Page name: Arianova History [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-03 14:11:38
Last author: Lady_Elowyn
Owner: Lady_Elowyn
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Here can be found all information on Arianova, both past and current.

All currently active characters can be found at arianova character page.

Role-play history:

We are currently at Arianova RP 1.




Username: [alatar45]
Character name: Durin
Race: dwarf
Side: Sabrellans
Rank: Axe-guardian of the Sabrellans
Gender: male
Personality: good at heart very strong willed and not easily angered funny and caring
Physical description:{4 feet 5 inches tall for his race, 150 hes all muscle, He has dark brown hair long on his head and beard he has gray eyes , he wears mainly his mithreal helm and breast plate his great great great grandfather wore
History: He is of noble blood being next in line for the throne
Other: He has an axe that is one of the old weapons that strikes fear in those that seek to do him harm he can change the type of mineral the axe is

Username: [Ayame the Snake]
Character name: Lei Fang
Race: Vampire
Side: Sabrellan
Rank: Sword-guard of the Sabrellans
Age: 219
Gender: Female
Personality: She's very open and honest. But she can be shy a lot.
Physical description: She is 5'4, 110lbs. Blood type:B. She has mid back lenth dark brown hair. Grey eyes. She prefers black clothes. But she does wear colors. Black jeans and a t-shirt with a leather jacket, most times. But she can be found in skirts and colorfull tops. He hair is in pig-tails and braided most of the time or a high pony-tail.
History: Daughter of a vampire and a Human. When she was born her farther bite her and made her a vampire agianst her mother's wishes. She's has been a skilled fighter, since she was 5.
Other: She wears a black beaded bracelet and has both ears peireced.

Username: [Angelis Nightfall]
Character name: Luna Silvaris
Race: Vampire/ Werewolf
Side: Sabrellans
Rank: Advisor to Lerayel
Age: 120
Gender: Female
Personality: Trusting, loving towards most, understanding & honerable.
Physical description: She has Black hair that has white, silver & blue streaks in it. She wears a white tank top & black baggy jeans, she wears a babyblue floor length leather trench coat on over her outfit. She had black knee high army boots on & her eyes are silver blue, they change to silver green when her mood changes. She has light pale skin & a gentil look about her, but she is very strong standing at 5'10 in her human form. In her werewolf form & Lycan form she stands 10 feet even, though she feels strange sometimes beilng that tall.
History: She has been happy all her life & reguardless of who she has lost in the past due to accidents or natural reasons, she never lost her happyness. Thoush sometimes she wonders about ehr paast, she tries to stay happy & sometimes sadness does slip through. She is best friends with the leader of the Sabrellans group & has been for some time now, she treats her liks a sister.
Other: She is a master in every weapon & helps train others when asked to, she loves her abilaties as well as friends. Unlike most of her kind she can control the way she looks, she can change between the two & can decide to be both if she wants to. 

Character name:Zela (Nickname for other's: Rain)
Race: Elf
Rank: warrior
Personality:Caring, friendly most of the time.
Physical description:She is 5'8, muscular, dark green eyes, long, long, braided auburn hair. Wear's black pants, and a thin ivory top, with a long trench coat.
History: She was on chose by the warring side, but she decided after many years, that it was to much, now she is trying to find the leader of Sabrellans.

Username: [Artsy]
Character name: Jalen Barak
Race: Werewolf (but he can control when he transforms)
Side: Sabrellans
Rank: Personal guard to Lerayel
Age: 227
Gender: Male
Personality: Very kind and loyal, he's laid back and fights for what he believes in and cares for. He's happy to help anyone he likes, much like a dog that's been with a family for years. Wary of strangers and loyal to friends.
Physical description: 6 ft. even, toned but not bulkily muscular, tanned, short soft honey brown hair that's wavy but you can't tell due to it's length, dark brown eyes that seem to always have a 'puppy dog' look about them, usually wears plain brown pants and hiking boots, along with long sleeve shirts that usually appear dirty from working and practicing, but aren't really with a low collar that shows off his collar bone
History: Knew Lerayel in the beginning, lost touch just before she went to the Kerrigons, so he doesn't know about that, and he joined the Sebrellans and defended Lerayel when she came to them. He's always been loyal to her and ready to help her in an instant. He still does not know of her past with the Kerrigons.
Other: He goes absolutely MAD about playing with others. Music that is. He plays a little wooden flute along with anyone who will join him. He'll sit by a bonfire at night, playing slowly and quietly till others join him and it always progresses up into a good happy time before people part ways for the night.

