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2008-10-01 03:13:09
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I went to Against Abortion League,and clicked on What would your baby say that is where I got this...

What Your Baby Would Tell you
This is the real story of a girl whose mother tried to abort her three times. She still lived, however, and was born without any kind of harm or malfunction. Will you listen to the voice of all those who cannot speak?

An Abortion Survivor's Story
In September of 1975, a woman discovered that she was pregnant. Things were very difficult for her, as she was raising two sons, six and 15 years old. Their father had walked out on them and refused to help care for the boys financially, or in any other way. The only alternative for this woman, it seemed, was to abort this unexpected baby. After all, she could barely afford to feed the children she already had.

Between the months of September 1975 and January 1976, this woman had three therapeutic abortions in an attempt to rid herself of the unborn baby. These abortions, also known as a "salting out procedure" are performed by injecting a very large syringe into the woman's abdomen, removing a certain amount of amniotic fluid out of the womb, and then injecting three times the amount of saline back in, thus "burning" the baby out. For reasons only God knows, these abortions did not take and on April 21, 1976, two months premature, her baby was born. The child was perfect and healthy, weighing four pounds, five ounces.

Unfortunately on March 16, 1977, the mother passed away, less than a year after her baby girl was born. After the woman's death, the infant's father and paternal grandmother took custody of the baby and her two brothers. As this baby girl grew up, her father told her about the three abortions she had undergone in her mother's womb but this little girl never believed him, as she assumed that if a baby is aborted, he or she could not possibly survive.

The truth only came to this girl when she was eighteen years old, married, and approximately five months pregnant with her first child. This girl needed and soon obtained her mother's medical records from the hospital that had treated her. Imagine her utter shock as she read about how her mother tried to terminate her unborn child three times. As the young girl read the medical documents, the new life inside of her was stirring and kicking as if to say "Mommy please don't get any ideas."

Today this young woman is 25 years old and is raising a family of her own. She is healthy and normal in every way, with no physical deformities of any kind.

I am the child that I have been writing about. My mother had no right to try and abort me, no matter what the circumstances were, no matter how inconvenient her pregnancy was. And if she was here with us today, I'm sure she would agree. Life is too precious to simply throw away. Now I can speak out against abortion from the baby's perspective. Any baby would choose life.


Here is a letter to a mom from her baby that she killed.

Dear Mommy,

I am in heaven now, sitting on Jesus' lap.He loves me and cries with me; for my heart has been broken. I so wanted to be your little girl. I don't quite understand what happened.

I was so excited when i started realizing my existence.I was in a dark yet comfortable place. I saw i had fingers and toes. I was pretty far along in my developing, yet not near ready to leave my surroundings. I spent most of my time thinking or sleeping. Even from my early days, I felt a special bonding between me and you.

Sometimes i heard you crying and i cried with you. Sometimes you would yell or scream, then cry. I heard daddy yelling back. I was sad and hoped you would be better soon. I wondered why you cried so much. One day you cried almost all of the day. I hurt for you. I couldnt imagine why you so unhappy.

That same day the most horrible thing happened. A very mean monster came into that warm comfortable place i was in. I was so scared, i began screaming, but there was no sound. I guess they had you all pinned down, because you never once tried to help me. Maybe you never heard me. The monster got closer and closer as i was screaming and screaming. Complete terror is all that i felt. I screamed until i thought i couldnt anymore. Then the monster started ripping my arm off. It hurt so bad, the pain i could never explain. It didnt stop. Oh how i begged it to stop, i screamed in horror as it ripped my leg off. though i was in complete pain, I realized i was dying. I knew i would never see your face or hear how you loved me. I wanted to make all your tears go away. I had so many plans to make you happy. Now i couldnt; all my dreams were shattered. Though i was in utter pain and horror, I felt the pain of my heart breaking, above all. I wanted more than anything to be your daughter. No use now, for i was dying a painful death. I could only imagine what terrible things they were doing to you.

I wanted to tell you that i love you before i was gone, but i didnt know the words you could understand. And soon i no longer had the breath to say them, i was dead. I felt myself rising. I was being carried by a huge angel into a big, beautiful place. I was still crying but the physical pain was gone. The angel took me to Jesus and sat me on His lap. He said He loved me, and He was my Father. Then i was happy. I asked Him what the thing was that killed me.

He answered,"Abortion, i am sorry my child; for i know how it feels." I dont know what abortion is; i guess thats the name of the monster.

Im writing to say that i love you and to tell you how much i wanted to be your little girl. I tried very hard to live. I had the will, but i couldnt. The monster was too powerful.It sucked my arms and legs off and finally got all of me. It was impossible to live. I just wanted you to know i tried to stay with you. I didnt want to leave. Also, mommy, please watch out for that abortion monster. Mommy, i love you and i would hate for you to go through the kind of pain i did. Please be careful.


Your baby girl

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