Page name: 10 Days of Photography - Faëry2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-07 12:34:39
Last author: Faery
Owner: Faery
# of watchers: 2
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A competition hosted by [pixish]

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- What's This About? -

~ 10 days, 1 photo per day. ~

~ 10 days, 10 themes. A different theme each day. ~




Day One - Theme: [ Vegetables ]


Day Two - Theme: [ Starts with 'B' ]

Bordel! As we say in french when a place is messy...

Day Three - Theme:[ And this is my collection of... ]

My collection of time... seconds, minutes, hours...

Day Four - Theme:[ They're Straight... ]

Straight notes... but a straight deal?

Day Five - Theme: [ FLUFFY! ]

Fluffy snow, fluffy winter... Obviously not taken today, but Sweden just isn't fluffy...

Day Six - Theme: [ I've Got the Key ]

Sorry, no concept for this one, just a heck of a cool picture...

Day Seven - Theme: [ Brown ]

Brown paper bags are a miracle of life...

Day Eight - Theme:[ Best Dressed ]

Dressed in Pride? Certainly not!
(Not taken today, I know, but I feel crappy and homesick today, and I don't have ideas...)

Day Nine - Theme:[ Precious ]


In such a shallow world, where madness roams the paths of life, words, knowledge and instruction are one of humanity's most precious treasures...

Day Ten - Theme:[ Twisted ]


The Turning Torso, in Malmö, the coolest building EVER!


10 Days of Photography
10 Days of Photography - Entries

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2006-09-30 [Skydancer]: Oh my, brussel sprouts. :D and onions.. :)

2006-09-30 [Skydancer]: Claps... excellent concept. :)

2006-09-30 [Faery]: Thanks! I pretty much did the first thing that came to my mind, and I wasn'T too proud about yeterday's one, so I wanted to take a nice picture for once :P

2006-09-30 [Skydancer]: you did great I think :)

2006-10-01 [Skydancer]: Hmmmm. Interesting concept. I thought of a straight in a hand of poker myself. :)

2006-10-01 [Faery]: Well, I don't have playing cards here, so I had to do with what i DID have in hand :P (Which means 3 bills of 20 in different currencies... Which IS quite unususal...)

2006-10-03 [Skydancer]: Ah ha.. now THAT.. is fluffy. :D

2006-10-04 [pixish]: big key x)!!!!

2006-10-05 [Skydancer]: Definately best dressed for the situation. :) sends you a hug and a bit of tea. :)

2006-10-07 [Skydancer]: It is indeed an honor to be thought of in such a work. :)

2006-10-07 [Skydancer]: Good grief.. that is certainly a building that fits the theme.. The architect must have been really in a state when he designed that thing. :D

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