[Davorah]'s diary

478242  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-01-22
Written: (7077 days ago)

OKAY!!! Everyone is pissing me the fuck off...

They're all like "If your ex-boyfriend really liked you, he'd "MAKE TIME" for you" and I'm like, No... I don't want him to make time for me, b/c that would mean he's one step closer to flunking college, or becoming homeless, or even worse, etc...

If its meant to be, Time will come... thats all that keeps me from falling to the floor and crying my eyes out like a woman who's soulmate just fell off the edge of a cliff...

Now leave me alone about it, I'm tired of the harrassment...

And No, just because I'm single, DOES NOT mean I will concider anyone for dating purposes...Now go pester someone else with your trivial crap!

I'm posting this on myspace as well b/c I've aquired a few stalkers there too...

Should I just go cut up my face and live in a sewer so that I WON'T attract people to me? I don't know what to do anymore, people don't understand what "No" and "Leave me the Fuck alone" means anymore... >.<

478224  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-01-22
Written: (7077 days ago)

I Lost My Chap Stick!!!! I'm Gonna Die!!!! >.<

I don't even know where to start looking... >.<

477754  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-21
Written: (7077 days ago)

I need new people to hang out with...

Being single really does hurt...

475154  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-18
Written: (7081 days ago)
Next in thread: 475181

Sick still...I'm so tired...I hate everything...kill it all... :/

I made friends with a local DJ he's funny... Prolly won't meet him in real life, but thats okay, internet friends are good too... just harder to stay in touch with. I started talking to my ol'd buddy Pat again... He says he might come to FL to visit for the summer...He said that he remembers Tampa life vaguely, and from what he remembers, he hated it... o_O haha! Poor Pat... Its okay he said he's coming so I'm holding him to it...

Now I only need to get ahold of Victor, Mini-Shane, and...OH SHIT! I did get ahold of Panama-John! I saw him on Sunday! Josh, Panama-John, and I Jammed on sunday! I had no idea that Panama-John Played the guitar...I thought he only smoked pot...HAHA! He's cool as shit though *nods* I almost forgot...HAHA! I most certainly HAVE earned my god-damned Baser stripes... >.< BAH!! hehe!

Everyone wish me luck, I need this Clerical job really bad and Betsy's mom is just dangling it in front of my face like a bitch... If I were just some random person she wouldn't do that stupid shit to me... but Nooo I have to be some special fuck or something... yeah you can tell I'm pissed about it can't you?

So yeah my life is at a stalemate once again...what do I do now? Someone has to know...I sure as hell don't...as always...

472849  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-01-17
Written: (7082 days ago)

Two entries I found on LiveJournal...Me likey...

Heya, there. At the recent tsunami relief effort show, Coheed performed THREE NEW SONGS!

1. Tell All Your Friends
2. 10 Speed Gods Blood in Burial
3. Anything for You
[titles are just based on the lyrics, there is no "taking back coheed", lyrics will most likely be chaged dramatically as with Upper Armories of Third Deep (IKSSE3) and Watch Over Me (The Crowing)

The songs can be found at http://cobaltandcalcium.com

comment away!


New songs from last night's show. taken from cobaltandcalcium.com

These songs do not have official name, but if they did, they'd probably be:

'Tell All Your Friends'

'You'll Leave Her'

'Anything For You'

Lyrics for 'Tell All Your Friends', 'You'll Leave Her', and 'Anything For You' are up, thanks to Marco (a hybrid) for plucking the words out of this stuff.

also, mtv's a bitch... who doesn't understand the amazingness of co&ca playing new songs. Yeah sure everyone wanted to hear songs they knew, but how often are you among the first to hear the first performance of completely new songs? Plus the kind of show it was... the length of coheed and cambria songs... you never walk away completely satisfied after just a half hour. anyway, their review of last night's show.

469392  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-11
Written: (7087 days ago)

HAHA! Something way weird-ish/funny/cool just happened!