Username: [Akayume]
Character name: Aerion Re'ailreon
Race: Human
Side: Sabrellans
Rank: soon to come
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: strng-willed. She doesn't show kindness, but not hate either.
Physical description: Aerion stands at five feet nine inches, and she weighs one hundred and fifteen pounds. She is tall and slender, though this doesn't make her weak in the least. Her hair is black, and is held at her head in a bun, though when loose falls just past her shoulders. Her eyes are in swirls of green and grey, reminding most of a foggy day in a forest. They spark when she becomes excited. Her skin is a light borwn, a tan, if you will. She has 'henna' tattooing all over her body, though this is the only thing that makes her seem remotly rebealeous. She wears a red outfit, consisting of a strip over her center, pants, and black boots that stop at her knees.
History: Aerion was a small child when her parents died, and she was left with her elder sister. Her sister, hatred welled inside her, decided to leave, to fight. as her final words always came to Aerion, "I will fight. Or I will die trying. Either way, you'll never see me again. And this, my dear sister, is for the best." as she grew. Aerion knew that a fight would come, and she wouldn't be left unprepared. She trained, trying to become the best that she could. Even at her young age she is reconized, and reveared by most around her. She could be beat, and she knows that, but she has the will, and the drive, to fight her hardest.
Other: She loves her sister, but she will fight her, if it comes to such.

Username:[Dark Necromancer]
Character name:Ben( backwards for Neb, short for Nebuchadnezzer.)
Race: Human.
Rank: warrior
Personality:he's an outgoing, fun guy, always looking for a good time, even in the heat of battle, he will laugh.
Physical description: he's about seven foot even, weighs a little under 250, has everchanging eye colors, his hair is thick and very mangy. So covered in grime(he has been travelling for a very long time) his hair color is unknown.
History: he can't remember his own history. he knows he has been forced into exile from a neighboring country, but not why.
Other: Doesn't know much about himself.


Username: [orchidflame]
Character name: Orchid
Race:Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Rank: Leader of the Kerrigons
Personality:She is young,cocky and sadistic.Wise beyond her years she thinks out every battle plan and move unless it is nesscacary to move quikly.She is cold,cruel,and distant to everyone,and often very wrapped up with the duties of war,but when she is relaxing she stays quiet and sits in her tent,sometimes quietly playing the flute.
Physical description:She is 5ft5 and is slim and muscular.She has white hair that goes alittle past her shoulders and purple eyes.She looks like a human despite her pointed ears and pale moon skin and delicate pointed facial features.She wears a skin tight grey shirt underneath a short purple dress and blackish grey tights and grey boots.Covering her hands but not her fingers are gold gauntlets.
History:She used to be a noble woman of the hybrids,but after the murder of her mother an father when she was 12 she was forced to take the throne,an being young she became bored of her peaceful pampered life as a young queen and looking for excitement she ran away at age 14 and joined the Kerrigons.They trained her to be a great fighter and stradegy planner.Than when the Leader died when she was 17,she was thrown into the position of leader,and this time she was glad to take the throne.
Other:She is very accomplished with any weapon she picks up,even random objects can be dangerous in her hands.But she prefers a bow an arrow,a large sword,or sias,But she keeps a dagger in her boot.Its long for a dagger an has orchids carved into the handle an tiny blue jewels set into the middle of the orchids.

Username: [Shanarelle]
Character name: Doric
Race: Dwarf
Side: Kerrigons
Rank: (I will choose)
Personality:gruff, doesn't like to be contradicted. She always says what's on her mind even if it will get her in trouble.
Physical description: 3ft 4" tall and weighing in at 30kg she is mildly embarrassed at her wieght and won't tell anyone. She has very short copper-coloured hair and silver eyes. She normally wears a solid steel breastplate which she has worn for so long it hardly restricts her movements at all. She also wears a silver bracelet given to her by her mother who she can barely remember as shedied when she was two.
History:She joined the Kerrigons years ago because she had always thought that there was nothing to do and no useful way she could use the only talent she had, fighting. She thinks she has a sister or a brother somewhere that she doesn't know about but assumes that he/she is just as boring and contented as the rest of her family.
Other:She fights with a minature claymore and uses a short sword as her secondary weapon.

