Page name: Arianova Rules [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-03 13:26:20
Last author: Lady_Elowyn
Owner: Lady_Elowyn
# of watchers: 2
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D20: 13
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These are the laws of the fine land of Arianova. If you fail to obey any of these rules, punishment will be as follows:

1st offense: Warning via private message
2nd offense: Warning via message and comment box, banishment for three days
3rd offense: Banishment for 7 days
4th offense: Banishment for a month
5th offense: Exile

I, [Lady_Elowyn], will be keeping close track of who has offended which law how many times.

1)No godmoding- controlling any character's thoughts/actions/words besides your own. This includes punching, kissing, etc- give them the chance to dodge.

2)Be realistic in how much power your character has. No one can do anything. And if you want your character to be THE BEST at anything, run it by me for approval.

3)No cybering. Kissing and hugging. That's it, got it?

4)No major swearing. A little is ok, in character, if it fits the character. Out of character it is forbidden.

5)If a character is to be killed, both the victim and the killer must run it by me, [Lady_Elowyn]

6)Be respectful out of character. This means no name-calling, passing of blame, or general rudeness.

7) If you have any complaints about another player's RPing, rather than posting it in the comments, send me a message about it.

8) Most importantly, HAVE FUN!

That's it, for now. That isn't asking too much, is it?

From here, if you wish to join, go to Arianova Character page

Or Arianova

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