Page name: Archive 1- CS [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-07-15 15:47:33
Last author: Eyden13
Owner: Eyden13
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Archive 1- past

RP Below
As the storm brooded out side three mages gathered their energy and at the strike of thunder cast their spell. The wind blew inside the room, and as the energy seeped from them a huge light began to grow in the center. Then at the next clash of thunder the light shown bright, causing the inability to see. When the light retreated the three mages laid dead, and a girl slept in the center. Her destiny about to unfold.

As her eyes started to open, Roan felt her head throb. The last thing she remember was being forced to go on a hike in Scotland's montains for her family vacation. She then remembered that she had fallen down a deep hole, then nothing. As she started to sit up her head rushed, resulting in her tol tightly squeeze her eyes shut. However, when she opened them she saw three lumps circled around her. She picked up a rock nect to her and threw it at the closes lump, nothing moved. When she investigated her surroundings and the three lumps, she screamed at the top of her lungs. Three dead bodies were in the room with her. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."

Ketsuri approached the entrance, halting well outside as he felt a strange presence somone is following me? Can't be Turan, he couldn't mask his presence this well to save his life he thought arrogantly.

Abarhi hid in the shadows of the Summons room, perfectly blended in with the shadows Is this the girl? he wondered to himself. Hereing the near indescernable foot falls of somone approaching, he produced five four pointed, bladed stars, holding off till he knew who it was.

"This is not happening to me!" Roan said as she paced back and forth, finally collasping in the spot she woke up at. "Were am I? Why am I here? AND WERE ARE MY SHOES?!" Roan shouted.

Ketsuri could here shouting at the far end where the main room stood, for the time being though he was to occupied with the shadows where are you? he thought, looking around.

Abarhi, remaining in the shadows "You are in Tyradias, how you got here i do not know" his voice seemed to come from every where at once "You are safe for the time being" he made his voice sound as soft and reassuring as he could. He knew Ketsuri was near by, and while he also knew that he would not try to harm Roan so soon, Abarhi wanted to quiet her down all the part because he simply just didn't like loud noises.

"I'm in Tyradias?" She whispered. It wasn't possable, it was just a fable her mother had told her. The light started to go black, the she completely lost consciousness. Today was just not her day, rather a nightmare.

oh great, now what do i do? Abarhi groaned inwardly. The steps where suddenly at the door.

Ketsuri walked in, seeing Roan on the floor, an the dead mages about her "Well, this was rather unexpected...makes the bottle in the foot worth it after all" That's when he realised he could no longer move of his own free will Mind control? But how?

Dark laughter filled the room "She is well guarded like you said to your master" Abarhi said darkly. Ketsuri precieving a lapse, drew his sword "That was a mistake" Abarhi whispered. This was followed by the howl of the five blades as the sailed through the air. Ketsuri retreated, he knew better than to fight on such terms. He hurried back to his study, Chorus would need to hear of this to.

Abarhi remained in the shadows, concealed perfectly in the gloom, awaiting for Roan to come around. He set before her water and food, and found a pair of leather boots that would fit her to replace the shoes she had lost.

When Roan yet again woke her head really hurt now. "I feel like I'm going to get sick." She said out load. When her nausea passed, but head still pounding, she slowly stood up. "Were am I?"

Abarhi dropped out of the shadows behind her "If i told you, you wouldn't believe me" his voice kept the same toneless feature. His face was masked and his head cowled, his two blades hung at his side, one on each hip.

Roan swiftly turned around to see the man. As she looked at him, she realized she wasn't in Scottland any more. "Wait." She rubed her temples and remembered what he had sais earlier. You are in Tyradias, how you got here i do not know "Tyradias." She slumped onto the gound. "Why do I get the feeling that I'm in a lot of danger at the momenet?"

"If i wanted to kill you, do you think i would have waited for you to wake up?" He asked gently "There are those who wish you dead, however there are those also, like myself, who wish you alive. Come, there is somone who i wish for you to meet" his voice was almost hynotic. This was intentional though, inpart because Abarhi simply didn't want her to scream again.

"I didn;t think you meant me harm, you could, but you don't. And cut the voice thing out, it is annoying. I wont freak out again, sorry if dead bodies freak me out." She was bitter, and that made her feel bad because it wasn't his fault. She stood up, "Lets go see this person, maybe he or she can answer some questions."

He picked up the blades he had thrown at Ketsuri for this i'll be hunted, so be it he thought to himself "Yes they will be able to" his voice remained quiet an toneless. He led her to the Crystal library


Chamber of Summons

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