I'm at Betsy's house, as always... =P And there were these guys putting up her back screen door and Betsy and I were sitting outside I looked at one of the guys and I did such a double-take that my neck kinda hurts...Haha!

This guy looked EXACTLY like Michael Todd!!! My jaw dropped! The only difference was that this guy was about 3 inches shorter than Mic and his hair was curly... *shrugs* Could have fooled me...HAHA!

I went up to him and asked him if he was related to Mic. The guy was like, "*Thinks* No..I don't think so..heh. I'm just the guy from across the street that does construction..." and we laughed... It was cool! Wow! The amazingness of it all!! O_O

And there's this popcorn candy stuff that is covered in dark chocolate its called "Moose Munch" This stuff is the shit!! I'm still eating it! and I'm eye'ing Betsy's mom's bag of it too! LOL! =P

Anyways... I promise I'm done with the diary entries for today...

469295  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-11
Written: (7088 days ago)

Fefe Dobson - Don't go


She is very 80's rock/pop-y!! It rocks! I think it IS actually a remake of an 80's song..but I can't place it for the life of me...

Its very cool! The video has a TON of 80's flare as well!(Color, animation..etc.. {Think like the 80's band Ah-Ha})

Very cool as hell, if you like that kind of thing of course!

Check her out!! NOW!

469204  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-11
Written: (7088 days ago)

Meh...today is pretty uneventful...

I don't know what I'm doing tonight... >.< I wanna go hang out with José but he's busy with school work.. :/

I need a car...but thats been established...

I need to go eat something... I have't eaten since yesterday... I'm suprised I haven't had organ failure yet b/c of the way I treat my freaking body... >.<

Oh and I finally printed out the pictures of the two main tattoos that I want...Now I have to go to Atomic Tattoo AGAIN and ask them to price it.. Josh said he can take me to his tattoo artist and I can get a discount...which is a very good Idea b/c the tattoo going on my calf is gonna take a lot of black ink and thats gonna have the price at over $150... >.< ack...I think I'll just go with Josh... hahaha!

Now time for food... *nods*

***I <3 José***

468528  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-01-10
Written: (7088 days ago)

I feel asshole-ish... >.< Not in a good way either...

(This pertains to the sentence "Why is it that when I try to say one thing, it comes out as something different and sometimes gets me into trouble?" in my last diary entry...)

This is how it went:

I was talking to José on the phone the other night and I asked him "On your next day free are you going to hang out with me or Lindsay?" (Lindsay is one of his best friends) Anyway, he said that what I said was uncalled for, and I can understand how, to him, what I said was uncalled for, but at the same time, seeing through my eyes, I can see how it was called for... :/ I feel like shit b/c I said things wrong. He called me last night but I got home about 30 minutes after he called, or so my mom says... :/ I can't stand this missing his calls anymore >.< I can't wait till I get a cell phone...

I can talk to people then...mostly him... :/ <3

468381  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-01-10
Written: (7089 days ago)

What if it all flipped upside-down?

I noticed something just now...I tend to do things in threes...It kindof scares me... but at least it all gets done... *shrugs*

I need more attention...thats what it is...I think...*blinks*

I'm getting pretty decent on my guitar now... not great but I'm on my way there...which is a good thing...*nods*

This is what I put in my LJ and myspace...it is insanity...or genius...or idiocy...take your pick...

What makes 'up' up and 'down' down? Who is to say that its not the other way?
Who sanctioned the word rain for liquid falling from the sky?
Why is it that when I try to say one thing, it comes out as something different and sometimes gets me into trouble?
Who are these people and why do they want a picture of me with my name on it?
Why is it that when proverbial doors are locked some people give up?
Why is it that when someone has something to say, the other person is likely to not listen because they think they know they're right?
When does it all end? Is there a warning sign? Do we just ignore it or follow the instructions that are in fine print at the bottom?

465239  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-01-06
Written: (7093 days ago)

Rar! or something...

