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Character Name: Alkeron Meldune
Gender: Male
Race: Wizard
Age: unknown
Personality: Alkeron is a wise and benevolent person. He always has a sense of peace and serenity around him. He is calm and collected in even the most erratic of situations. He has a good heart, bent helping those that cannot help themselves. He uses his gift for advisory in helping people no matter who they are. He is an apt strategist, having witnessed many battle in his life time and by being apart of them. Though he is soft and kindhearted he doesn't let anyone close to him. He chooses to remain the adviser or something aloft, that doesn't let him form a connection to whom he is helping. The reason behind this is that if he is witness to someone being hurt that cannot help themselves, he goes into a berserk-er rage where he is uncontrollable
Physical Appearance: 
Height: 5’8
Weapons: He does not use unless the situation is very dire, but he has a straight bladed sword. The blade is thin with a pointed tip.
Powers: Alkeron has complete control over the element of water. He can summon it from the air, and manipulate it to his will. He also has the ability to heal any type of wound.
Class: Traveler, Royal Adviser
Strengths: He is strong when near any body of water or when anything good needs protection. He is also a very talented healer.
Weaknesses: Alkeron is easily a trusting person, he is especially vulnerable when he is depressed, or meditating.
Abilities (talents): Alkeron has the unique ability to know when a person is lying to him.
Hobbies: Alkeron has chronicled as much of his journey as he has been able to, unless he swore he would not he has written it down. He travels with a large leather and silk bound book that he writes in. He also travels with a personal instrument that he has become very well at playing.
Pets: A red fox named Loki
Relatives: None
Loved One: None he can recall
Companions (friends): None, he usually travels alone save for Loki
Four centuries ago he found himself in the midst of a battle field. He was bloody and dazed, and found several armored enemies advancing upon him. Out from behind him a horse sized Red Vixen jumped in front of him and growled at the armored soldiers. She managed to kill a few with deadly accurate swipe of her claws and even beheaded one with her maw, but she was eventually slain by a the remaining few. Deep inside of him something snapped as he looked upon the poor creature who only tried to protect him, he threw his hands at his enemies and they froze instantly, using the anger inside him, he crushed their forms with only a thought till nothing was left but frozen dust. As he looked upon the vixens still form in sadness he saw something huddled beneath it. Bending down he found a tiny red fox cub clinging to her still leg. He picked up the tiny kit and made his way from the battlefield as fast as he could. He then found himself a cave in the woods near by, where he nursed the kit as best as he could. Time passed and he and his companion lived in the woods till it was time to leave. They found themselves traveling through mountains, small towns, villages, capitals, kingdoms, and empires. As he traveled he helped those he could along the way, sometimes they were royalty, other times peasants and nobles, he tried his best to help all. As more years passed he noticed he did not age like other people, he remained young as ever, and he found he could control and manipulate water to do his bidding. And Loki, as he named his fox companion also grew, and learned to talk by Alkerons teaching. Alkeron now travels to find some clue to his past, some inkling to who he is.
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