[Love and Death]'s diary

825945  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-18
Written: (6646 days ago)

How do I love thee?Let me me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth, and the breadth, and height.
My soul can reach when feeling out of sight.
For thee ends of being ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of everday's
most quiet needs, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right;
I love thee purely as they turn from praise!
I love thee with the passion put to use
in my old greifs and with my child hoods faith
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose.
With my lost saints-I love thee with the breadth,
smiles, tears of all my life!-And if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death

825944  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-18
Written: (6646 days ago)

Baby You are

My sunny sky,
my favorite high,
my bed so warm,
my port in a storm,
my sweetest gift,
my emotional lift,
my best friend,
until the end,
my insperation,
my destination,
my shining light,
ny day and night,
ny heart healer,
my anger chiller,
my pain releiver,
my spring fever,
my gem so rare,
my answered prayer,
my heart and soul,
my life made whole,
my merry-go0'round,
my "up" when i'm down,
my best chance,
my last dance,
my best shot,
my sweet kumquat,
my energizer,
my appetizer,
my morning sun,
my evening fun,
my damcing partner,
my hearts gardner,
my source of laughter,
my every after,
my heaven sent,
for who i'm ment,
my burning fire,
my greatest desire,
my soul mate,
my sweet fate,
my dream lover,
my "before all others",
my confidence,
my common sense,
my reason why,
until I die.

Just in case you didn't know

825943  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-18
Written: (6646 days ago)


Skinny legs, bigger breasts
is all they want to see
Tiny waists and thinner arms
the opposite of me
the pressure to be perfect
is slowly closing in
An utter suffocation
that doesn't seem to end
society is telling me
Beautiful is thin
and if i choose to starve myself
perfections what i win
shoving something down my throat
will get me what i want
Bring me closer to my goal
of a body i can flaunt
Society is telling us
beauty is a prize
measured in the size of your breasts
in weight and clothing size
But let me tell you here and now
no good will come from that
it seems okay at first
but soon becomes a trap
A disease that clouds the mind
and beleives what is untrue
belives you're never good enough
No matter what you do
There is one beauty that i know
It's the greatest prize of all
The beauty that really matters lies in our hearts, our soul, our core
because when you love what's inside
you love what's out side even more

825942  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-18
Written: (6646 days ago)

To many lies

You say you'll be here,
But all you do is drink your beer
You say you love me more than life
But when i'm mentioned you use your knife

You say you need me so you can live
but when we fight you never forgive
you say you want me as yours
bt when I want to talk to you, you shut the doors

Baby, I want to be with you so bad
When your gone, I get so mad;
but when your near
You can those tears

So promise me you'll be there
Say that you love me and don't disappear
say that you can live with me
And tell me i'm yours; forever will I be

825941  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-18
Written: (6646 days ago)


I lie in bed at night and pray,
that you will think of me.
I cry until my eyelids close,
And dream- eternity

I wake to sunlight on my face,
and for a moment i forget.
Then a cloud passes by,
And i realize this is it.

I carry on through out the day,
feigning joy, and feeling pain.
I long to gaze upon your face,
and share a smile, and embrace.

The day is drawing to an end,
and still i think of you.
I try to relax yet in my mind,
i wonder what to do.

So now i lay me down to sleep,
I pray the lord, My soul will keep.
And should by chance you remember me,
Know that i love u- eternally

825763  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-17
Written: (6647 days ago)
Next in thread: 825933

This poem was written about someone that is still a mystery to me..

I stare at you looking into your gourgeous eyes
I think of how I want to be with you; no more goodbyes.
I think your a beautiful dream to save me from my life,
If I were to lose you I would feel the pain of a knife.

Every night I dream of you and your body,
I think of you as a person thats godly.
I dream of you, and your eyes and your nose,
Your as beautuful as a red, red, rose.

your lips are beautiful right to the touch
I could never let you go, I love you too much.
Your hair is soft like your skin,
I think not touching you would be a sin.

Laslty I dream of your heart,
Full of love never from me to fall apart.
I love you more than life itself, ?
Not being with you would be living in hell.

I love you ?

 The logged in version 

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