Page name: ::New York Public Library:: [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-11 06:27:03
Last author: Thrice
Owner: Neo♥
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Welcome to The New York Public Library

Here at the NYC public Library you can find mostly what your looking for, maps, books, lots of books, things like that, and the staff are willing to help you with anything, well most staff alest. In the basment of the Library is where you'd your every Myth Hunters. They have there labs, old text, scrolls, and old maps. Only thing is, that the pablic can't viwe thoses or any files the Myth Hunters write.

Grace sat at on of the lagre oak tables in the basment, with atless seven book's on the history of the french. Thoughts ran across her mind. getting up putting one of the books back on the shevels, she pulled out a book on dark magic of The Wicthes of Eruope. Grace sighed, her red hair done up, with a few crules hanging loses. As she scanned threw her book, A black cat hoped up on the table, Grace looked up, it's gold tag saying Miiko. The cat purred. "Didn't any one feed you yet?" She asked the cat, she wounder where every one was. It's was onlt eight a'clock in th emoring.

Seril made her way into the basement, moving around groups of people in the library. Her dark hair was piled on her head, in a lose bun as if she had just randomly done it. Hanging from her arm was a large papersack, which held a number of different scrolls she had to work on. This particularly nice morning, she was dressed in a pale green tanktop, black suit skirt to her knees, heels and a pin stripped coat in black, that ended at her waist. Bluesh eyes caught the eyes of others, as she bustled into the elevator pressing the button that read "Basement" When she got down to the bottom, she quickly pressed in her password after taking a quick drink of her coffee. She came into the basement, smiling at grace and the cat. "Morning."

Sven pushed aside the double doors leading into the library. He growled at a student just leaving, and they paled slightly and skittered out the door. Glowering at the inhabitants of the library he muttered something into his beard, and strode toward the elivator. A younger man barreled into him, and careemed off. Shooting a blood freezing glare at the man he stopped and picked up the books he had been carrying. Putting them down on the table he walked off, clumping noisely acrossed the hardwood toward his destination. Jabbing at the button to open the elevator with a gnarled finger he grumbles yet another expletive as the doors didn't open immediately. Someone had obviously just used it. With a faint chime the doors open and he ducks his head slightly and steps within the confines of the elivator. Thumbing the button to the basement he watches the doors slide closed and scowls at the people walking back and forth before they were blocked from his sight. A few moments later he ducked his head again and strode out into the basement, his password having been confirmed. He grunted at the cat, which yowled and hurried off. Smiling snidely he looked at Grace and Seril, barely nodding his head in their direction.

"Well, sunshine's here." Seril said, laughing. She sat across a table from Grace, pulling a scroll out of the paperbag she was carrying. "Have you found anything yet?" A pair of black framed glasses were set apon her petite nose, giving her the look of a young librarian. She held up the scroll, eyeing it thoughtfully. "Has anyone fet Miiko yet?" When Grace shook her head, Seril stood. "Common Miiko, let's get you something to eat, shall we?" She strode off in the direction of Miiko's food bowl, not looking at Sven as she passed by him. She bent down, grabbing the bowl and filling it. "There you go buddy." She said, pushing her right hand down his back a few times. She stood, and started back toward the table.

Grace sighed. "I feel like were looking for a pin in a hay stake...Eruope is'nt that big, but looking for a locket beloning to a wicth who dosen't even seem to be real...well thats just wounderful...Marrie Du Lowly..." She said closing one of her open books. She stood up walking over to the book shelf. Running her finger across books. Grace wore her with siute, with a long necklace, and her strapy heels, just made her look taller. "Hey...What dose this locket look like anyways?" Grace asked the two.

Sven rumbled something that sounded like "An intricate affair of twining lines focused along a chip of black onyx carved to resemble a ravens feather." He grumbled and heaved his frame into a seat, pulling out a moldering tome from within his leather jacket. He paged through it with massive fingers and pointed at a penned drawing on the yellowed vellum. "Something like this." He flipped the book around slightly and showed it to them both.

