Page name: A little different [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-15 04:58:38
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
# of watchers: 3
D20: 8
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A young boy sat in his father's favorite arm chair it was red with gold beads lining the seems. He had his legs propped up on the mahogany coffee table in the middle of his living room.
He had his head propped up on his hand as he lazily flipped through the book on his lap, he had read it several times already and wasn't to kin to read it for the third time that day.
"David, your father and I need to go into town for a bit, will you be okay watching your sister?" Jane, (his mother) asked peeking in as she strapped a gun to her hip, she noticed his feet where on the table and gave him a mild glare, causing him to put his feet down.
"Oh yeah, cuz while you and dad are out hunting I totally want to chase a toddler in diapers around until she bumps her knee and screams because I'm not there in two seconds."
David replied sarcasticly as he glanced at the blond toddler in a light blue sundress that just ran into the room with mild annoyance. 
"David your sister really loves you, you should be happy she comes to you so often." Daniel (his father) sighed as he came in strapping a gun to his shoulder.
"Didn't you guys learn not to play with guns?" David asked glancing at the weapons he knew so very well himself.
"Cute, your seven and already have teen angst." Jane sighed with her own sarcasm
"Look can we trust you to watch her or not?" Daniel asked, clearly in more of a hurry then usual.
"Town under attack again, I take it....yeah I'll watch Siven." David sighed.
"Good, boy." Jane hummed patting his head as she walked past towards the door stopping to kiss Siven's forehead. "We'll be back soon sweet hearts"
David grunted disinterested as his parents left.
It wasn't even ten minutes later before he heard a crash fallowed by a tiny voices "uh oh..".
"Dang it, Siven." David growled getting up and turning around to see that Siven had pulled the curtain of its hooks, and as it fell it nocked over a pile of books.
"Sorry." Siven said meekly as she dropped the pole the curtains where on.
"Yeah cuz that totally fixes it." David sighed as he got down on his knees and started cleaning the mess up.
"Ouch! Dang it you broke something!" David yelled looking at the blood dripping from his hand before glaring at Siven.
"Sorry...I'll fix it.." Siven said walking over and reached for his hand.
"No way! I don't need you poking around in it. now come on." David got up and walked into the kitchen the bathroom was connected to.
He didn't really know or care if Siven was behind him.
 He was opening the medicine cabbinet when he heard Siven whimper, he quickly shut the cabbinet and ran back into the leaving room.
Siven was leaning over her back turned to him hiding her hands until he came in.
She tuned around with a smile on her tear stained face as she held up her hand which now had a similar bloody slash to his.
"Look now we match!"
"What the h*** Siven?!!" David yelled looking wide eyed at her hand.
"You used bad word." Siven pouted as David grabbed her good hand and practically ran to the bathroom. He set her on the edge of the tub before turning to the madicine cabbinet.
He quickly tossed out any pills that got in the way of his search for disinfectent and bandages.
"What's wrong with you, why would you do that?!!"
"I-i thought you'" Siven whimpered as her eyes got teary.
"....go ahead and cry its your fault you got cut!" David growled as he pulled out what he was serching for along with some alcohol swabs.
"Th-thats not why I'm crying...." Siven whimpered rubbing her eye.
David slapped the hand away from her eye and wipped it with his finger before pulling her bloody hand on his lap.
He was about to wash it with a washcloth, before he glanced up at his sobbing sister.
"....Hey,..this is probably going to hurt..if you try not to cry to much, I'll get you some ice cream."
Siven sniffled and glanced up, David was avoiding eye conttect."Re-Really?"
David nodded before starting to wash the wound, he was surprised that instead of crying she was smiling at him.
"This is going to sting...."David mumbled as he started using the alcohol wip
Siven curled her toes and shut her eyes but still smiled without crying.
"Are you a masochist..err..whatever its called?"
"I dont know.."
"In other words, do you like pain?" David as looking at her questioningly.
"Pain bad!!" Siven chirped.
"Okay then your just insane, good to know." David sighed wrapping her hand up.
"That's a mean word..." Siven pouted.
"....*sigh* ..fine your just peculiar." David mumbled getting up and starting to clean the bottles up." Now go wait in the kitchen."

A few hours later David's parents returned, as you can imagine they weren't very happy with their children and houses conditions.
David was grounded for two weeks after that.

