Page name: A Chance Encounter. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-01 05:06:12
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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~A Chance Encounter~

It was the middle of fall but the wind made it feel more like winter, the town was a small mountain community that, for some reason, was very poplar at this time of year. People where busily going in and out of shops, into & out of vehicles, needless to say it was hard to walk around.

A young man with blonde hair and green eyes was trying to walk down the street, he was getting pretty annoyed by all of the people bumping into him and pushing him aside without an apology. 'Stupid humans, always in a hurry and so da** rude!' He thought bitterly as he hissed angrily at a man who stepped on his foot.

A Young pink haired girl stood on the same street trying to get peoples attention. "Um ex-excuse me sir can you please he- Ack!" She bit her tongue as the man's wife pushed her out of the way causing her to stumble back into a building. "Ooow."

The young man raised a brow at the girl and pushed his way towards her, he had never seen a girl with pink hair before.

The girl jumped up made a fist with her and punched straight up." That's it! No more nice target..." the girl started looking around until her eyes locked on the boys.

"Is that your real hair color?" The boy asked standing in front of the girl looking at her hair.

The girl stared at him a few minutes before blinking. "Umm...Yes...."

"Interesting... I've never seen someone with pink hair before." The boy said still staring at her hair.

"Oh...Umm...Can you help me?" The girl asked placing her hands on her head.

"Help you? Why?" The boy asked with a raised brow finally looking at the girl's face.

The girl looked at him with teary eyes." Be-because..It's a nice thing to do?"

"Nice thing to do? ... Why is there water in your eyes?" The boy asked curiously.

"Th-there isn't any water!" The girl said as she quickly wiped her eyes she looked back at him and smile. "See, no tears!"

"You're an odd human." The boy said looking puzzled.

"Human? Does that mean you're not?" The girl asked stepping forwards and staring into his eyes, making her red eye color more noticeable.

"No... Are you not human, you have red eyes, never seen a human with red eyes." The boy said looking at her eyes curiously.

"My mother was human." the girl replied, deciding since he didn't say what he was neither would she." But I wont tell you more unless you help me!"

"What kind of help?" The boy asked with a curious raised brow.

The girl frowned as she looked down at her feet trying to think of a good way of putting it, "Well..... I-I lost my family.... Or maybe they lost me.... Anyway... I cant find them... I know a clue is around here somewhere... But I can't find it."

"You lost your family?" The boy repeated looking at her curiously seeming deep in thought. "What kind of clue?"

"Yes... We were living in a really big place with lots of people... I had to leave for a little while, and now I cant find my way back..." The girl thought hard as her eyes started to tear up. "I-I don't remember... What the clue is."

"D-Don't make water come out again! D-Do you remember how far you've walked or for how long, maybe we can retrace your steps." The boy said, he never said out loud he agreed to help, but he was trying to.

The girl whipped away her tears. "I don't.... But I think the clue is outside of town...."

"Fine, then let's go, lead the way, I'm not from here." The boy said looking at her, she was weird, but interesting.

"Okay! Thank you!" The girl smiled as she jumped up before leading the way.

The boy shook his head before following the girl through the crowd of people.

"HEY! OUT OF THE WAY! CAN'T YOU SEE WE'RE ON A MISSION!!" The girl yelled causing people to move, more out of confusion then anything else.

'This girl is very interesting.' The boy thought with a smirk and a small chuckle.

"What's your name anyway~?" The girl asked looking back at him.

"My name's Tristen." Tristen said being brought from his thoughts and looking at the girl.

"Oh~ that's a nice name...mine is..." the girl tilted her head before look frustrated. "I...I guess I don't really remember.. I think its Ma-Manyo?"

"Manyo? That's an odd name." Tristen said with a raised brow.

"Hmm... It sounds close... Anyways, this way Tristen!" Manyo cheered as she grabbed his hand and started marching.

"Sounds close? Have you forgotten your name or something?" Tristen asked blinking as Manyo led the way.

Manyo looked down slightly, "Errrr... Umm... Of course not! Who forgets their own name?! hehahaha...heh... Yeah.."

"People with amnesia." Tristen said matter-of-factly.

"Errr.... I don't have amnesia! I'm just a bit... Uh... Frazzled..." Manyo stated defensively.

"Well maybe you just need rest or something, when did you fall asleep last and how long did you stay asleep?" Tristen asked as they continued to walk.

A few days ago.... But I had slept for a long time..." Manyo replied continuing to lead they way.

"A few days ago? Aren't you tired?" Tristen asked totally surprised, this girl was the most interesting human he had ever met.

"Umm... Not really, actually." Manyo giggled looking back at him.

