Page name: Aiden of Ardan [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-12 15:01:56
Last author: Eyden13
Owner: Eyden13
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Here is my charater from New Varse

Name: Aiden
Race: Crusnisk
Siding: Neutral
Age: 2,700
Abilities: Advance water

Weapons:Two sias, each a single silver blade, with a black hilt that has a blue drop, like a raindrop, carved into it.

Appereance:Bright blue eyes, with a deep red around her irises, her hair is a fair blonde with almost unnoticeable blue highlight tints, a manifest of her water abilities. She is short, 5’4’, and usually wears black glasses. She wears a black dress that goes right above her knees and flows down her arms, but leaves her shoulder bare; however, has straps to keep it from falling, with black slipper like shoes. She is very feminine, but is not to be underestimated by her innocent features. She always wears a necklace around her neck, with a round pendent with the words To Thine Own Self Be True inscribed own it.

Personality: She is mostly even tempered, but when she feels threatened or caged her temper flares. She is compassionate, and loyalty to those closes to her are her best characteristic. She has a way of seeing two sides of a situation, and understand both Ullari and Lomien plight, but has no urge to put herself in the middle of a war. She has friends on both sides. She tends to stay away from fighting, and uses it as a last resort, but she is a formidable opponent. However, when in the midst of feeding off of a vampire and when she is truly angry her eyes turn blood red. She doesn’t know much of her kinds history, do to her isolation from them, and never knowing her parents. As a result one of her goals is to find someone who can tell her more about not only herself, but of her heritage. This also reflcts her innocence and nativity.

History:She is a Crusnisk, one of the very few, who has chosen to live in a human village. She has lived on her own since she was a small child, never knowing who her parents are. She learned how to hunt from a dragon, Nor, who lived in the mountains around her village, which raised her, not fearing her powers. Now she keeps the village secure, and travels around when no danger is present. She tends to do missions for neutral areas. She tries her best to stay out of the war, something that the dragon Nor told her to avoid before his death. He passed his wisdom on to her.


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2010-09-11 [Talos Cyrion]: we need to get that rp up an running...though i'm thinking it should be under a different name (i know...again lol) an just not tell the rest of the players from the old rp cause they never really posted much anyways (idk about you lol but i think it's just a waste of wiki space putting someone who you know's character up that isn't really gonna be all that into it)

I'd need to find someone to play Ullari though.....i intermixed their two personas to much

2010-09-11 [Eyden13]: Okay I agree with starting over and finding new rpers. I've never tried to be an evil dower like Ullari, but I can give it a ty if you want. If theres any thing else you need let me know and I'll try to help.

2010-09-11 [Talos Cyrion]: mainly a name....then i need to find a new name for it and devolope a more plausable story line.

2010-09-11 [Eyden13]: okay new name.
Actually I just got some names for my fairytale names you want to see if you like any of those?

2010-09-11 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm okie

2010-09-11 [Eyden13]: Abethal, New Varse, Mistenat, Canden, Ethton, Alyville, Keptsis, Sumame, Abiford, Ename, Pensora, Soarven...

2010-09-11 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm New Vase sounds good....could tie it into the story line alittle more. Also for Ullari's background i think i'll make him the ruling lord of Varse, and Lomien probably the leader of the rebellion in New Varse

2010-09-11 [Eyden13]: Coolio. Any thing else?

2010-09-11 [Talos Cyrion]: Check it out an let me know what you think New Varse

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