Page name: About the valued members [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-27 21:01:43
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Mrs Vicious.
# of watchers: 4
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My wonderfull members of Thats the way the cookie crumbles, would you kindly tell us a little about yourself? Get to know each other and have a laugh.

[Flisky]: I'm number 7, but I can go first. Lessee, I'm a writer, an artist, a photographer, a dedictated RPer, and have a severe love affair with potatoes. Seriously, they are the greatest food ever! My favorite character I've ever created is Zenric Galastacia, and don't steal that name, it's one of a kind! I like romance novels, music, and pretty much anything that will keep me entertained. So yeah, if you need any more info, my house is always open. ^_^

[KnightAngel]: I'm number two on the list. Well pretty much got one thing I do here and that's roleplaying, otherwise in person then I'd like to begin training martial arts again as that has been a great passion of mine for a long time. My first character is D'aron Mirshann even if I rarely use him anymore unfortunately, also love anime and reading webcomics and bunch of other stuff.


[Eyden13]: What to say about myself? Well I'm a gigantic role player, with a couple of my own. I love to write, read, anime, and much much more. Oh the biggest is I LOVE IRELAND! It's a small obsession that resulted in Pubs, Guinness, and the Irish luck. I love to help out so if you need anything let me know. Whether it's rping, brain storming, someone's opinion or anything else. 


[Synirria]: I used to be a very avid roleplayer but for the past year I've been working on planning my wedding so I've been a bit busy. So as of recently I've been trying harder to be more active on elftown and rp some. My first ever rp I created was The Land of Belatona. [Flisky] is now the owner of this wiki. I miss it lots but I know I couldn't keep it up. So if anyone wants to start a new rp or needs help making one, I'm your girl!

Thats the way the cookie crumbles

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2010-09-15 [Mrs Vicious.]: *wiggles* its actually working!

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