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2010-03-17 03:59:39
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Albireo Nightweaver


Albireo Nightweaver

The entirety of Illusia stood still as the blade moved towards Albireo's heart. His spear could not possibly move to defend him, the blow was sure to land. Marcus grinned in morbid delight. Samah and Erumani both screamed in horror.
As the sword bit flesh, the whole world seemed to explode. Everything, the ground, the sky, even the minions that Samah and erumani were fighting were sucked into the sword. Albireo screamed with a sound that defied the limits of human pain. Then everything was silent and clear. The sword glowed with a blood red aura, then suddenly cracked. As the three watched, the sword crumbled away, and the red aura moved to encompass Albireo.
Slowly, the world came back into focus. Now it was a twisted thing, bearing absolutely no resemblance to Albireo's perfect world. Trees that were once tall and majestic now stood crooked and stunted. The once soft grass was replaced by dying weeds. The rolling hills became jagged peaks reaching towards the skies with wicked claws. Last of all, Albireo's familiar, Lumas the dove, came back into existence. But rather then his shining and beautiful down there were gray and black feathers worn down and with many missing.
Then Albireo opened his eyes. Everyone, including Marcus was taken aback by the site. Where once there had been kindness their flashed only hatred. Where once laughter had graced stood only sadism. The light brown eyes now became the most solid black. Rather then comforting, these eyes consumed. There eyes did not understand, they manipulated.
Samah shrieked and flew towards him, her sword aimed to cut his throat. He lazily whipped his cloak and sent her flying away. Even Marcus seemed appalled by his appearance.

"Beast! Monster! Where is the goodness that we knew? Where is that man we all learned to love?" Samah shrieked at the figure.

"That fool is gone. Now only hatred and wrath remain. He thought he would defeat the cruelness of the world with love and kindness. Well that darkness has now consumed him, and this is what is left!"
/ [Albireo the Lost]

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