Page name: 38 Days On Repeat. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-09-01 20:52:22
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
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This is a creative writing story I wrote for English class in my senior year, the words in bold is the part my teacher wrote to start the story off, the word not in bold is what I wrote.

Day 38, the sun is brightly shinning for now, but at precisely 2:00PM dark clouds will roll in and the Heavens will open up. At 3:00PM the clouds will disappear as quickly as they came and the sun will return. How do I know this? I know this because for the last 38 days I have been reliving the SAME day over and over again. That's how I know that Mrs. Musgrove will call 75 seconds from now complaining about my dog getting into her yard again.

It all started 38 days ago when I was walking along the boardwalk and I stumbled across the path of a little old lady laden with all sorts of trinkets. When I began to peruse her merchandise she asked me if I was looking for anything special. I told her that I was just looking, but thanks anyhow. As I started to walk away she grabbed my hand and stared deep into my eyes.

I tried to let go, but she held onto me so tightly I was fearful to move. After a few seconds she smiled, let go and I was on my way. THAT was 38 days ago. 'Ring, ring' my phone rang! I picked up the phone to listen to Mrs. Musgrove rattle on about my dog, however, as I listened closely, the voice I heard was not the voice of Mrs. Musgrove!

The voice I heard was a male's voice, his voice sounded sort of different, he didn't have an accent, it just sounded different, it was quiet and far away as if he was in the background talking.

"Who is this?" I asked rather curiously, wondering why I was talking to him instead of Mrs. Musgrove, not that I was complaining though, I was just curious.

"You are under a curse, but I can help you." The man said, I knew he was avoiding my question, but I told him to continue.

"Go to the boardwalk and buy something from the old woman, if you buy the right item she will lift the curse." He said with a hint of mystery to his voice, I let his words sink in before I answered him.

"But how will I know which item is the right one?" I asked slightly confused, he just chuckled and told me to follow my heart before hanging up on me.

I decided to listen to him so I changed my clothes and went back to the boardwalk where I saw the little old lady, she looked exactly like the first day I saw her, walking along in her pink dress trying to sell her trinkets, but something was different.

I watched her for a while before I noticed it, she had some necklaces with her, ones I hadn't seen the first time, or rather didn't notice, so I walked over to her and started looking at them.

"May I help you find something special?" She asked me with a smile, I was about to answer when I saw the most beautiful necklace, it was a golden heart-shaped locket with a heart-shaped emerald embedded on the front of it.

"How much for this?" I asked as the man's words echoed in my head, she just smiled a mysterious smile.

"I'll make you a deal if you tell me why you want it." The old woman said, I smiled as I thought about the words the man had said.

"I'm following my heart." I said with a smile, she smiled as well and took the necklace off its hook.

"Then this necklace is yours for free and your curse is lifted, you have Johnny to thank for this." The old woman said as a young man walked up to us with a smile on his face.

"I'm glad you got and understood my hint." He said his smile widening, his teeth seemed to gleam in the sunlight and his black hair moved slightly as the wind blew.

After that the young man and the little old lady became my friends and she promised that as long as I wore and took care of the locket and stayed on her good side she would never curse me again.

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2015-09-01 [ancienteye]: Same lady with the pink dress? O.O

2015-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Maybe. ;)

2016-07-31 [Kbird]: You tease. XP

2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.

2016-08-01 [Kbird]: the lady with the pink dress..

2016-08-01 [Kbird]: wasn't she in "weird dream"

2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Maybe. <img:44166_1164144907.gif>

2016-08-01 [Kbird]: =.= I'm watching you..

2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

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