[NeferShen]'s diary

677610  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-06
Written: (7095 days ago)

So much for keeping a current diary. It never wotks with me. Yesterday sucked because I had boatloads of homework but today was cool because we had a late start and so every class was just a half hour long. My life isn't particularily interesting so I have nothing else to write now.

569823  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-05-05
Written: (7249 days ago)

Today was okay except I wasn't feeling very good and I still have a bunch of papers to write for English but my friend came back. So I'm happy about that. I didn't go get the stuff I said I would last night. And tonight isn't looking so good either but I'll get there eventually. I really don't have any news or anything new but that's okay I supose.

568922  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-05-04
Written: (7250 days ago)

I have decided to try and keep a diary here. Now I'm making no promises because this is the kind of thing I'm bad at.
Yesterday was officially the worst day of the year. I'm not quite sure why though. The events of the day, though bad, weren't really all that terrible. I was just in a really weird mood. Actually now that I think of it, this whole week has sucked. Well when my friend stops being sick(hint hint) then my week will probably be better. She's in the majority of my classes and lunch so without her I've got next to no one to talk to. That is really boring. On Sunday, I got my hair cut really short. It hasn't been this short since I was like eight or something. So that's new. Tonight hopefully all go and get my glasses so I can see the overhead in class. That might help a bit. They still won't come for a week or so but o well. Also, hopefully tonight I'll get the "Underworld" soundtrack. I'll get the extended version of the movie eventually but my mom said I should think about how to spend my money so I'll settle for just the music for now. Every once in a while I have to let my mom believe that I'll actually think about bying something before I doo. Otherwise she'll think I'm hopeless when ti comes to money. god forbid that should happen. Then I would not have a fun life. I think that's pretty much all the babbling I want to do for now. Until later.

200741  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-04-21
Written: (7629 days ago)

   I am really happy because my little orchestra at school won a big national competition in Chicago. We braught home two huge trophies and a big plaque that sais Oak-land Jr hight - Gold 1st place. And we were invited to Boston except our school is really poor so we probably won't go. But it was really cool because we were a Jr high string orch competing against a bunch of high schoool full orches. Anyway, enough braging.
I officaially hate and despise my math teacher and I want her to die.
I can't wait untill May 1 because then I get to go to Grand Caymen and get my scuba diving certification. not to mension I get to miss a week of school. But that's just an extra bonus. Then the only thing I have to look forward to is June 11 which is the last day of school. Then I get to go to German camp for a moth and learn a lot and have lots of friends and earn a years worth of high school credit while I'm at it.

 The logged in version 

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