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.hack//word meanings [Logged in view]
2007-01-22 01:35:52
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some definitions and who/what falls into that catagory
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AIDA: AIDA stands for Artificially Inteligent Data Anomaly
Player Killer: Characters that prefer to kill players for fun. Also, some like to kill them to steal their items to add to their collection. Many like PKing newbies because they're pushovers and easy targets. TaN is a guild composed of PKs. Tri-Edge is an infamous and legendary PKer fearfully rumored on message boards abroad: that when this mysterious phantom player kills a target, the unfortunate players that "die" from his attack don't ever come back.
Player Killer Killer: Players that kill PKs. They sometimes kill PKs for revenge or to protect others. Haseo became a PKK in means of revenge for Shino after she fell into a comatosed state by the hand of the deadly Tri-Edge. Many state that PKKers are no different from PKers, and are looked down upon just as much as PKs, sometimes even more, as they do little but cause further instability among the player community.
Guildmaster: The leader and usually creator of a particular Guild. Guildmasters control Guild shops and have their own Grunty which takes on their master's characteristic
s and assists in the running of the Guild. Gabi, Zelkova, Silabus, Haseo, Yata, Taika, Kuhn, Tabby, Piros the 3rd, Ovan, and Naobi either are or have been Guildmasters at some point.
The Lost Ones: Refers to players in a coma, they are in this state because Tri-Edge used Data Drain on them. Shino is one example of a Lost One.
AIDA-PC: AIDA-PCs are PCs that have been infected by an AIDA in one form or another. The AIDA affects the Player mentally as a result of its infection, and can also have a number of side-effects within the game. Endrance was an AIDA-PC.
Epitaph-PC: A PC that carries an Avatar, such as the eight PCs that make up the Infinity Eight, and can fight with it after awakening. Avatars can't be seen by regular players and can only be controlled by people in a specific mental state, as it would cause anyone else to go insane.
Root Towns
The World is comprised of a cluster of different servers distributed around the world. When players login, they materialize in the Root Town of the server they last used.
Root Towns are central areas in the game where players can socialize, create parties, and do business with other players and NPCs. Each server in The World has its own unique Root Town. They are the starting and ending point of any gaming session. In order to properly logout of the game, the player must be in a Root Town.
Each Root Town has a Chaos Gate, a large revolving ring used to transport players to areas or other servers. To transport to an Area, a series of three keywords must be entered. These keywords determine such parameters such as difficulty, terrain, and weather amongst other things. Most keyword combinations result in an Area with a field and a dungeon.
Root Towns are the only place in The World where players don't need to worry about monsters. The only exception to this rule is that once every few months, the Root Towns will be invaded by monsters; the only way for the players to stop the invasion is to defeat the monsters' leader.
A field is a large boundless expanse of terrain of finite size characterized by its open air environment and lack of living civilization. Typically most structures in the fields are the ruins of some long ancient dwellings, or the bones of some massive creature. Though it is boundless, there is a limited distance one can travel in a straight line before arriving at the same point again.
A dungeon is labyrinth across two to five descending levels of interconnected rooms. It contains a single entrance/exit that links the first level to the field and a single stairway between levels. When one enters a room that contains one or more Magic Portals, all exits are sealed until all Magic Portals have been opened. The deepest level of the dungeon contains a special room known for the distinctive floating figure, known as a Gott Statue, behind a golden treasure chest.
Special shrines characterized by an open flame, are known as Symbols to players, and grant magical enchantments to nearby party members when activated. They can be found in both the field and the dungeon, though it is more rare to find it in the dungeon.
Magic Portals are revolving rings of mystical energy that activate whenever a player gets within close proximity of it. When activated, Magic Portals summon one or more monsters, though sometimes they may summon treasure chests instead.
Special Areas
There are certain keyword combinations that transport players to a one of a kind location, usually related to the mythos of the game or some kind of special event.
Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground
"Hidden"-"Forbidden"-"Holy Ground" (rendered Hidden Forbidden Sacred Zone in the .hack//A.I. Buster novels) is one such particular location and is known by a few different names by a few different players. It is best known as "Navel of Lake", though as new players pour in, facts such as these become lost in time and story. Because of the loss of these facts, many rumors persist and continue to grow and gain popularity. A particularly small Area, it merely contains a short broken bridge connected to a small ornate cathedral. At one time, people say a blue ocean surrounded the area. Though now, the surrounding land is barren and recessed, the atmosphere here is quite red and dark. Players will varyingly find the area full of foreboding or even full of some great sadness. There is nothing for adventurers there, as there are no Magic Portals or treasure chests. Occasionally it has been used as a meeting place between people, though mostly people come just to see the place featured in many popular rumors and legends.
The Net Slum
The Net Slum (also known as the Cyber Slum) is an illegal field existing in The World that was created as a sanctum for trash data, and similar unwanted/illegal cyberstuff. It is inaccessible to regular players as well as to the administration of The World, making it an ideal hideout for those who would otherwise be banned from the game. The Net Slum is run (and was supposedly built) by the player Helba, a level 99 Wavemaster of unsurpassed hacking skills. Failed AIs created by Morgonna Mode Gone as well as Aura's children, after they're deleted by the Cobalt Knights, all call Net Slum home, or 'Paradise.' Aura's only female child to avoid erasure, Zefie, takes pity on two of her half erased sisters (both now insane) and out of mercy kills them.
Note:here are some of the Vagrant AI
Aura (アウラ, Aura?) is a fictional character from .hack, a franchise that encompasses several video games, anime and manga. She is an advanced AI. Her virtual avatar is the form of a young girl whose white hair, skin and garments give her a ghostly appearance.In .hack//Legend of the Twilight, Aura is constantly being hunted down by the CC Corp (the game producers) without much success.
She holds a fake contest and posing as an administrator, bestows upon Shugo and Rena, chibi versions of the avatars of the legendary .hackers players Kite and BlackRose. Aura gives Shugo the Twilight Bracelet, to help him fulfill his dream to become a hero, which he told her about a few months after SIGN, mistaking her for another player.
She also has a daughter named Zefie, an AI that was as powerful as she is, but with an extremely wild and uncontrollable personality, even going as far as to give players pink afros for the fun of it. Zefie was created for two reasons: One was to complete Aura by allowing her to experience child birth, and the other was to help Shugo with his goal.
Zefie (ゼフィ) is a character from the manga, .hack//Legend of the Twilight. A Vagrant AI and Aura's daughter, she shows up one session and is attached to Shugo. She originally came to Shugo because she smelled Aura's scent on Shugo's bracelet. (Aura is the one who gave Shugo the bracelet.) She kisses Shugo as Aura did at the start of the manga. Zefie's story is that she's lost and is looking for her mother, in which Mireille quickly claims is a character-specific "sub-quest" that could result in the rarest of rare items. She is always trying to get the affections of Shugo, and is rude to all who try to stop her. She can control The World and avatar appearances however she sees fit, which can either be very useful, or very annoying. (In one part of the book, she gives a grunty an afro.) At first, Zefie is selfish, spoiled, rude, and fixated on her own goals rather than the needs of others. However, interaction with Shugo and Rena plus the rest of their party, causes her to mature, still being impulsive, but much more considerate, and polite where she was once tactless. She even gives words of kindness to Kamui, the debugger who has done everything in her power to erase Zefie, that having a desire to exist in The World, is reason enough to be here. In the last panel of the manga, Zefie and Aura kiss Shugo together, much to Rena's annoyance, and Shugo's blushing.
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