Why are people stalking me here on elftown and other parts of the internet... >.< GO AWAY!!! You know who you are! and if not...too bad, you'll realize it when you get no answers from me! I Hate these dumbass people! >.<

*Second U.T.I. song is underway... W00t!

*My hair needs to be rebleached... >.< I'm tired of the way it looks...(the two toned crap)

*I want to go to the mall...just for the hell of it... >.< B/c I can...hahaha

*My Skin is multi-colored...don't you hate when that happens? o_O We need to fix that.... Who's up for a day at the beach? Haha! Fuck that... =P

*Oh yeah and I got my acoustic guitar new strings! I forgot how well it plays... I'll put a picture of it up one day...when I find a digital camera that doesn't suck ass... haha!

Heh...thats all I can remember that has happened so far in the last few days...(I don't log in much anymore, every few days or so at least, b/c I've been busy with music, my friends, and my boyfriend) But at least I have a life now...not like before...where I spent all my life in front of the damn computer...

Hahaha! Now, since my computer doesn't have the internet, I use my friend Betsy's computer. I only use my computer to play my mp3 playlists (I have SOOOOO many songs! But no music videos... *shrugs* its all good...hehe)

462008  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-01-02
Written: (7096 days ago)

Hmm...New Years was fun as hell! LOL! ( I got to see José last night too! <3 ) I need to go home and sleep...hahaha!

I wrote this just now...I was spaced out...Then I read back and was like "Fuck yeah! I can write again! LOL!" =P

Floating in a sea of darkness
I try to remember all that has passed
I feel the darkness engulfing me
So very slowly...It drives me mad...

Hmm..but its kinda scary... >.< It sounds all deranged to me... o_O Sounds like something from Alice in Wonderland...

Ooo! (A.D.D. strikes again..haha) If the movie business came out with a New Alice in Wonderland (not a cartoon though) and definitely not for kids...Puts some really trippy scenes in and make the Queen of Hearts more deranged...Hmm..LOL! That would be awesome as hell!! I'd so go see it!! Hahah!

Hahahaha! I'm am so way random today...( But thats a good thing...it means I'm healthy...hahaha! ) =P Happy New Years Everyone

460320  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-12-31
Written: (7099 days ago)



459528  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7100 days ago)

Alright! Hmm..I'm in a fucking great-ass mood! X3

Generalized Update on my life:

*I got to see José last night, albeit for like an hour and a half, but I still had fun... Ohhh... he's so cute... >.< I can't stand it! He's so fucking familiar!!! <3

*Claudio is moving to the Hillsborough/Pinellas County area. Which means he can go to The State Theatre and The Masquerade to see shows more often! Hardcore!

*I'm now in a band called U.T.I. We've just started so right now we're just getting situated and such. We haven't decided whether I'll be doing lead vocals or back-vocals (either way is cool with me) Betsy is the drummer..she fucking rules! She's so fucking hyper...LOL! In case you were wondering: U.T.I. = Urinary Tract Infection. We're an all girl classic punk band and we're looking for a female bassist that likes to cooperate...and have fun, b/c this is a spoof band. XD I might just end up doing back-vocals b/c I can't do the shout-y thing for too long...LOL! We're currently writing a song called 'My Gyno'...HAHAHAHA!!! This shit is great!! I love my friends! XD

*I'm looking for guys that want to start a prog. rock band. For THIS band I'll be doing lead vocals and back-up guitars. This is NOT a spoof band... =P For this band I'm looking for a lead guitarist that can Tear the shit out of the audiences' ears...Hardcore! (I'm serious...)

*Go see 'Blood Red Summer' By Coheed and Cambria on Yahoo Launch!


And Don't forget to support the local bands in your town!! Every band starts out as a 'local band'! So help make your friends and their friends big and famous! It might benefit you one day! AND! All of you 'local bands' that are on your way to make it big...DON'T LET IT GET TO YOUR HEAD!! REMEMBER THE PEOPLE THAT MADE YOU FAMOUS!! HUG YOUR MOMMY!!!! (AND YOUR GRANDMA TOO!!) BITCHES! XD

haha...well now..I think I went a little overboard just now...hehehehe

Now I am off to Atomic Tattoo to see how much the tattoos I want are going to cost me...hehe! Say hi Betsy...

