Page name: *~*Just being you*~* [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-03-12 13:51:13
Last author: choke_on_dreams
Owner: choke_on_dreams
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*~*Just being you*~*

Because thats all you can be


[+]It’s taking a long time to become the person I want to be. I guess maybe I may never be that person :) but it’s what I want to do right now…

[+]I believe that you can keep going long after you cant.
Think about it.

[+]You need to control your emotions. They are strong. Stronger than you imagine. Don’t keep them bottled up, give them s p a c e. Control them before they control you.

[+]We are all responsible about what we do or how we feel. Sometimes you can’t help feeling something, but in the end, you are your own person. You control you

[+]Don’t ever look down on somebody unless you’re trying to help them up. You are NOT better than anybody else. Tough shit.

[+]I know when im angry, maybe I have the right to be angry, just leave me alone, just let me get it out of my system. But I don’t have the right to be cruel. Anger and hurt can make you ugly. I don’t want to be ugly.

[+]Maturity has more to do with understanding. Accepting what you cannot change, knowing what you CAN change, and then changing what you can (For the good ofcourse:P). Its about how much you’ve learnt from experiences that have left you feeling different emotions, rather than the number of birthdays you’ve celebrated. Never doubt my wisdom Hehehe

[+]I know it isn’t easy to be forgiven by others. It takes time. Time takes a lot of time. (ummm). But first you need to forgive yourself before you can ask somebody to forgive you.

[+]Background and circumstances maybe affected who you are, but its up to you, who you become.

[+]Sometimes you need to stop talking, and just listen.

[+] No matter what you cannot change the past

[+] there comes a time when you need to stand alone.

[+]You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams.

[+]You must be willing to make sacrifices. Beacuse you need togive something up to welcome in something new 

[+]You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved.

[+]Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way.

[+] No matter what , you Cannot change the past. So accept it and work on your future instead...

[+]Experiment a know..If you dont try something, you may never get that experiance again. but the whole while, you should know your limitations. You should no how to say NO, and have the power to stop.

[+]Its not WHO you are, that holds you back, its WHO you think YOU are NOT.

[+]Its all about the mind, whether you think you are right or wrong, you are probably right about that...

[+]Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out

[+]A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go farther than a great idea that inspires no one

[+] Build bridges. Not walls.

[+]"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."

[+] Think about it, For every minute that you are loose 60 seconds of happiness

[+]Be nice and smile to everyone you meet. You don't know what they are going through, and they may need that smile. And treasure it

[+]Humility does not mean you think less of yourself. It means you think of yourself less. (and boy have i had my fair share of humility - infact we are GOOD friends)

[+] My aunt asked me "why do you always insist on taking the hard road" - I said "Why d o you assume I see two roads?"

[+] "Love your enemies - it pisses them off" Like theres this guy in school who, well lets say, we dont get along. The other day, i hugged him tightly and said, i love you :) haha. he was like. FUCK WHAT?

[+]"Be yourself- everybody else is taken"

[+] Its better to walk alone, and by yourself instead of walking with bad company

[+] You cant trust anyone more than how much you trust yourself

[+]There is no justice in this world

[+]People have distorted my vision and closed my eyes. But people can only be blind for as long as they want to be. Sometimes you need someone to show you the truth even if it’s right infront of your very eyes.

[+]Life doesnt suck. people just suck at life lol

[+]Deciet makes you a bitter person

[+]-Don’t feel the need to fake smiles. Don’t be ashamed to cry when you feel the need to.

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