Page name: Arin Chovsen [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-28 17:27:51
Last author: sugar_crazy_Fox
Owner: Windstar
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Arin Chovsen
Age: 19

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Looks: Arin keeps her black hair short enough that she can pass for a boy if absolutely necessary, but with the size of her chest nowadays, it still wouldn’t be easy. With deep brown eyes and well-tanned skin, when she was younger Arin used to have embarrassing (and hilarious) problems with young girls thinking she was a very cute guy. Arin is very clumsy, a fact which causes others to deem her unlikely to be a threat, but has a natural talent for magic – the only reason she has any success as a thief. Her clothing is subject to change, depending on recent successes and current guise.

Personality: Fun-loving and loves to play jokes, may seem cruel at times to those who don’t know her because she picks her ploys so well. However, the reason behind this is an unfailing sense of empathy. Arin can always tell how to push a person’s buttons – and how best to cheer them. Beneath her trickery and kleptomaniac tendencies, Arin is actually a kind person who wants nothing more than to have a true, close friend.

History: Arin has no idea who her parents were or where they lived, although she would recognize their faces if she saw them. When she was five years old, some over-zealous guardsmen killed her parents and brother, whom, they had been told, they were murderers and thieves. Which they hadn’t been, although Arin turned into one to survive afterwards. When she was seven, Arin discovered her magical abilities, and her life drastically improved as she used them to aid in her petty thievery. The only things she has mastered, however, is moving small objects (up to the weight of a small melon) around and materializing small amounts of water (approx. three glasses full). While she has often thought about apprenticing herself to a mage or wizard, because of her abilities, she has never considered it seriously.
Arin is currently in Amberling.


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2004-09-03 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: this character is sooooo kewl.

2004-09-03 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: by the way....i think u did a typo. Quote, "although she would recognize her faces". don't u mean 'recognize THEIR faces'? I guess I'll change it...

2004-09-03 [spee]: Welcome to the wiki. I'll try to be a good RPer. ^-^() *Still isn't sure how good she is*

2004-09-04 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I'm sure ur fine! ^_^

2004-09-04 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I made a pic of her, or my version of her.See above

2004-09-06 [spee]: It's cute!

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