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Rlynne (dont'ca)

Member #158599 created: 2005-09-19 03:09:25Simple URL:   

Name: Randi Lynne




me again "ohhhh NO"

Elftown titles and orders
Street childAdventurerFastfood worker

**Im a Sr. in High School
~I attend Eaton Rapids High and King Street Alt Ed.
~I work at A&W
~I have a dirt bike
~I have 3 dogs, 3 birds, 2 hamsters, and 1 cat
~My fav. color is pink
~Im short
~Im scared of being alone
~I miss him ALOT
~Im single but not looking!!! "waiting for the one to find me or come back"
~My best friends are Asia Ann, J.C., Scott, My Mikie, Chris, Joel and of course Mark B!
~I have 1 older brother, 1 older sister, and a little brother
~My grandma is my Hero
~I love Disney movies
~I hate scary ones (unless Im with a guy)
~I love Rock music and light music
~I hate Liers
~I love open people
~I dislike girls
~I love to hang with the boys
~I love to go shopping
~I hate the school bus
~I dont have a car
~I hate fighting
~I love to be a bitch though
~Im not scared of the truth even if it hurts
~I make alot of mistakes (who doesnt)
~I love my cell phone with out it; Im unwanted
~I love hott cars
~I get my nails done to much
~I get bored easily
~I love roman noodles
~I love subway and chinesse food
~I hate Mc. Donalds
~I hate the light
~I love the night
~I love to sleep
~I love to party
~I love older cartoons
~I hate smelly people
~I hate those who think of themselves
~I hate those who never say sorry
~I love art class
~I hate american lit.
~I like hunting
~I love rednecks
~I hate preppy people
~I love skaters and punks
~I dont really care for alot of rap
~I dislike video games only because I cant play them
~I hate plain people
~I love to have fun
~I love to be crazy and wild "sometimes"
~I hate to change my sheets on my bed
~I hate to clean "sometimes"
~I hate doing the dishes
~I love to be outside if the weather is good
~I hate loud people
~I hate show off's
~I love to meet new people
~Im scared spiders
~Im scared of whats in the dark
~I hate birds
~I hate the word "love" when used to a person unless you truely mean it
~Im kinda racist "what are ya gonna do"
~I wish I was prettier and had a great body
~I love taking pictures
~I hate judgemental people (yes even me)
~I love my computer
~I love my family
~I hate living at home
~I hate how people see one thing and thats it, they never look at the rest
~I love hugs & kisses
~I sleep with the radio on
~I hate who I am sometimes
~I love to make things right
~I love to help others "sometimes"
~Im addicted to myspace
~I hate dresses and high heels
~I believe in alot of things others dont
1- who are you?
2- are we friends?
3-do you have a crush on me?
4-when and how did we meet?
5-would you kiss me?
6-give me a nickname and explain why you picked it?
7-describe me in one word?
8-what was your first expression?
9-do you still think that way about me
10-what reminds you of me?
11-if you could give me anything what would it be?
12-how well do you know me?
13-when was the last time you saw me
14-ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15-are you going to post this on your house and see what i say about you?
16-give me your number?
17-have sex with me?
18-let me kiss you?
19-watch a movie with me?
20-let me take you out to dinner?
21-drive me somewhere/anywhere?
22-take a shower with me?
23-be my bf?
24-have a fling with me?
25-buy me a drink if i didn't hav the money?
26-take me home for the night?
27-would you let me sleep in your bed?
28-sing car kareoke with me?
29-do you think im attractive, sexy, or hot?
30-do you like my style?
31-do you think im funny?
32-do you care about me?
33-would you dace with me?
34-would you sing happy birthday to me?

::...Some will come and some will pass, but the ones that mean something will always last...::

It's amazing how someone can break your heart, yet you still love them with all the little pieces...

~We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly~

*LOVE is when you think about that person more time in a day then you think about yourself.*

""Nobody understands why I love you. But I don't want to tell them, because I am afraid that they'll fall in love with you too.""

<3Love is Love... Doesnt matter how long it lasts.... Enjoy it!!!! Many people never Love at all. Better to have Loved and Lost than have never Loved at all.

Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, what I did, and Most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room tonight and never feeling about anyone ever agian the way I feel when I'm with you.

.:. you had me at hello, but then you lost me at goodbye .:.

The easy part was hating you, the hard part is admitting i will love you forever

To live is to love, To love is to die 1,000 deaths... And survive.

'A friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.' Aristotle

A TruE FrienD IS SomeonE WhO ReacheS FoR YouR HanD BuT ToucheS YouR HearT

my best memories go out to the nights that turned into mornings and the friends that turned into family <3

Life is like a race...You win some and you lose some...but you find out who your real friends are because they cross the finish line with you! .:*:..:*:..:*:.

Age: 17Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 7Day of birth: 23

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-Michigan

Town: Eaton Rapids

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Computer interests
web design

alternativeheavy metalhip hop
jazznew agepop

Other interests

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 152

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