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2011-01-03 17:19:07
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Arethusa 2010

WELCOME! This is were you can find all the updates and news about and in the country of Areuthsa.Here you can find out what's going on in al of the eight Kingdoms.


Aug 8th 2010

Welcome to Areuthsa! Sadly were not allowing anyone to enter the country; however, we are taking Applications.
Once we have several more apps we'll open the rp.

Sept. 3rd 2010

Welcome everyone to Arthusa. The applications into our country has improved, so as soon as we have two more the doors will be open. I'm hoping by the beginning of October.

Sept. 4rth 2010

ATTENTION, ATTENTION! Each of the eight kingdoms have an inner and outer city; however they don't have names. The council of Arethusa has decided to let the citizens create the names. Send a message to the council leader, [Eyden13], with the name, which country it's for, and what it has to do with the kingdom.

Sept 15th 2010

Good news citizens of Arethusa, the Rp will be open official on October 1st or second. Also the leader of the Council, Me, has decided to create a factual character list. What do you guys think? Well we're having our first country vote. Send in yes if you like it or no if you don't. (Just leave it in a comment on the page)

Sept. 18th 2010

Cast of Tales, character list of the fairytales is up!

Sept 20th

Good news, I've finished the rp rooms early! The Rp will officially start Saturday Sept. 25th!

Sept. 21st 2010

Scratch that we'll start on Oct 2nd. ^-^

Oct. 2nd 2010


Oct 9th 2010

Well the first week has gone pretty well. I'd say on a scale 1 to 10 we got about an 8. However, there are some characters still by them selves so if those of you who are would put you character up on Fairytale Limbo I'll find it a home or someone will come to you. The link can also be found in rp room under special events. Speak of which I'm thinking the first event will be twenty four hours event on Halloween or 48 hours for the weekend. It's still up in the air and I'm working on the details. Oh,and what would you guys think if I added book feas to the rp? Would that be ll right with the owner of them, which i thing was [Elwyne]?

Nov 24th 2010

Special event coming soon! I'm thinking that for Christmas I'll open a ball up for everyone to attend. I'll let you know more details soon. Message me any suggestion guys have.

Dec 1 2010

Soon I'll be moving the rp rooms to archives to beware! And the special ball event will start Dec 15th then go till the the new year. Leave your name under the list, winter ball, on the wiki page Miss guided Book Disscusion if your going to attend it. The wiki will be opened on the 8th. I'll delete your post if you don't. In addition, any ideas, complaines, or simple comments please leave on the wiki disscussion page. I'm trying to make things a bit more interesting since i know were a bit slow. Don't worry I've got plans for us all that'll take place when I get the time, which will be after my finals.

Dec 27 2010

So those plans didn't work out like i was planning, I got to wrapped up in finals. However, I'm still thinking about opening a special event. I'm thinking a masquerade ball that's to be held in the 5th kingdom. I'll keep yo guys updated! 


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