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2004-07-17 [Larka; Wolf Sister of the Sword]: Hey. Just a small note on the skeletal structure of Centaurs; Where the human torso connects to the equestrian body, the spine is long (to accommodate the full body) and curves at the human pelvis. A natural bend in the vertebrae allows the human portion to remain upright and the horse body to keep all four hooves on the ground at the same time.
2004-08-18 [Augury]: Waaait.
2004-08-18 [Augury]: Waaait. Doesn't that mean centaurs have two hearts, two pairs of lungs, two stomachs, two livers, four kidneys, two gallbladers, two everything?
2004-08-18 [zeldazebra]: There would not need to be a pelvis at the junction the modified Tra mussels would hold the human torso up and not interfear with flexibilaty in the way a pelvis or evan colerbones would.
2004-08-18 [zeldazebra]: Multple harts would not be nessasary a small increase in the equine hart would be sufushent.
2004-08-18 [zeldazebra]: If all of the human visera are removed and replaced with an extended esofagus and bypas treakea there would be room for nerly a doubling of lung capasity in the human torso. This alone would not be enough for hevy exertion buy with paridoxical breathing as used by some birds should move enough air. The equine gut can handel human food as long as there is adiquate fiber for the equine intestin. The human torso is about the same ms as the equine head and neck. So kidnes liver splean ect should be adiquate as is. The stand out problem is how will the centuar move enough air.
2004-08-26 [May-lea]: That's an interesting consideration.
2004-08-27 [zeldazebra]: My drawing skills are poor, amd this will take awile please be patient with me. I will work on it.
2004-08-30 [May-lea]: Thanks!
2005-01-24 [firehawk]: According to C.S.Lewis, centaurs have two stomachs.
2005-01-26 [zeldazebra]: Horses have 3 if you do not include the cecum that has no outlet. Most mamels hav multiple stomaches. Only ruminats have a truley difrent stomach structure than we do. If centuars developed in an enviernment that provided poor quality food a rumin stomach would make sence to alow the dijestion of celulose hevy foods such as grasses. this aditional stomach could go in the human torso. Without a reliable bypas mechanisum it would preclude the consumption of high quality protien due to gas build up.
2005-06-14 [Daddy Cool]: To my mind, the most plausable anatomy would be essentially a standard horses, but with larger lungs found in the human part of the centaur, and probably a larger more complex stomach to deal with the different foods. This would explain how the centaur gets its high stamina, as shown in various sources such as Fantasia, where the centaurs dance for rather a long time
2005-11-02 [Samita]: What do the foals/babies look like? a foal with a baby on top or what? I always imagined that the human part of a newborn centaur would look like a kid of about 5. What do you think?
2005-11-14 [zeldazebra]: John Varly in his Books Wizard and Titan makes a similar asumption. dealing with the mental development isue by sujesting that they are borne with language and spend the later portion of the pregnency privy to ther mothers thoughts. Giving them a 4 - 5 year head start on intalectual development. However since they grow to adult size in about4 years they are still quite nieve (sp) by human standards as young adults.
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