[Katie Staines]'s diary

929354  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-12
Written: (6246 days ago)

Okay, I am REALLY avoiding doing some study. This will work!
The Elftown Quiz

001: Name: Kate Staines
002: Nickname: Kate? Though Weirdo is common, think that’s more of an insult though.
003: Country of living: Australia
004: Birth date: 12th November 1988
005: Height: 159cm
006: Eye colour: Blue grey
007: Shoe size : Size 5-6 Tiny feet I know. Can even do a successful children’s size four.
008: School/work: Griffith University or Checkout Chick. GO ME!
009: You smoke: Nah
010: Hobby's: Drawing, reading, horse riding, travelling
011: Brothers/Sisters: Little Brother
012: Relationship: To Whom?
013: Piercing(s): Only the ears
014: Tattoo: NO! Needles!? O.o
015: Favourite Country to go to: Ecuador so far!
016: Are there people you won't reply to?: Probably, cannot think of any right now though, but I am sure it happens.
017: Nicest person you met this year: Hmmm, Leon, Krystal some other people. ALMOST JKale
018: Person you rather not have met this year: Nobody
019: Who would you like to meet: [Dr.Mandarian] [Stephen] [Galain] [syagre] [FINALLY LEFT THIS PLACE] and [Urmando The Elfling]
020: Who do you admire most: Oh, couldn't choose. I admire a lot of people, for a lot of different reasons
021: Most sexy person(s): Have to say Leon at the moment
022: Favorite Pyjamas(clothes to sleep in): My Grey chequered ones. ^_^
023: Favorite Car: My sexy red GETZ
024: Favorite Movie(s): Nightmare before Christmas Labyrinth Serenity and Jumping Jack Flash just to name a couple.
026: Favorite City(s): Melbourne and Quito
027: Favorite Plush(stuffed animals): My patchwork Sabbath Cat.
029: Favorite Magazine: National Geographic
030: Favorite sound: Stormy sounds
031: Favorite TV-series: Boston Legal
032: Favorite Writer: L.J.Smith
033: Favorite Nickname: ...
034: What is on your mouse pad: Don't own one yet. >.<
035: What is under your bed: I just have the mattress... so the floor I guess
036: Favorite color: To wear, black white and blue, everywhere else, earthy colours.
037: Favorite Song ever: Anything done by David Bowie
038: Favorite song at this moment: Pet by a Perfect Circle
039: Favorite food: Sushi at the moment
040: Favorite class in school: Spanish
041: Favorite drink: Sparkling Apple Juice and Ginger Beer/Ale
042: Lucky number: 12 and 22
043: What do you think is the greatest thing about yourself: Not enough Ego to answer that question. XD I'm a good person I guess.
044: What deodorant do you use: At the moment... Impulse, Rexona, Evoke, and evoke aroma glow. Depends on what’s at the top of the pile at the time.
045: Favorite shoes: Comfortable shoes
046: What time do you go to bed on weekdays: Late as I possibly can
048: Most romantic moment in your life: Train station with Leon last night. ^_^
049: Most embarrassing moment in your life: Too many to bloody name.
050: Would you rather spend your time, inside or outside: Outside
051: What do you do in the weekends: Work at the moment >.<
052: What class on school do you dislike most: Oh... erm... Experimental Imageing (Irony, but art people are so BORING on the Gold Coast)
053: Your Breakfast: Banana and a cup of Tea (Earl Grey or Madura)
054: What do you really, really dislike to eat: Fried Rice!!!
055: Pets: Two dogs, three birds, a fish, my brother, and a family of magpies.
056: Laugh or dream: Both
057: Serious or funny: Both
058: Fast or slow: Depends on the context ^_^
059: You prefer being alone or have a relationship with someone: Relationship in moderation. I like me time too
060: Simple or complicated?: Complicatedly simple
061: Cremate or Buried when you die: Cremation
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: STAY UP LATE! The night is young!
064: Light or dark?: Dark
065: Speak or Silence: Speak, except when its a comfortable silence.
066: Tall or small man: Tall
067: Newspaper or Television: Neither
068: Hug or kiss: Both
069: Happy or Sad: Happy... drrrr...
070: Life or Death: Life
071: Gig or Disco: Gig
072: Left or Right: Left
073: Sausages on top, or on the side: THE SIDE so they can fall off, or somebody will steal them. Ewwie.
074: personality or looks: Personality with looks
075: What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question: What are you thinking?
076: You believe in reincarnation: Don't care. Doesn't matter if I cannot remember it.
077: You believe in Aliens: Sure, why not. Seems self absorbed not too.
078: When you die what will be your last words: Sucks to be me.
079: Does true love exist: Must do.
080: How many kids would you like to have: NONE
081: What is the one thing you can't stand: Kids ^_^
082: Best feeling: That alive kind of feeling
083: Worst feeling in the world: That dead depressed kind of feeling, and period hormones.
085: Are you an emotional person: Yeah, inwardly emotional anyways.
084: What are you afraid of: Needles O.o
086: Do you ever cry during a movie: Only in one movie... every time.
087: Your goal in life: To live life.
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at new years eve: Cannot remember... was too busy running away from exploding fireworks.
089: Favorite art-artist: Too many to name.
090: As what animal would you like to reincarnate: Hmmm... Crow I think. They are smart.
091: What is the most beautiful part on the male body: Hmmm... cannot decide.
092: Most original place to ask your love to marry you: Traditionalist pig that I am, I wouldn't be asking.
093: Most beautiful part of the (fe)male body: The body in general. Eyes and hands are pretty great though.
094: Your Motto: "Life sucks, and then you die, so fuck the world and lets get high" In a sort of fun loving, non emo way. ^_^
095: Your bad points: Jealously, shy, immature
096: Your good points: Fair, good-natured, immature
097: Where did you get this question list: The Elftown Quizzy thingie.
098: Closing remarks: Are we done?
099: What do you think of Elftown: I love elftown. Its a great online community.
100: Besides elftown, what do you do most on your PC: I own a mac... (DONT BLAST ME! XD)

