this is enough product of boredom for now

862471  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-10-11
Written: (6452 days ago)

World sucks ass when grytsje`s not around , seriously 0.o I guess she`s been gone to De Ardennen for about...two days now (bootcamp XD) and I can`t remember being so bored.
I actually talked to the couch when I was watching anime ><'' I would so totally hate to be an only child, really :P In most of the daytime it isn`t that worse because most of times I go to josry`s place now (we even had a sleep over ^^ , I had to sleep in another room though , sneaky parents of his XD ) and I also have a test week (although I`m not really learning..yeah I know I should but I just can`t bring myself to actually study. I am trying though but I guess I really do have a case of serious sister addiction XD )
Also , I don`t know if it is because grytsje is gone or not but Fenna (my best friend) is starting to irritate me. She`s being kind of...well bitchy . Dunno why and I could be wrong...she also has the testweek stress offcourse but for as long as she remains bitchy on msn I`m kinda going to avoid her and putting my status on offline :P
She could be mad because I managed to skip my M&O test (I pretended being sick and my dad went along with it...I`m called de oplichter , or in english * the fraud* now:P
And another problem! I suspect grytsje of taking BOTH the housekeys to my mom`s house and now I can`t get to my books AND I CAN`T FEED THAT FUCKING CAT!!
Poor thing... My mom`s away for a vacation in Portugal and she won`t be coming back until lets say....saturday or something..dunno to be exact .
I`m so totally going to be killed :| Not to mention the poor kitty :/
But I guess I shouldn`t be bored because I have tons of thing to do.
1 : Study for Economics (blegh..don`t feel like it)
2 : Study for French (done that , its hopeless because we get a text anyway )
3 : Study for Dutch : (We have to write some letter ,I can I possibly study writing a letter?)
4 : Buy batteries for the photocamera (yeah...I could do that.. I`m kind of in a picture mood)
5 : Finish the script that you should have finished a month ago ( But it is so boring!!! >< >< )
6 : Start drawing things for your pws !!! (Yeah...although I don`t really feel like drawing I guess I should..)
7 : Look up the art school site and enroll yourself into it.( Okey thats going to be problematic because I don`t know the name of the site..)

861947  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-10-10
Written: (6453 days ago)


1. Follow them around the house everywhere...
2. Moo when they say your name...
3. Run into walls...
4. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion...
5. Stand over them at four in the morning with a huge grin on your face and say, good morning sunshine...
6. Pluck someone's hair out and yell, "DNA"...
7. Wear a sticker that says, "I’m a retard"...
8. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to all the time...
9. In public yell, "No Mom/Dad, I will not make out with you!!"...
10. Do what they actually tell you...
11. Jump off the roof, trying to fly...
12. Hold their hand and whisper to them, I see dead people...
13. At everything they say yell, Liar...
14. Try to swim in the floor...
15. Tap on their door all night...
16.Pretend to have amnesia...
17.Say everything backwards...
18.Give yourself a swirly...
19.Run around with a lamp shade on your head yelling, "the sun!!! it's dying!!!"...
20.Sing at the top of your lungs while running around the house...in your underwear...
21.Have nervous spasms at spontaneous times...
22.Snort loudly when you laugh and then laugh harder...
23.Run in circles...
24.Recite a whole movie 3 times...
25.Pretend to beat yourself up...
26.Slither everywhere...
27.Wear your pants on your head and your shirt on your waist... tell them you're making a fashion statement...
28.Try and drink out of a glass the wrong way...
29.Super glue your finger up your nose...
30.Talk to a pen..

859808  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-10-04
Written: (6459 days ago)

I saw this in someones house and I shamelessly stole it ..teehee ^^

Have you ever wondered ,

Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed? (I tried this and its true...we can`t !! )

Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?

Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?(I don`t even know what it means -.-)

Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?

Why is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on "Start"?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons?

Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it? (yes..I would so very like to know that)

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes?... Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


*On a bar of Dial soap: "Directions: Use like regular soap." (and that would be how??...)

*On some Swanson frozen dinners: "Serving suggestion: Defrost." (but, it's "just" a suggestion.)

*On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom): "Do not turn upside down." (well...duh, a bit late, huh!)

*On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: "Product will be hot after heating." (...and you thought????...)

*On packaging for a Rowenta iron: "Do not iron clothes on body." (but wouldn't this save me more time?)

*On Boot's Children Cough Medicine:"Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication." (We could do a lot to reduce the rate of construction accidents if we could just get those 5-year-olds with head-colds off those forklifts.)

*On Nytol Sleep Aid: "Warning: May cause drowsiness." (and... I'm taking this because???....)

*On most brands of Christmas lights: "For indoor or outdoor use only." (as opposed to...what?)

