Page name: Andrew Leason [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2010-09-16 17:43:04
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 2
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Name: Andrew Leason

Alias: Sabre




Gender: Male

Powers: Energy, and Metalurgy. He can weild raw electrical or energetic current, and as a bizzare side effect can meld weapons to his limbs (commonly a sword or set of small blades to his arms or hands) once this has happened it is as if the weapon was apart of him, meaning it can't come off unless he makes a concerted effort to break the link.

Appearance: Light brown skin, dark hair that is well kempt to just at the ear line. His eyes are a striking emerald green (it appears almost as if he where wearing contacts) Generally relaxed attire, as befits his personality. Black, long pants and usually a white tank top when not in school uniform. Sometimes if he wishes he'll wear a fiddora hat.

Hobbies: When not ensconsed in science and research, he enjoys painting as well as playing the Cello and guitar.

Tatoos/markings: He has a favourite latin phrase he, his sister, and his girlfriend (who was also a mutant unknown to him) shared. It wraps around the lower part of his neck, and is almost always hidden by the shirts he wears.

Personality: Generally laid back, doesn't talk much about himself unless he is comfortable around others. Dedicated and devoted though to whatever he is involved with.

History: Andrew grew up in the harsh subberbs of Dublin, and very early on got caught up in trouble with a gang. This culminated into out right war when he blammed them for the tragic accident that claimed his twin sister (who also shared his abilities) and saw to the dissapearance of his girlfriend. During the fight he discovered the extent to which his abilities could be taken. The frightened gangsters (and subsiquently a frightened town) caused his family to disown him and force him to flee the city. He lived on his own for two years in the wilderness before coming to the Ireland facility.

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2010-10-20 [Talos Cyrion]: when is this rp gonna start?

2010-10-20 [Flisky]: Which RP is this for again?

2010-10-20 [Talos Cyrion]: the x-men ireland one

2010-10-20 [Flisky]: That one has already started, hun.

2010-10-20 [Talos Cyrion]: grrr....hmmm, well i guess then i shall go an jump in if i can find a place

2010-10-20 [Flisky]: Just start at the main gate. ^_^

2010-10-21 [Talos Cyrion]: okie day

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