Page name: 10 Days of Photography - Nine [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-09-18 15:56:32
Last author: ▲.
Owner: Cillamoon
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A competition hosted by [pixish]

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- What's This About? -

~ 10 days, 1 photo per day. ~

~ 10 days, 10 themes. A different theme each day. ~




Day One
Theme: Monday Monday.

"Sleeping In."
Last week I had the strangest dream,
Where everything was exactly how it seemed,
Where there never any mystery on who shot John F. Kennedy.
It was just a man with something to prove,
Slightly bored and severely confused.
He steadied his rifle with his target in the center
And became famous on that day in November.

Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in.

Day Two
Theme: She Sells Seashells By The Seashore.

"Tongue Twister."
That’s tongue twisters...
And it seems so easy till the word gets sprung
If you insist you want to try a lisp
Then step up mister and twist your tongue.

Day Three
Theme: That Was Random!

"Oh my goodness!"
Let me explain. I was laying in my backyard
with my kitty on my tummy. I had my camera by my side,
and a plane was flying overhead. By the most random chance,
I flipped it on, raised it, and snapped a photo. actually turned out! I was so excited!
I just kept thinking how random it was...

Day Four
Theme: Shattered & Scattered.

"I Will Not Be Shaken."
Strange calls to meet those
Who feel and know how to give up
The stage lights and heroes
Razor pain rubbed it all away, love.

Day Five
Theme: Outdated.

"Ghost Light."
This is a really old ghost light on a stage.
I'll explain this simply. When a theatre isn't in use,
All the lights are off. But there are almost always
stagehands working on future sets, or cleaning up.
So they leave a simple lightbulb on the stage
so that no one falls off in the dark. It's sort of an old technique.
Most just have those new wired lights upstage.
It always emits a very eerie light, and it's officially called
a "ghost light". Go to your local theatre and ask about it sometime!
...Oh yeah, --and the model here is Sho Murakami.

Day Six
Theme: When Sweets... Attack!

Day Seven
Theme: Look Mom!

Mama is so cute.

Day Eight
Theme: Say Cheese!

"Okay, guys, do this for me, 'kay?"
It's just what it looks like. Dean and Melissa cheesin' it up.

Day Nine
Theme: Close Enough To A Monster.

"The Storm is Coming."
What's that coming over the hill
Is it a monster? Is it a monster?
What's that coming over the hill
Is it a monster? Is it a monster?
What's that coming over the hill
Is it a monster? Is it a monster?
What's that coming over the hill?

Day Ten
Theme: Ode to Summer.

"How pretty..."
I'm afraid of the future.


10 Days of Photography
10 Days of Photography - Entries

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2009-09-17 [Cillamoon]: Aha! Now that I can see your picture clearly and not is gorgeous! I LOVE your eyelashes!!! So pretty!

2009-09-18 [▲.]: Thank you so much!!

2009-09-18 [▲.]: Sorry, haha. I made them small here and they're very big naturally. I'll have to make them smaller. D:

2009-09-18 [Cillamoon]: No worries! I'm basically I think just waiting for your entries before I start the judging. And I'm super swamped this weekend so I guess on Sunday is the true final final deadline?

2009-09-18 [▲.]: Sure thing. I've been real swamped too. I'm behind on so much. But this should be it, I can't find my candy picture. :/

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