Page name: Akayume's Reading List 2010 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-12-23 22:45:55
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Akayume's Reading List 2010


Reading Challenge 2010


The Secret Hour; Scott Westerfeld
Touching Darkness; Scott Westerfeld
Levianthan; Scott Westerfeld
The Boleyn Inheritance; Phillippa Gregory
The Constant Princess; Phillippa Gregory
Frankenstein; Mary Shelley
The Nimrod Flip Out; Etgar Keret
Dead Witch Walking; Kim Harrison
Wuthering Heights; Emily Brontë
The Good Earth; Pearl S. Buck
Mimus; Lilli Thal
Their Eyes Were Watching God; Zora Hurston
Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception; Maggie Stiefvater
Soul; Tobsha Learner
Castle in the Air; Diana Wynne Jones
The Ninth Circle; Alex Bell
Sea Glass; Maria V. Snyder
Wide Sargasso Sea; Jean Rhys
The Two Towers; J.R.R. Tolkien
The Snake Pit; Mary Jane Ward
Love in the Present Tense; Catherine Ryan Hyde
Green Angel; Alice Hoffman
Battle Royale; Koushun Takami
I am Mordred: A Tale from Camelot; Nancy Springer
Tattoo Machine: Tall Tales, True Stories, and My life in Ink; Jeff Johnson
Weep No More, My Lady; Mary Higgins Clark
Sirena; Donna Jo Napoli
The Queen of Attolia; Megan Whalen Turner
Coraline; Neil Gaimen
Girl, Interrupted; Susana Kaysen
1984; George Orwell
The Histories; Herodotus


The Meaning of Flowers: Myth, Language, and Lore; Gretchen Scoble & Ann Field
70s Style and Design; Thames & Hudson
Fashion Since 1900 (2nd Edition); Mendes & Haye
Indoor Bonsai for Beginners; Werner M. Busch
Zen and the Art of Anything; Hal French
The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter: A Treasury of Myths, Legends, and Fascinating Facts; David Colbert
Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity; Kerry Cohen


Oedipus Rex; Sophocles
Oedipus at Colonus; Sophocles
Antigone; Sophocles
Hamlet; Shakespeare
The Taming of the Shrew; Shakespeare
The Importance of Being Earnest; Oscar Wilde
A Midsummer Night's Dream; William Shakespeare
The Medea; Euripides


Untitled; Sylvia Plath
Ariel; Sylvia Plath
The Colossus; Sylvia Plath
Selected Poems; T. S. Eliot
Selected Poems; Kenneth Coch
Real Karaoke People; Ed-Bok Lee
The Odyssey; Homer (as translated by Lattimore)


Translucent (volume 1); Kazuhiro Okamoto
Alice 19th (volume 1); Yuu Watase
Alice 19th (volume 2); Yuu Watase
Alice 19th (volume 3); Yuu Watase
Alice 19th (volume 4); Yuu Watase
Alice 19th (volume 5); Yuu Watase
Alice 19th (volume 6); Yuu Watase
Alice 19th (volume 7); Yuu Watase
Itazura Na Kiss (volume 1)
Fruits Basket (volume 11); Natsuki Takaya
Captive Hearts (volume 1); Matsuri Hino
Captive Hearts (volume 2); Matsuri Hino
Captive hearts (volume 3); Matsuri Hino
Captive Hearts (volume 4); Matsuri Hino
Captive Hearts (volume 5); Matsuri Hino

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2010-11-19 [windowframe]: You added Herodotus the wrong way round! :O All the rest are Title; Author, and you added him as Author, Title. :3

Also: The Odyssey is by "Homer" (love the bunny-ears, I command it <_<) Lattimore is a translator. Cool to list translators, but you're attributing The Histories to Herodotus, not the translator (unless you read it in the Greek? :O)

PS. Nitpicking means I care. :P

2010-11-19 [Akayume]: Oh no, I've never read it in Greek. I want to though! One of my goals is to take Ancient Greek 1001-1004 my junior/senior year of college, although somewhere along there I want to study in France. So maybe I'll learn Greek in France? XP Je ne sais pas.

2010-11-19 [Akayume]: And it says "The Odyssey of Homer", so I mean Homer is attributed there.

2010-11-19 [windowframe]: Sure, but you're still attributing the translator, rather than the accepted author, which you're not doing in the case of any other book you've listed, where you're only mentioning original author and not translator. So it makes it look like Lattimore is the actual author, since his name is in the place for authors. (The title also makes it look like he wrote a non-fiction analysis of the Odyssey, I always thought :P)

2010-11-19 [Akayume]: Well, I more or less nabbed it off the book cover itself (Which was The Odyssey of Homer and then Lattimore's name below it.)

2010-11-19 [windowframe]: Yeah, I know the book; I've seen the cover. It annoys me, even if it is a good translation. :P It's not SO good he can pretend he's the original author. X) (though I suspect it was the publisher's decision to make his name so prominent, rather than his). Amazon does it all the time - it prioritises the translators name over the actual author (if the author is lucky enough to get mentioned at all). I love translators, and the definitely deserve recognition. But not more recognition than the author of the work they're translating. <_<

2010-11-19 [Akayume]: I would agree. When I read Battle Royale it took me forever to find the original author's name (since it's written in Japanese and then was translated into English).

2010-11-19 [Akayume]: And I changed the Odyssey for you. :p

2010-11-19 [windowframe]: <3 :P

2010-11-20 [Akayume]: X3 Huzzah!

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