*On Sunsbury's peanuts: "Warning: contains nuts." (talk about a news flash)

*On an American Airlines packet of nuts: "Instructions: Open packet, eat nuts." (Step 3: maybe, uh...fly Delta?)

*On a Swedish chainsaw:"Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals." (..was there a lot of this happening somewhere?)

857797  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-09-29
Written: (6464 days ago)

I now have red thingies in my hair *.*

Look I`ve got piccies ^^
CAUTION , I didn`t say they where nice (I AM sick after all)




857230  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-27
Written: (6466 days ago)
Next in thread: 857287

Subject = PICTURES

Blegh I`m sick today >< Well not really sick.. I`m kinda having a splitting-head kind of headache so I skipped school and I think I`m also gonna skip tomorrow if this continues -.-
Grytsje still managed to make a few good pics of me though , I don`t know how she pulled it off , but she did ^^
Its weird because I hate and love being taken pictures from at the same time. I hate it because I get nervous in front of a camera and don`t know how to pose..grytsje is about the only one that can take decent pictures of me. And I love being taken pictures from because I like dressing myself up and seeing the end result (if its a good one)
I`d like to be on a picture with my sis where we both look good , because its always that either she looks perfect and I`m pulling off a weird face ,or the other way around.
But then again...perfect sister pictures might be a bit boring :P
I also have a new mission.. I want grytsje to make a good pic of me and josry. Not a posed one , just a sweet one.
Why ? Well.. I don`t have a nice pic of him and I`ve always wanted one but he used to hate being photographed ..but now he`s being a total sweetheart to me so he might agree ^^

I`ll put a few of today`s pictures here so you can see ^^
Offcourse I`ll do the ones that worked out allright:P doh.



OKey those were about it >< the rest is way too silly to put over here XD

855257  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-09-21
Written: (6472 days ago)

I`ve drawn something today that I`m really proud of.. well I didn`t draw it today.. I drew it last week and I nearly finished it today.
Drawing couples is soo damn hard 0.o

852991  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-09-15
Written: (6478 days ago)

So..uurm here`s the story.
I think my ex and I are going back together again. I`ve predicted this though..so it isn`t much of a surprise for me. A few weeks ago we started hanging out again and I felt that we both missed eachother. I almost had forgotten how easy it is to talk to him about random , but also serious things. We understand eachother with half a word , and thats rare you know :P So we talked , about almost anything the whole day . And for the rest of the week we stayed seeing eachother or *accidentaly* bumping into eachother when shopping or something.
We are still talking a lot now..and its almost like we`ve never been apart. I think he`s gonna ask me for a relationship on my birthday..actually I know that . Dunno why , I just know.

I haven`t talked about this with anyone besides my sister , because I may be wrong. But than again , he`s sending so much very VERY hard to miss signs that its almost impossible for me to not see them as not-so-well-hidden flirts.
People that know me are gonna say that I must be nuts to even consider starting an relationship with the same guy for the third time. I must say that it does sound kind of foolish..And maybe it is. But I also know that I broke up with him because I knew that we would end up hating eachother if we continued. I knew that if I would not dump him , the little love he had left would die and he would feel nothing for me. I prefered him hating me instead .
I dumped him so he could love me again , I knew that he would because thats the kind of person he is. He is the kind that can`t be in a relationship for a very long time ,because he thinks he`s gonna miss too much . I know that , so I let him go. At that time I also was so depressed , that I could not handle the whole situation..If I could I would`ve found another reason besides having to end it. But ooh well..I did and now we are going back together again if I`m not mistaken.
I`m happy about that , because I`ve never stopped loving him. And strangely enough , I`m not even the slightest bit scared of what will happen. I am not affraid of getting hurt , because getting hurt is worth it. Definetly ^^

*UPDATE 19 september *
I was right , yesterday on my birthday Josry (yes..thats his name..you are not the only one that is thinking about that green dino thing named Yoshi now ^^ ) and I started something for the third time XD
Very romantic mushy mushy story it is , but I`m not gonna tell the details now.. the fact is. I was right ^^

848802  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-09-04
Written: (6489 days ago)
Next in thread: 852090

found this poem in some house , it made me smile ^^

[~I Seem To Have A Problem~
...I Think I've Lost My Heart...
~I Can't Find It Anywhere~
...It's Like I'm Searching...
~Through The Dark~
...I Was Beginning To Panic...
~Wondering What To Do~
...Then I Remember...
~My Heart Belongs To You~

841134  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-08-20
Written: (6504 days ago)

I`ll be gone for a week again !! This time I`ll go to a foreign country (yay ^^)
anyway , see you all in a week ;)

838026  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-08-13
Written: (6511 days ago)

I am making this because I am very , very bored ...and because I like those enquete thingies :P

1. First Name:

2. Were you named after anyone?
Yes I was named after my great grand mother from my fathers side and after my grandmother from my mother`s side .