If you to want to take this test go to the Elftown Quiz page

929353  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-12
Written: (6246 days ago)

Okay, I am REALLY avoiding doing some study. This will work!
The Elftown Quiz

001: Name: Kate Staines
002: Nickname: Kate? Though Weirdo is common, think that’s more of an insult though.
003: Country of living: Australia
004: Birth date: 12th November 1988
005: Height: 159cm
006: Eye colour: Blue grey
007: Shoe size : Size 5-6 Tiny feet I know. Can even do a successful children’s size four.
008: School/work: Griffith University or Checkout Chick. GO ME!
009: You smoke: Nah
010: Hobby's: Drawing, reading, horse riding, travelling
011: Brothers/Sisters: Little Brother
012: Relationship: To Whom?
013: Piercing(s): Only the ears
014: Tattoo: NO! Needles!? O.o
015: Favourite Country to go to: Ecuador so far!
016: Are there people you won't reply to?: Probably, cannot think of any right now though, but I am sure it happens.
017: Nicest person you met this year: Hmmm, Leon, Krystal some other people. ALMOST JKale
018: Person you rather not have met this year: Nobody
019: Who would you like to meet: [Dr.Mandarian] [Stephen] [Galain] [syagre] [FINALLY LEFT THIS PLACE] and [Urmando The Elfling]
020: Who do you admire most: Oh, couldn't choose. I admire a lot of people, for a lot of different reasons
021: Most sexy person(s): Have to say Leon at the moment
022: Favorite Pyjamas(clothes to sleep in): My Grey chequered ones. ^_^
023: Favorite Car: My sexy red GETZ
024: Favorite Movie(s): Nightmare before Christmas Labyrinth Serenity and Jumping Jack Flash just to name a couple.
026: Favorite City(s): Melbourne and Quito
027: Favorite Plush(stuffed animals): My patchwork Sabbath Cat.
029: Favorite Magazine: National Geographic
030: Favorite sound: Stormy sounds
031: Favorite TV-series: Boston Legal
032: Favorite Writer: L.J.Smith
033: Favorite Nickname: ...
034: What is on your mouse pad: Don't own one yet. >.<
035: What is under your bed: I just have the mattress... so the floor I guess
036: Favorite color: To wear, black white and blue, everywhere else, earthy colours.
037: Favorite Song ever: Anything done by David Bowie
038: Favorite song at this moment: Pet by a Perfect Circle
039: Favorite food: Sushi at the moment
040: Favorite class in school: Spanish
041: Favorite drink: Sparkling Apple Juice and Ginger Beer/Ale
042: Lucky number: 12 and 22
043: What do you think is the greatest thing about yourself: Not enough Ego to answer that question. XD I'm a good person I guess.
044: What deodorant do you use: At the moment... Impulse, Rexona, Evoke, and evoke aroma glow. Depends on what’s at the top of the pile at the time.
045: Favorite shoes: Comfortable shoes
046: What time do you go to bed on weekdays: Late as I possibly can
048: Most romantic moment in your life: Train station with Leon last night. ^_^
049: Most embarrassing moment in your life: Too many to bloody name.
050: Would you rather spend your time, inside or outside: Outside
051: What do you do in the weekends: Work at the moment >.<
052: What class on school do you dislike most: Oh... erm... Experimental Imageing (Irony, but art people are so BORING on the Gold Coast)
053: Your Breakfast: Banana and a cup of Tea (Earl Grey or Madura)
054: What do you really, really dislike to eat: Fried Rice!!!
055: Pets: Two dogs, three birds, a fish, my brother, and a family of magpies.
056: Laugh or dream: Both