"Genious." Seril teased, sitting back down across from Grace. "That thing in all of England." She pushed her glasses back up, putting her attention back on the scroll work. "This says that there should be something in..." Her sentence trailed off, something it usually did. She stood, making her way over to the book shelf. "Aurther Townsdale. There you are." She pulled a rather thick book of the shelves and dusted it off.

Grace looked at the book Sven's book with the locket, then the book Seril's book. She fliped threw an dfound the where the locket was last seen. "of, Paris huh?..." Grace pulled out a black book and made a few notes. "So who's up for a road trip?" She asked. Miiko hoped up on the tabled and mewed almost as if saying take me with you. Grace smilled at the two, When the sound of the door being opened made her trun her haed. An old women who looked like she was in her sixty's walked in. "Oh how are my lovely's today!" MOM asked the three. dreesed, a black knee langth shrit and macthing jacket, with her white prels around her neck, with her lovely black folwer hat, she looked like your Queen of England, she had the axnseces(sp?) for it too.

Seril held up her coffee to MOM before sipping it lightly. "I'm fine, thank you." A genuine smile spread across her lips as she reached over to pet Miiko.

Sven grumbled something and glowered at the cat acidly. It just mrowed at him and flicked its tail back and forth. Baring his teeth at it he growled and it promptly sat down and begin cleaning itself. Deflating slightly he turned his attention to Mom and shrugged. Grumbling something in Norse under his breath. She uttered something back at him and he had the good grace of looking slightly abashed, though it didn't last long. Pocketing the tome again he looked around at the others, then the coffee pot. Noticing how light it looked compared to what he brewed he huffed and crossed his arms on the table absently .

Grace smilled at Mom. "fine thank you, We need three ticktes to paris, for that locket you wanted us to find." Mom nodded listing. "alright, you'll leave this evening...maybe I'll bring a few new younglings here, only three of you...oh but i trust you three the most! well have your things packed and ready to go, I'll have Albert bring your tickets around here latter, till then, look up more on our wicthy friend, Well, I just droped by to tell you, That the Hand dose want that Locket, for what I do not know..maybe you'll find out. You'll be taking my parivte jet. Around two in the afternoon, my little doves! Well I'm off, Take care, and come back in one peace!" and with that Mom left.

Seril took in a deep breath, rolling up her scroll works. "It's been a while since we've been in Paris." She said, putting the scrolls back into place. She stood, leaving the book she had just retrieved and went to find another, tip toeing lightly around Miiko as he wound around her legs. She laughed, picking him up and petting him. She set him down and started to climb a rolling ladder. At about three shelves high, she pushed herself over, concious of how far she went. Again, she rolled her fingers along the bindings of the books, dust falling like snow off of them.

Grace nodded. "It has been awhile, but still, it's seems so life like, night and day, and the shopping, just makes it all the more while." She said getting the picture of the locket and putting some books away.

Seril shrugged, finding the book she wanted and working her way down the ladder with it. Comming off of the ladder now was much easier than when they first started, when they all had problems sliding down it. She dropped to the floor and strode off toward the table, sitting and opening the book. She ran her fingers over words, looking for a particular one.

Grace smilled at her, Grace looked at one of the lost treausers they had found, under an old town out of Newfound Land. It was a smpile chain, but was poszed by an evil sprit, that why it was keppt here, in what Mom called Diamond glass, it was regural looking glass but noithing could cut threw it. Grace looked over at Seril. 'What are you looking for?" She asked.

"I heard about this trinket in New Zealand." Seril said, leaving her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. She lifted her coffee to her lips, still scanning the book. "It has major background to it, so I'm going to work on that after we find this locket."

"Really?" Grace said sitting on the table, Mikko hoped up on to the table, and rubbed himself next to her. "Sounds fun...Yeah that locket said to be able to let the user talk to the dead or something...even bring them back to life, or what's left of them..." Grace said looking at the book. "I wounder if it'll be easy to find..." She mummbled.

"I sure hope so. It would be nice to relax while we're in Paris." Seril said, finding what she wanted and jotting it down in a small notebook.

Grace giggled. "Yes, it would be...just to go shopping, and sit out side a Cafe'..." She said smilling. "But knowing many times's never easy..." She mummbled.

