Page name: Alison Simmons [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2014-02-03 04:06:03
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
# of watchers: 1
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D20: 10
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Player: [~Crimson Angel~]
Name: Alison Simmons
Age: 25
Subject: History
Physical Description: She's 5'9" and slender.
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Blue
Other: She loves Children of any age, and she loves teaching.
History: Her parents were nice to her, they treated her with love, kindness, and respect, and they were always there for her, but her parents didn't get along with each other they fought constantly and had no idea she could hear them or that she was listening. She went through her life being kind to everyone even if that person was mean to her, and she only got in a fight once in her lifetime.
Personality: She's nice, kind and she's respectful, it takes a lot to get her really angry so that she starts to yell, but if you get her that angry you will be sorry.
Image: <img500*0:>

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