*Betsy licks the computer screen* o_O wtf...HAHAHA!

we had too much sugar today...hahaha! Or maybe not enough... hmmm... o_O
458861  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-29
Written: (7100 days ago)

Note to self:


And betsy's printer is being gay... >.< I should eat it... >.<

458642  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-29
Written: (7101 days ago)
Next in thread: 458871


Got into a car accident right after my last diary entry... *points down* >.<

We all okay, but it was the single most scariest moment in my life... I was lucky as hell to get out of it with just big ass bruises everywhere...

I was sitting in the backseat behind the front passenger seat. Betsy was in the front passenger seat and her Ex-fiance Rob was driving.

Some lady going in the opposite direction as us tried to cut us off by trying to turn left in front of us. It was raining (on christmas day! >.<) and when Rob hit the breaks and the breaks locked...and he swirved and missed the lady entirely but he hit a telephone pole.. We were going about 35-40 miles an hour...

It was the one time in my life (that I remember) not wearing a seat belt... >.< My face slammed straight into the front passenger seat head-rest... and I jarred my right knee and hip when my knees hit the front seat.

All of us are okay though. Betsy and I went to the hospital to get checked out just in case..nothing on either of us was broken or fractured...just bumped and bruised..
Rob was fine too. He only had a gash on his elbow.

I'm lucky as fuck...We're lucky as fuck...Okay, I'm done talking about it now...

455356  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-12-25
Written: (7104 days ago)
Next in thread: 455368

Christmas Eve:
*Made Christmas cards
*Wrapped the remaining unwrapped presents
*Went to see Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate *Events at Channelside with Justin (Betsy slept in... >.<)
*Went to Betsy's family's christmas eve party
*Called José and talked to him for about half an hour
*Then went home and cranked my Coheed and Cambria playlist up and slept soundly for once...(I'm so freaking tired of techno music *growls*)

Christmas Day:
*Got woken up at 8am by José calling to wish me a merry christmas <3 (He said he got a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figure! He's so cute! =P LOL!)
*Layed in bed till 10:30 and called Jose back and talked to him for a while (he had to get ready for work {ON CHRISTMAS DAY!! thats gay... >.<}
*Called Betsy at 11:30 b/c she was supposed to pick me up at 11:00 (Her dad was fixing the heater)
*Ate lunch/dinner at Betsy's (I'm so freaking full!)
*And now I'm at Mikes house watiching them play sonic on the new xbox... (HARDCORE!)
*Tonight I'm going to see Phantom of the Opera with Betsy's family

~*~Hopefully I get to see José soon too... I have presents for him! <3

453745  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-23
Written: (7106 days ago)

"Blood Red Summer" (Yet another Coheed and Cambria song AGAIN {I think I'm addicted...don't you?})

Faint white figures paint my sleep
please don't tell my secrets keep them hidden (you got it, you got it, you got it)
if the words that matter reach your face from floor
will you be wondering if, or (do I need what is given or honest)
does it cost me scarring if the words stay true
even number your nephew (I don't want it, don't want it, don't want it anymore)

and when the answer that you want
is in the question that you state
come what may
come what may

in a pain that buckles out your knees
could you stop this if I plead (you got it, you got it, you got it)
so destined I am to walk among the dark
a child in keeping secrets from (will they know what I've done in the after)
in the sought for matter when the words blame you
in a blood red summer I'll give you (I don't want it, don't want it, don't want it)


what did I do to deserve
what did I do to deserve
this? this?

[ad libs]
wa oh wa ooooh
wa oh oh oh woah

what did I do to deserve
what did I do to deserve
this? this?
[x3 ]

what did I do to deserve
what did I do

 The logged in version 

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