Username: [The Blood Angel]
Character name: Makaan
Race: Human of the Northern Tribe Tong
Side: Kerrigon
Age: 102
Gender: Male
Personality: Makaan is extremely inquisitive and always looking out towards learning. He can be gentle and kind at one point and at the click of a finger he would have your skin nailed to the wall.
Physical description: Makaan is unnaturally tall, due to the nature of the magic that he uses, taking him to 6'11 in height. He also wears the armour of Chaos, an all-enclosing suit of armour that protects him from most harm. The suit is also like a second skin to him and doesn't restrict his magical casting.
History: Makaan started his hunt for greatness within a band of Thrall wizards but not all strived for greatness within the eyes of the Dark God Tzeentch, changer of ways and a patron of Magic. Makaan tricked, murdered and humiliated his way to the top and also fought off the mutating effects of magic to become one of Tzeentchs champions. Combat is no stranger to Makaan either, learning how to use a sword as he taught himself as much magic lore as he could devour. Now near the end of his education, he has decided to take his teaching to the pacifists, even if they want it or not.
Other: Makaan is a battle Wizard, having the ability to cast magic even when enclosed in a suit of armour. The lore that he rarely deviates from in combat is the lore of Tzeentch. Manipulating the flames of change to his own will.

Character name:Yaellion
Race: Elf, human
Side: Kerrigons
Age:80, even though the age she looks 25
Personality:Very persistant, very persausive, very demanding.
Physical description:She has long black hair that trails down past her middle back, her eyes are dark green. She is 5'8 and very muscular. She wears a long black tattered dress, with bell arms, and black high heeled boots.
History:She was born on this side, and she will stay on this side.

Username: [Akayume]
Character name: Siara Re'ailreon
Race: Human
Side: Kerrigons
Rank: Second in command of the Kerrigons
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: cold, quiet, and cunning.
Physical description: Siara stands at five feet seven inches in height, and weighs in at one hundred and twenty pounds. Her hair is black, and cut in a "V" shape, it being long in the front, with bangs that cover her left eye. Her eyes are a water blue, almost having no color to them. She lines them with black, making it so you notice her eyes when you look at them. Even though her eyes look like water, the water quickly freezes to ice, adding to her coldness. Her skin is a pale color, and she has a mole near the right corner of her lips. Her lips are a pinkish color, as they should be, and they are full. She wears a black outift that fits tightly to her body, a hold for her daggers being on her back.
History: When she was only eight, her mother and father were taken from this world. Her 'boyfriend' at fifteen told her about how they should fight. The hatred in her heart welled over, and she quickly joined. She learned how to fight, and she llearned quickly, fast becoming one of the best of her kind.
Other: She is the elder sister to Aerion

Username: [Artsy]
Character name: Alec Liam
Race: Elf
Side: Kerrigons
Rank: Recruiter
Age: 313
Gender: Male
Personality: kind, but won't ask for anything, including if you want to come along, often does his own thing and sets off easily when you offend him. Strong moralled, he won't hesitate to be hostile if you offend him and it often takes much effort to figure out what you've done wrong. He's the 'good friend' type, but will always side with who he thinks is right, loyalty is not his thing. Chaotic Neutral, he does what he wants and answers to no one but his love.
Physical description: 6' 3", 142 lbs, lithely muscular, black hair chopped short so it feathers around his head, slightly in his eyes, and dark forest green eyes, tanned skin, prefers long sleeve 'medievil' shirts, typically white or black, with brown pants and black soft leather archer boots over them to the knee, small silver hoop piercings on the top of his left ear and lower lip, hanging black cord choker with small silver crescent moon charm
History: Mystery. All is known is that he is now part of the Kerrigons of his own choice, but it is unsure if he will stay.
Other: Sings beautifully, and refers to none but the forest and woods as his muse, saying 'she hides among the trees and whispers in the wind'. Good friends with Christopher.

Character name: Hana
Race: Elf
Side: Kerrigons (soon to be)
Rank: recruiter (soon to be)
Age: 200
Gender: Female
Personality: Fiery, in a word. She's nice and all, but you make her mad, and mad will be an understatement. She's very independent.
Physical description: tan skin, long black hair to her mid-back and feathers around her pretty face. Midnight blue eyes that seem always to be warm, but more like white hot metal when she's mad, as if to say 'don't touch', wears a white long sleeve shirt that ties up the front (looser near the top just abover her cleavage), short tan shorts, and archer boots. wears a silver necklace with a circle pendant of saphire.
History: Lived in an Elf colony thing until she decided her abilities as a potion maker were better suited elsewhere and moved to a human village where Chris recruit(s/ed) her.
Other: She's a good archer and a perfect potion maker. She has a soft spot for dominant people.

Arianova RP page
Arianova RP page 2
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Arianova RP page 4
Arianova RP page 5
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Arianova RP page 8
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