"I know. I would adore to just relax at a cafe, reading a nice novel." Seril laughed to her self, leaning back in her chair. She crossed her legs and tapped her highheels, pulling off her glasses and setting them on the table. "Your right though, I probably will never be in Paris for just.. vacation."

Grace laughed. "Oh thats not true, christmas, get two whole wounderful weeks off." She said smilling. "Maybe I can meet soemone over that time...being stuffed up in this basments can make some people go crazy, just for a little lovein'" She joked, smilling at her.

"Never had a steady relationship because of this, and highschool doesn't count." Seril said, her foot still tapping idly. "I doubt I'll ever have one.. but.. fun does sound good." She laughed.

Grace laughed. "I had one going till, my second year of collage..." She said sighing. "It broke off after he found some cute blande to go after..." She said smilling at her. "You never know you might get lucky."

"I've never found a man to keep up with me." Seril said, studying a Black Hills Gold ring on her left middle finger. She lifted blue eyes to Grace and laughed. "I like to always be doing something. It's horrible for me to sit still for a long period of time when I know there's something to be done." She twitched her lips, reaching to her pocket to grab chapstick. "Plus, if he found out about this..."

Grace laughed at her. "My it's about nine four filt to paris and you can't sit still this going to be fun." Grace said smiling at her. "Yeah can we say Hit men..?" She said shaking her haed.

Seril laughed, twisting the words in her head to create something amusing. "Maybe we can find some guys in Paris. They sure know how to seduce." She stood, stretching. "I suppose I should pack my things."

Grace laughed. "I bet they do, with there cute booties" She said hopping off the table. "Maybe two for you, and two for me!" said in a french voice. "That would be wise!"

"One for one night, and the other for the next." Seril said, grabbing her coffee and the book she had pulled off of her shelf. "I'm going to run home and pack. Want to walk out with me?"

Grace smilled, walking next to her, grabing her bag on the way out. "Of coures..Hey Sunshine you better pack up too" She called back to Sven. Grace smilled back at Seril.

Seril finished her coffee and threw the large paper cup away. She wanted to stretch again, and work out the knot in her back. When they were out of the room, and waiting for the elevator she said "Do you think Sven doesn't talk to us for a reason?"

Grace shruged. "Maybe, it's because he has a thing for mom..." She joked in away. Grace stood there smilling. "I love this job...but sometimes...I wounder what would have happened if I didn't take the job..ya know?"

"I'd be a writer." Seril confirmed, laughing. She stepped into the elevator and pushed 1. "You know, I don't know where I'd be. I wouldn't be as happy in some aspects, and happier in others."

Sven just grunts and stands up abruptly. Walking around the table he disappears behind some shelves and alot of rummaging and shifting of items can be heard. Then silence for awhile, then broken again by more shifting, and grumblings in a combination of Norse and English.

Grace laughed. "Well I know what you mean...but alest we get to travel around the world for free right?" She said standing next to her.
Mikko sat on a table wacthing Sven with palyful eyes.

Seril looked to the books in her hands, and eyed them. "Shit." She sighed, turning. "I forgot a book back in the basement. Go on ahead, I'll see you here in a bit." She turned, walking back to the elevator. She listened to the click of her high heels as she walked down the pathway between shelves of books, eyeing men who eyed her as she walked. She shook her head, getting into the Elevator. She listened to the light music in the background as it learched down, and finally opened it's doors to the basement. She walked inside, watching Miiko playfully paw at Sven. She reached across the table and grabbed the book, smiling at Sven. "You should smile once in a while." She said.

Sven grunted and frowned all the more, though something that could have passed for humor darted behind his eyes. Looking down at the cat he bared his teeth at it and uttered a low bark like sound, which startled Mikko away from him. Smiling ruefully he looked back up at Seril, and he paused, forcing his features back to a passive mask.

Seril pulled Miiko up to her chest when the cat curled around her legs. She watched Sven for a moment, not saying a word. She wasn't sure what to say to him, since the man never muttered more than a sentance to her in a year. "Suit yourself." She said, setting Miiko down, pushing him a little bit to get him to run off toward his food. "Be lonely. That's your decision."