3. Do you wish on stars?
Always ^^ 

4. Which finger is your favorite finger?
My pinkies ,dunno why.

5. When did you last cry?
...Pff....a few weeks ago during a movie

6. Do you like your handwriting?
No I hate it XD

7. What is your favorite lunch-meat?
Roast beef *.*

8. Any bad habits?
I bite my finger/toenails , I swear , I don`t pay attention and I`ve got the habit to make everything sound cute
9. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf?
A kinderen voor kinderen CD , I still know all the lyrics *blushes *

10. If you were another person, would you be friends with YOU?
Hell no , I`d prolly think I was weird lol :P

11. Are you a daredevil?
Naah , I`m a chicken

12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?
Yeah but only when the person in question already told it her or his self

13. Do looks matter?
Well its nice if someone is good looking ,but its not the first thing I`m looking at.

14. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid?
....all the time.

15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
I used to but after endless searches I`ve lost my beliefs :P

16. Do fish have feelings?
They sure do , believe me.

17. Are you trendy?
Hahaha hell no!

18. How do you release anger?
In my head

19. Where is your second home?
At my cousin`s place

20. Do you trust others easily?
No I trust others hardly :P

21. What was your favorite toy as a child?
I liked stuffed animals a lot but it turned out that I was allergic for them.

22. What class in school do you think is totally useless?
This might sound stupid but I think that every class is usefull in some way

23. Do you have a journal?
Yes...like this one maybe?

24. Do you use sarcasm?
...All the time ;)

25. What do you look for in a boy/girl?
Kindness and passion , nothing more really

26. What is your nickname?
I have a lot..but its mainly hatty or han-han

27. Would you ever bungee jump?
NO! I`m affraid of hights !

28. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
....My shoes don`t have strings...so I think that makes a no :P

29. Do you think that you are strong?
Mentally or physically ? Mentally ; sometimes , Physically ; I`m the strongest girl in my class so yeah

30. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

31. What's your favorite color?
I like all colours

32. What is your least favorite food?
Its a dutch dish called "snert" It looks like someone just puked on your plate :/

33. How many wisdom teeth do you have?

34. Are you in love with anyone?
Yes ^^

35. How many people have a crush on you right now?
Dunno and I as hell don`t want to know either :P

36. Who do you miss most right now?
I don`t think I`m missing anyone..Well Yeah I missed [Michael Asher] a lot but he`s back again ^^

38. What color pants are you wearing?
None , I`m sitting in my bathrobe ^^

39. What are you listening to right now?
Blues and jazz

41. What was the last thing you ate?
Mushroom soup

42. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
I`m pretty sure I would be Red

43. How is the weather right now?
Its sunny ^^

44. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
Wobbe ny vacation schnabbel (oeh talk about stupid words XD)

45. First thing you notice about the opposite sex?
The eyes

47. How are you today?
I`m quite well although I think I have a pretty bad cold :/

49. Favorite alcoholic drink?

50. Favorite sport?
Martial art things ^^

51. Hair color? 

52. Eye color?
Brown or green

53. Do you wear contacts?
Nope , I have a vision of 150 percent

54. Siblings and their ages?
One sister , age 15

55. Favorite month?

56. Favorite food?
Lasagna or something with fish

57. Last movie you watched?
House of flying daggers

58. Favorite day of the year?

59. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Only when I really like the guy

60. Scary movies or happy endings?

61. Summer or winter?

62. Hugs or kisses?
Can`t choose , Both!!

63. Relationships or one-night stands?
Relationships , period ^^

68. What books are you reading? I`ve just finished "komt een vrouw bij de dokter" At the moment I`m not reading anything.

69. Favorite board game? Kolonisten van Catan

70. What did you watch on TV last night? Nothing cuz the tv is broken , I watch anime on the computer instead. I watched Girls Bravo . Stupid anime , really lame :P

71. How clean is your house? My mom`s house is clean , my dad`s house is a mess..so I guess its moderate :P

72. Favorite smells? Georgio armani , my ex has that scent , it smells goooooood ...I think I`m gonna steal his perfume :P

73. What is the first thing you think when you wake up?
"Nooo I had such a nice dream, let me sleep more >< "

74. Now, did you notice that there were numbers missing?
Eeerm to be honest....no I didn`t..

837665  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-12
Written: (6512 days ago)

I lost my sketchbook with 2 close-to-perfect drawings
*runs through the house screaming while annoying her father and sister*

I found them a day later , after a lot of searching through the entire house..therefore I totally forgot to clean up my room 0.o

 The logged in version 

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