[Rlynne]'s diary

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Written about Tuesday 2005-11-08
Written: (6814 days ago)

Thursday my boyfriend and I broke up. (tear) I miss him.. we arent suppost to be talking or hanging out but he has been calling. NO COMPLAINTS.. I love it when he calls. Ive been hanging out with old friends again. which is good. Well he called last night and we got into a fight because if is meeting girls online and wants to hang out with them. I got pretty mad. I shouldnt but I did. Because we arent yes taking time apart but with the idea of tring to get back together. So why does he have to go meet girls. Im not out meeting guys and what not. Im tring to do what he asked of me. But its hard with the thought of him doing whatever. I dont know I just want to get over it. I want to be with him, but if he thinks he has to go meet and have fun with other girls then whats the point Im young and I can find alot of guys. But I really care about him and Im afraid that if I dont wait Ill be missing out. But yet if I wait what if we never get back together then Im wasting my time. But if I dont Im screwed.So yeah what do I do? Im just sitting and hanging out with my buddies not looking for anything. I guess it can just be looking for me and if he cares than sooner or later he'll figure it out.

 The logged in version 

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