057: Serious or funny: Both
058: Fast or slow: Depends on the context ^_^
059: You prefer being alone or have a relationship with someone: Relationship in moderation. I like me time too
060: Simple or complicated?: Complicatedly simple
061: Cremate or Buried when you die: Cremation
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: STAY UP LATE! The night is young!
064: Light or dark?: Dark
065: Speak or Silence: Speak, except when its a comfortable silence.
066: Tall or small man: Tall
067: Newspaper or Television: Neither
068: Hug or kiss: Both
069: Happy or Sad: Happy... drrrr...
070: Life or Death: Life
071: Gig or Disco: Gig
072: Left or Right: Left
073: Sausages on top, or on the side: THE SIDE so they can fall off, or somebody will steal them. Ewwie.
074: personality or looks: Personality with looks
075: What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question: What are you thinking?
076: You believe in reincarnation: Don't care. Doesn't matter if I cannot remember it.
077: You believe in Aliens: Sure, why not. Seems self absorbed not too.
078: When you die what will be your last words: Sucks to be me.
079: Does true love exist: Must do.
080: How many kids would you like to have: NONE
081: What is the one thing you can't stand: Kids ^_^
082: Best feeling: That alive kind of feeling
083: Worst feeling in the world: That dead depressed kind of feeling, and period hormones.
085: Are you an emotional person: Yeah, inwardly emotional anyways.
084: What are you afraid of: Needles O.o
086: Do you ever cry during a movie: Only in one movie... every time.
087: Your goal in life: To live life.
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at new years eve: Cannot remember... was too busy running away from exploding fireworks.
089: Favorite art-artist: Too many to name.
090: As what animal would you like to reincarnate: Hmmm... Crow I think. They are smart.
091: What is the most beautiful part on the male body: Hmmm... cannot decide.
092: Most original place to ask your love to marry you: Traditionalist pig that I am, I wouldn't be asking.
093: Most beautiful part of the (fe)male body: The body in general. Eyes and hands are pretty great though.
094: Your Motto: "Life sucks, and then you die, so fuck the world and lets get high" In a sort of fun loving, non emo way. ^_^
095: Your bad points: Jealously, shy, immature
096: Your good points: Fair, good-natured, immature
097: Where did you get this question list: The Elftown Quizzy thingie.
098: Closing remarks: Are we done?
099: What do you think of Elftown: I love elftown. Its a great online community.
100: Besides elftown, what do you do most on your PC: I own a mac... (DONT BLAST ME! XD)

If you to want to take this test go to the Elftown Quiz page

876698  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-19
Written: (6389 days ago)

Well, it is official.
On the 29th of November I will be leaving for South America! Whoopie! Once there I will be spending 9weeks in what looks to be the beautiful city of Quito. I shall arrive back, around the 9th, depending on the flight times.

Once I get back, expect a multitude of scribbles and photos to be posted. Scribbles in my gallery, photos in my scraps. It is just easier that way.

Feel free to keep sending stuff my way, I look forward to seeing how FULL my Messages will be.

See you all in NINE WEEKS!!!

Hugs and Kisses
~ Kate

 The logged in version 

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