Page name: Abortion Haters:Facts [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-06-01 01:47:34
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>>>  THE FACTS  <<<

At the end of his or her first month of life,the human baby is 1/5 inch (5mm) long and weighs only 7/10,000 ounce (0.02 gram). The baby has a large head because it's brain develops rapidly. The baby's heart is beating, although it cannot yet be heard by a stethoscope. The baby's arms, legs, head, and jaws have begun to develop.

At the end of it's second month of life, the human embryo has passed the most critical time of it's development. The baby is most likely to suffer injury during it's first two months of life. It is during this time, when the mother may not even realize the baby is alive and growing within her, that she may harm it by the drugs, medicines, or alcohol that she consumes.

By two months of age, the new human has all it's major organs. It is about 1 inch (25.4 mm) long and weighs 1/25 ounce (1 gram). The baby is now called a fetus rather than a zygote. At three months, the baby has grown to 2.2 inches (56 mm) and weighs 1/2 ounce (14 grams). The baby's sex is easily determined because it's reproductive organs are developed enough to be visible. He/She has begun to suck his/her thumb and practies breathing by inhaling and exhaling the amniotic fluid in which he/she floats.

During his/her fourth month of life, the baby grows rapidly, but this rate slows during his/her fifth month. By his/her fifth month of age, he/she is 10 inches (254 mm) long (about half as long as he/she will be at birth). He/She weighs 1 pound (454 g). During the fifth and sixth months, his/her hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows begin to grow. his/her arms and legs grow until they are in proportion to what they will be at birth.

During the period of time between the seventh and ninth months, the baby continues to grow and adds fat to his/her body. If he/she is born prematurely at seven months, he/she may die because his/her brain has not developed enough to control his/her breathing and his/her body temperature.(Incubators used for premature infants provide extra oxygen and also regulate body temperature because they are heated.)

During his/her seventh month, his/her eyes open. Sometime in his/her ninth month of life, or approximately 40 weeks after his/her conception, the body is ready to enter the outside world. He/She is usually head down and fully developed. His/Her mother's uterus begins to contract, and he/she is pushed out of the uterus, through the birth canal, and into the outside world. He/She must immediately begin breathing because the umbilical cord, which has provided him/her with oxygen and nutrients during his/her life as an embryo, no longer functions and is cut. If he/she does not begin breathing on his/her own, the doctor (or other person attending the mother) may slap him/her on the bottom. This, of course causes him/her to inhale in shocked surprise and usually cry.

The miracle of his/her development is apparent to his/her mother as she holds her newborn infant in her loving arms. Because A baby is a human being from the momment of fertilization, abortion is murder. There is not a time during the development process that a human embryo is anything less than a complete person. For that reason, some forms of "birth control" are just as ethically wrong as abortion.

For several years, devices called Intra-uterine devices, or IUDs, have been available. These devices, which are made of metal or plastic, are inserted into a woman's uterus. This foreign material in the uterus prevents a zygote from being implanted in the wall of the uterus, and he/she dies. Because human life has already begun, a murder has been committed when an IUD performs the function for which it was intended. A drug that also prevents implantation of a zygote is now available in some areas. This drug also in effect murders a baby. Once ovum is fertilized, only God has the right to decide if the embryo will live or die. Man never has the right to take life from that tiny human, to take life from anyone, even within the first few days of his/her life is a sinful act of murder.


In 1973 the Supreme Court decided in the Roe versus Wade case that an unborn baby was not a human and did not have the right to life. The majority ruling in this case states, "A fetus is not a person under the Constitution and therefore has no protection under the Constitution." Since that decision each year more than a million unborn babies have been killed by abortion in the United States.

Although most abortions are performed before the baby is sixteen weeks old, the Supreme Court decision allows abortions at any time before birth. Many babies aborted in the later stages of pregnancy would live if they were given proper care, those who try to justify the practice of abortion claim that
the human fetus does not become a person until after birth. They believe that the baby is only tissue within the mother's body, and she can do whatever she chooses to that tissue. To them abortion is the destruction of unwanted tissue and not the killing of a human child.

God's Word States that human life begins at the moment of conception, life in the womb is described as more than chemical activity or the growth and development of tissue. Just as God made Adam from the dust of the earth, he forms in the womb a fetus who is much more than a mass of tissue. God saw the unborn child as a human life who deserved the protection of the law. Justice requires that we also provide this protection for unborn babies. The decision of the Supreme Court must be overturned so that it once again will be a crime to kill unborn children.

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