"Really? Wouldn't a normal human be tired after not sleeping for a few days?" Tristen asked with a raised brow.

"Are you calling me weird?" Manyo asked with a frown.

"No, you're just not like other humans." Tristen said not really knowing or really caring if it upset her.

"Oh... Okay, thank you~!" Manyo giggled not really sure if he was insulting her or not, but deciding to take it as a compliment either way.

"Uh... Yeah, what is it again... Oh yeah, you're welcome." Tristen said suddenly remembering the words.

"Did you forget how to say you're welcome?"

"No, nobody has thanked me for anything in a long time." Tristen said shrugging slightly.

"Aww well, thank you for helping me, and thank you for stopping and listening to me, and umm... Thank you for being a good person!" Manyo said smiling widely at him as they left town.

"Well... I'm not really a good person, but Thanks anyways." Tristen said, it felt odd being called a 'good' person.

"Yes you are~, if you where bad you would have pushed past me like everyone else." Manyo replied sounding completely confident in her assessment of him.

"The only reason I went over to you was because I found your hair color intriguing." Tristen said truthfully.

"Oh.... Well that's still better then most people! Most people call me names."
"Call you names?" Tristen repeated slightly puzzled.

"Yeah.... Even though there are many races running around... Pink hair is still rather uncommon..."

"So?" Tristen said not really getting the point.

"So people don't always understand what I am... And... Well what people don't understand they generally fear."

"You don't look scary at all." Tristen said looking her over.

"Thank you, although you seem like someone who is use to seeing new and interesting things."

"I guess so." Tristen said with a shrug.

"Oh there's the house!" Manyo stated pointing at a very tiny stone building.

"That? It's so small." Tristen said when he saw it.

"It's bigger on the inside... I think."

"Really?" Tristen asked with a raised brow.

"I think so... I don't remember..."

"Well, let's go in and find out." Tristen said.

Manyo nodded and opened the wooden door.

Tristen blinked as he tried to see past her.

There was an old wooden chair, a couch and a wooden brown coffee table, a ladder led up stairs and a ladder by the door led down.

"What's with the ladders, why don't you have stairs?" Tristen asked curiously.

"Stairs wouldn't fit." Manyo replied going into the small living room.

"This place is not bigger on the inside." Tristen said following Manyo inside.

Manyo shrugged. "I think its nice." She replied climbing up towards the attic.

"Where are you going?" Tristen asked curiously as he watched her.

"I think.... The bedroom..." Manyo replied.

"Oh, I'll wait here then." Tristen said.

No sooner then she disappeared at the top of the ladder he heard her let out a loud whimperish shriek.

Manyo?! What's wrong?" Tristen asked as he began climbing the ladder.

"Umm...I think it was a bat...something flow by my head... Weird it seems no one has been here for a long time..." Manyo replied getting up off of the floor as he got to the top.

The wooden room was small and slanted into a upside down v, the were small Windows on either side of the room. A queen sized bed and night table took up over ninety percent of the room.

"Are you ok, you didn't get hurt did you?" Tristen asked looking around the room. "Why do you have such a big bed for such a small room?"

"I'm fine thanks...Umm I'm not sure...I shared it with at least one other person..." Manyo replied obviously trying to remember.

"Well maybe you should have gotten a smaller one." Tristen said shaking his head slightly.

"Like you wouldn't want to sleep in a giant bed!" Manyo huffed as she started looking under the bed.

"I guess that's true, but for such a small room it's illogical." Tristen said. (Sounds like Mr. Spock. lol)

"I guess..but it seems...homely. I like it." She replied now half way under the bed.

"Hmm, I guess it is pretty cool, uh do you need help?" Tristen asked, he dug through his backpack looking for his flashlight.

"'s kind of dark.." Manyo replied embarrassed that she hadn't thought of that until now.

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2013-11-30 [Kbird]: never mind XD

2013-11-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-11-30 [Kbird]: should I start?

2013-11-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sure

2013-12-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: My mind keeps wanting to read Manyo as Mayo. XD

2013-12-17 [Kbird]: XD I had that happen a few times.

2013-12-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-12-18 [Kbird]: Mmmmm she is sooo tasty~ XD

2013-12-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Nice.

2015-03-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: I forgot about this. lol

2015-03-29 [Kbird]: XD lol I was wandering

2015-03-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Glad I stumbled upon it again.

2015-04-13 [Kbird]: Me too! I just reread it, it's so cute so far!

2015-04-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Yeah.

2016-08-01 [Kbird]: highly illogical. XP

2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Indeed Captain.

2018-05-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2018-05-06 [ancienteye]: Boo~

2018-05-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: WUZ UP?!

2019-04-17 [Kbird]: Chicken butt

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