Page name: A Heralder Wedding - Interviews [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-29 18:38:36
Last author: Kileaiya
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A Heralder Wedding Interview!

Starring [Mirime] and [All_Most PUNK]

I asked [Mirime] and [All_Most PUNK] a few questions about married life, and this is what they had to say. :D -[Kileaiya]

[Mirime]'s answers:

Does Ducky have any annoying habits? --He isn't ticklish! But at least he doesn't snore ;)

Does Mirime?-- Hmm, that's a hard one... well... possibly I read too much...

Who cooks dinner at night? Usually I do. I enjoy cooking :)

Is it any good? I think it is... check with my husband on that one :P

Does Ducky wear boxers or briefs? He seems like a boxers kind of guy...

Does Mirime take up all the closet space? No, never! Unless I'm hiding in it ;)

Does she have more than 10 pairs of shoes? Nope.

Do you fight over the computer? Not really. I get up much earlier than he does. If I want to use the computer after that I can just sit in his lap :D

Does Ducky have a big collection of duck things? He has drawings that various people made for him.

Do you get along with each others pets? Hmm... well I have four cats, and he seems like them them well enough :)

[All_Most PUNK]'s answers:

Does Ducky have any annoying habits?
Too many to mention! Wait, did I have to answer this one or was it for Mir?

Does Mirime?
I'm sure there are one or two, but I still haven't been able to find them.

Who cooks dinner at night?
*points in Mir's direction* But I'm not totally useless in the kitchen. I've managed to make burguers without burning down the house at least once

Is it any good?
Yep. She doesn't eat meat, y'know? I like meat. But it's still good

Does Ducky wear boxers or briefs?
Boxers. Does every ET interview include this question? :P

Does Mirime take up all the closet space?
Well, if she's inside it, she takes some space. I mean, she's a small girl, but still... but no, most of the time she doesn't

Does she have more than 10 pairs of shoes?

Do you fight over the computer?
Nope... it's nicer to share it :D Go check Mir's explanation!

Does Ducky have a big collection of duck things?
Despite what poeple think, I'm not obsessed with ducks. I don't even know a lot about them. It's just a nickname that refers to my real name. So, no, I don't. Why would I? :P Even more, I see that a lot of people seem obsessed with ducks and I don't understand why. Having said that, I have a couple drawings done by great people in my house

Do you get along with each others pets?
I don't have pets, except the Punky Ducky on my house. But I'm a cat person and Mir has cats. And they are nice cats. So I'd say yes :D

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