"It is not that I choose to be lonely. I am by nature meant to be lonely." His voice sounded rough like sand paper, deep from the depths of some unknown chasm. Alot of feeling flowed through Sven's words, and they had all the finesse of a sledge hammer being weilded by a child. Turning he replaced the book he was leafing through back on the shelf and strode along behind her toward the elevator.

Seril watched as Sven passed, almost weary of him. She kept her back straight, and cradled her books in one arm. She clicked her tongue and made her way toward the elevator, keeping her eyes on him. "You don't have to be a loner with Grace and I." She said, as if nothing else was needed.

Sven smiled faintly, oddly, it was a true one. He didn't say anything the whole way up the elevator ride, and when the doors opened he beckoned her forth first. "Seril, I've lived along time, through alot of bitter moments, strife, hardship, and untold and uncounted scenes of horror. My isolation is needed, for my sake, but more often, others. I do count you amongst my only friends. I'm like the mountain, ever silent, ever there, and bearing the weight of the world. But seldom spoken to, other than to curse for being in the way." He chuckled roughly at the last part. waited for Seril. 

Grace waited for Seril, she was talking to the old lady who wa sthe libbrarin. She smilled, it almost as if the two were talking about normal stuff, not the useal, where did you put that book, or have you retruned your book. Grace noticed some young collage studnets eyeing her. she only smilled

Seril left the elevator without knowing what to say. She caught up with Grace and smiled, watching the college students. "My My, you sure have something to gaze at." She clicked her highheels on the floor idly, glancing behind Grace at them. "You get that book I've been looking for yet?" She asked the librarian, smiling. It was a joke, and the librarian knew it. "I've been dying to read that romance novel."

Grace laughed. "Oh yes..." She said smilling. The librarine hit Seril, with Shakespares Romeo&Juilet, lightly. "Yes...." She said smilling. "Hey were going to away for awhile, you think you man down the fort?" Grace asked. The Librarine laughed. "Of coures...It'll be quite like a library should be..." Shew laughed. "Heeey!" Grace said laughing.

Sven harumphed as he walked by them and out the door heading to who knows where before the flight out to Paris. Probably to go clean up, slightly, and get something to eat more than likely. He inhaled the exhaust laden New York air and sighed faintly. It wasn't anything like home, but atleast it had atmosphere.

"You'd think I actually wanted to read about romance." Seril said, setting the Book down lightly on the librarians desk. "I haven't the time for romance.. of any kind." She nudged Grace, "Unless it leads to bed, of course." She joked, pulling her books infront of her like a school girl. She listened to a few of the college boys behind her laughing, making her shake her head with a soft smile. "I wish all of us were so innocent."

Grace laughed. "It's a tradyed..." She said shaking her haed. "Yeah you sex fined..." Grace laughed. She couldn't stop but laugh at Seril's last statment. She grabed her bag and fallowed

"Well, I'm going to go home and get a bite to eat before we leave." Seril said, waving goodbye to the librarian and starting out into the city. "You want to share a cab?"

::New York::
::The Triumph Room Nightclub::
Myth Hunterz

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2007-02-11 [Neo♥]: Alright all, this is going to get werid, you'll have to rp in the page called New york easy?
Same for every other place....
also I was woundering do you guys want to have your own places, for you chacters?
house, apartments ect...?

2007-02-11 [Thrice]: Um.. sure.

Different RP rooms is weird, but we can work it out.

2007-02-11 [Daemon SaDiablo]: Whatever works the easiest.

2007-02-11 [Neo♥]: Well, I think it's more fun...
but if you don't want too thats fine too.

2007-02-11 [Daemon SaDiablo]: It doesn't bother me either or. Sides s'your rp.

2007-02-11 [Thrice]: Yeah. It's yours. You make the decisions.

2007-02-11 [Neo♥]: Yeah but I want you guys to happy too,

2007-02-11 [Daemon SaDiablo]: Well, I'd be happy with either. Doesn't take to terribly much.

2007-02-11 [Neo♥]: All right multiy rp pages then!...go make your damn houses...cuz I

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