"You wanted to come with me so it's up to you to keep up!" A now nine year old David called to his five year old sister.
"Your going too fast!" Siven called as she climbed the small rock face after her brother.
"Oh come on its good exercise! besides you said you anted the scenic road to town~" David hummed waiting at the top of the rock face.
"Mom and Dad, said NOT to go into the woods.. EVER!" Siven quoted worried for her brother.
"Yeah, yeah, what they don't know wont hurt them...besides I took one of dad's pistols." David snickered as he pulled the pistol out and twirled it around his finger.
Siven gasped looking at the gun as she pulled herself up to where David was. "David! put that away! your shouldn't even have it, Dad will be sooo mad!!"
"Well he doesn't have to know does he?" David asked putting the gun away and looking down at his sister.
".....David...I don't want to keep secrets from mom and dad...." Siven whimpered.
"tsk, should've known you'd be a baby about it. Just go home then." David sneered as he turned and continued.
"WAIT! I can't go by myself, I'll get lost!" Siven called after.
"Then I guess you'll just have to trust me." David called back.
Siven looked around nervously before taking off after David.
"Shhhh Siven stop." David whispered moving his hand behind him to stop Siven as he looked down from the small cliff he was on.
"I-I-Is that a...Zombie?" Siven asked scared as she grabbed David's shirt.
"Yeah. now's my chance to prove that I know how to use this!" David whispered back as he pulled out the pistol.
Siven clutched the back of his shirt tighter as he ready his gun.
 David placed his finger on the trigger and looked at the Zombie through the small scope.
It-It's so ...human looking. It was once a living person too......did it have, a younger sibling like me? Or maybe he was a dad....Either way...he was alive. He had a live. David thought as his hand started to tremble.
" all it is, is a example of how good I've gotten." David said to himself as his eyes started tearing and his hand trembled more.
He wiped the tears away with one hand and before he knew it the gun had slipped from his hand and hit the rocks by his feet, it almost sounded like metal hitting metal.
David immediately looked at the Zombie, and was terrified to see it already rushing the rock face.
"Siven run!" David said as he turned and pulled his sister off of his shirt and shoved her towards the house before turning around to grab the gun.
"David!" Siven shrieked as she saw the Zombie scurrying up the rocks towards David.
"Siven go!" David Yelled picking up the gun and aiming it at the Zombie, again his hand started to trembled. "Da**..." He turned around and run to Siven quickly grabbing her hand and dragging her along.
Siven asked what David was wondering as they ran, "I-Is it going to get us?!"
David wanted to respond but he was having a hard enough time just breathing. He could hear it just behind them, there wasn't even time to turn around to look let alone shoot at it.
David was pulled from his thoughts by Siven hicing as tears rolled down her cheeks. Something about seeing her like that made his heart jump in defiance, he refused to let this continue not when it made his sister so scared and upset.
"It's not going to get us so stop crying!" David order as he speed up holding on to a branch as the ran back it, only letting go when it was about to snap. He let go and quickly heard a sickening "Squthunk" sound.
He knew it didn't stop the zombie but it certainly got it off they're back.

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2013-11-15 [Kbird]: David: ^_^ *not letting go*

Younger David: .......*mumbles* ...I'm sorry..too. >.>

2013-11-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Younger Siven: I forgive you big brother. *hugs younger David*

2013-11-15 [Kbird]: Younger David: *pats her head* >_>

2013-11-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: Hug your sister

2013-11-15 [Kbird]: Younger David: *hugs her awkwardly*

David: 0.o it looks like I've never been hugged before when I hug like that.... *still holding older Siven*

2013-11-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: Maybe you hadn't.

Younger Siven: *smiles*

2013-11-15 [Kbird]: David: >.< that depressing...

Younger David: Your not to bad, ... I guess

2013-11-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Younger Siven: *smiles*

2013-11-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Aw, poor David. :(

2013-11-17 [Kbird]: What Do you mean

2013-11-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: He got scared.

2013-11-17 [Kbird]: Yep he sure did.

Younger david: no I didn't only babies get scared!

2013-11-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: It's ok to get scared sometimes.

2013-11-17 [Kbird]: Young David: I wasnt !

2013-11-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: If you say so

2016-08-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: What

2016-08-17 [Kbird]: ? I added some stuff and fixed a few typos but I still have some I haven't gotten to yet

2016-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah.

2018-05-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2018-05-06 [ancienteye]: Boo~

2018-05-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Boo who?

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