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Name: Aaliyah Windleaf
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Race: Nymph (Anthousai specifically)
Occupation: Aailyah has no occupation. She maintains the appearance that she's living off an inheritance, but she mostly just lives of the men she has wrapped around her finger.
Skills: Persuasion, seduction, getting what she wants, looking nice, singing, passable archer.
Weapons/Possessions: As far as weapons go, Aailyah just keeps a good, sharp knife hidden on her somewhere for self-defense. Her possessions all fit into one good sized suitcase in the trunk of the BMW her parents bought her a few years before they turned her out. Its contents mostly consist of several outfits ranging from "nice" to formal, some more comfortable clothes, and some money, and a little bit of jewelry.

Aaliyah appears to be in her early twenties, she is tall and slender and generously proportioned. She has fair skin, green eyes, and long, wavy red hair. She has a fondness for nice clothes, particularly in greens and reds. She always wears a red lotus on her person, sometimes on her blouse or something, but usually pinned up in her hair.
Personality: Aaliyah is good at speaking. She's a very social young woman, though she usually knows when it is better to just listen. She is often rather sensual too, using her innate allure to her advantage, she knows how to use her words and her body together to get just about anything she wants. She also loves to have fun. People often see her as an unruly young woman, even a bit of a slut. But they'd probably be surprised to know that she's actually a virgin. They don't know that underneath all the show she is a very gentle and caring person.
History: Up until this point, Aaliyah's life has been mostly unremarkable. She grew up the daughter of a wealthy business man—not top of the chain, but still influential—bu
t as she's grown older she has become very fond of wild parties and other activities that her parents deem inappropriate. So as of several months ago, she is cut off from her family and any inheritance she would have had.
Other Aaliyah has a sort of “glamor” or supernatural allure to her, more much subtle than a Siren, but still there. Many people find her to possess “radiant beauty,” “fey-like grace,” and “innocence.” She also has a very green thumb. Plants seem to grow better when she's around, and the lotus she wears never seems to wilt.